Please give feedback on my survivor gameplay #2

dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699
edited January 2021 in General Discussions

Here is another game I had in solo. I will admit luck played a big role in me escaping but I would still like some feedback please. Also keep in mind I teabag alot but its not directed towards the killer its a way to communicate with the other survivors. Thank you

Post edited by dspaceman20 on


  • snax9111
    snax9111 Member Posts: 67

    hi my bro, video is not working for me, nothing happens when i click

  • Mozzie
    Mozzie Member Posts: 618

    Had to inspect the page to find the video link, I would first suggest editing your post and providing a link to the video.😀 As mentioned, the embed video function doesn't work.

    I think you did really well. You focused on gens and when you hit max score event tried to peel the killer. Thats the right thing to do. You DH'ed for distance which is smart. You got very lucky with running to pallets on those two loops though. An experienced huntress would have thrown hatchets at that point as it would have been free hits. I assume you are playing solo, correct?

    Probably the most important thing I can suggest is to leave gens that already have 2+ people working on them. Especially if you know the killer isn't running ruin. The worst possible scenario for a killer is to have 4 survivors each working separate gens. As someone who has thousands of hours on killer I can tell you I would much rather prefer having several survivors on a single gen than having them broken up for many reasons. For one, as killer you have to end chases very quickly in order to slow down the game when you don't know where all the survivors are. If I'm playing Huntress like in this example and I see the survivors are all bunched up on a single gen I now have many more opportunities to direct the game. I can choose multiple targets and injure multiple people very easily. Virtually every killer's playstyle is improved when survivors are in one area vs several. The huntress you went against seemed inexperienced.

    Perk considerations: If you decide to try and solo gens more and you are playing solo queue I would recommend replacing bond with something more beneficial like Kindred. The new Kindred is amazing and you'll no longer need to guess where the killer is going to or who is going for hook. If you are running solo I also wouldn't suggest wake up. Wake up did help you in this scenario but I imagine in solo play there are much better options. You seem like someone who doesn't like to play much meta much so things like Plunderers, adrenaline, live forever etc.

    If you want to really practice your ability with winning chases I would suggest Object of obsession and/or fixated.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Yeah I don't know whats happening. It worked the last time I did it.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Thank you for the tip. I will take your advice and move to a different gen if 2 others are on it.

    I'm sorta liking the perks I put on now and I was thinking of putting object but I'm not confident enough to do so.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    So as you requested this is a critique meaning i'm solely pointing out the errors I found throughout the match. Now this doesn't necessarily mean you played bad, but it's to give you a guide on what can be improved on.

    Starting with the perks - You're wasting three slots on information perks; try and stick to just one. For solo play, Bond or Kindred would be best. Dead Hard is always a good choice, While Wake Up! does help you open an exit gate faster(15%) it only saves you 3 seconds in the long run. I would look and see if you can change it up a bit. A good rule of thumb I usually use is 1 Info/1 Second Chance/1 Team Perk/1 Looping Perk (Dead Hard/Iron Will/Kindred/Botany or Prove Thyself?)

    0:00 to 0:52 - Wasting too much time to get the first gen started; especially on a map like Ormond where you can usually spot 2-3 immediately after spawning in. Yes corrupt intervention was in play, but you should immediately be running to the middle or opposite side of the map.

    0:53 - Leave the generator and start working on another one (Main building gen would have been my pick). Having 3 players on a single gen while fast is insufficient and makes it easier on the killer since you aren't pressuring multiple gens at once.

    1:38 - No killer terror radius, survivors still hooked so you're wasting time hiding behind the rock.

    1:43 - Running into the L/T walls just to leave when you can see there's no gen in there. Should have at least checked for a totem.

    1:49 - You look at the gen and choose to ignore it, fully knowing both of your teammates are going for the save.

    2:00 - You run into main building, 360 by the gen and again choose to ignore it (now 4 people arent doing the objective)

    2:07 - You can see your teammate going for the unhook finally (they were trying to pull the killer away) and you still choose to run in for the save

    2:59 - Good job not instinctively dropping the pallet there.

    3:07 - You had a good defensive loop there with walls to block her line of sight, you should have kept running her there but instead run out into the open to give her a free hit.

    3:33 - Not to sure what happens here; not seeing a skill check show up but it looks like you panicked and tried to move mid heal. Next time hide to the right (behind the luggage and heal) She cant hit you there and you'll be able to watch her come down the lane.

    3:37 - You see both of your teammates on a gen, you should have gone to them for a heal instead of wasting your medkit.(maybe)

    4:02 - After being healed you ignored the totem you saw when self healing earlier at 3:53

    4:03 - Killer had surveillance to see that you touched the generator.

    4:44 - Rule of 3 again, I would have left to go work on another gen or started to get into position to go for the unhook.

    6:22 - Good instinct trying to take some pressure off of your teammate to get them out of the dead zone

    6:35 - You cut this corner way too wide; try and stay tight against the wall.

    6:44 - You can hear her going for hatchets after you dropped the pallet, this was your moment to move away from the loop and make some distance.

    9:15 - You get greedy and take an unnecessary hit, causing you to risk almost dying.

    9:31 - Now because you're injured you cant go in to help your teammates, you get scared at 9:36 open the door and camp inside the exit gate. This does nothing as you can easily be forced out and now you're not in a position to help your team while the other member is looping the killer.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Ok then thanks for the tips. What I learned is to

    1. Work on gens in 2s rather than 3s to better pressure the map

    2. Don't panic and use line of sight blockers more.

    3. Use bond more in order to heal and don't be quick to use my medkit.

    4. Keep running the same loop.

    5. Don't forget to cleanse totems( I honestly didn't see the totem you were mentioning)

    Thank you.