Killers complain about SWF and Keys but...

Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

Have you ever had SWF on your team when you're playing solo? At least as killer you can still try to get some chases going. I cannot play when I get left to die on first hook even when I have kindred and they have BT but they only care about their SWF group.

Killers also complain about keys, and it is indeed very annoying to see people escaping by just pressing m1 near the hatch, but have you been left behind by a SWF group when they open the hatch and leave you to die? At least as killer you can try to kill them before they open it. The percentage of me being able to open a gate, that a lot of times aren't even far and with a timer, isn't great.

SWF is as bad for Solo Q as it is for Killers, and some of the killers who complain about "OP" survivor perks, forget that Solo Q also exists. Those perks are mostly a problem in SWF.


  • bkn
    bkn Member Posts: 228

    Well, people that are participating in the forum usually don´t belong to the casual players. They usually play at higher ranks and go against Swf´s way more often.

    The problem is, the game already gets balanced around casual survivors, and high rank killers can feel that very well. Imo the game should actually be balanced around SWF.

    Instead of solo q survivor you can still play the solo role, killer. and if killers are properly balanced, it should even be way more fun for solo players to play killer isntead of survivor.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    What does being casual even have to do with this tho? A lot of people who are casual players only get to red ranks because of SWF. Another reason why Solo Q at red ranks isn't good, because it doesn't matter if you are good at the game, you cannot win if the rest of the team isnt.

    The game should only be balanced around SWF is Solo gets put at the same level, which it isn't at all.

    I shouldn't have to play killer because Solo Q is a miserable experience. Like I shouldn't have to play in SWF so I can actually know my team aren't rank 20s who got carried to red ranks because they were in a SWF.

  • Rhoska
    Rhoska Member Posts: 273

    SWF may or may not make stupid mistakes when they prioritize themselves/each other over non-SWF Survivors.

    Thats impossible to affect or balance around.

  • bkn
    bkn Member Posts: 228
    edited January 2021

    I mean balancing around SWF is the only logical solution.

    When you play competitive teamgames for example, you always can choose to play with friends for example, or go solo... and solo you are always in a disadvantage, thats just the nature of things.

    You go in solo, and play vs a premade team you are in a disadvantage, That doesnt mean the balancing evolves around solo players in any form.

    I mean you want to buff solo survivors, but thats simply not possible... you can give tools for qol, but what else are you going to do to improve solo without buffing SWF even further?

    you can have a build in voicecomm yes, but that simply doesnt fit into the idea of the game. The balancing evolves somewhere in between solo and SWF currently. If you implement voicecomm today, playing killer becomes literally impossible task, since they usually get stomped by swf just to have an easy compensation win against solos...

    And there is the problem with the game, the devs don´t go the entire way because they are too scared.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    A simple thing would just make kindred base kit, so I can actually use other build like every SWF is able to.

    I don't want voice commons and never did. Most of Solo Survivors don't want either.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Voice chat isn't the way to go imo.

    There's a lot of information perks that can do the same thing as voice chat. Making some of those base and then buffing killers would be better imo

  • bkn
    bkn Member Posts: 228
    edited January 2021

    kindred alone doesnt really help solos if you start buffing killers to the point to be competitive.

    I think most killers wouldnt mind that, but having kindred in exhange for SWF balance would lead to even more punishment for solos, since it doesnt replace voicecomms at all.

  • bkn
    bkn Member Posts: 228

    There are killers like me who go in full slug mode from the very start, having kindred doesnt help here. voicecomm does help alot.

    killers could just work around kindred.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Kindred was just one example. I'd rather have kindred base kit than having some kid screaming at me in voice chat.

  • Rhoska
    Rhoska Member Posts: 273

    The problem is Survivors communicating.

    Because that cant be prevented, the only course of action is to balance/design so that that communication provides as little advantage/leverage as possible.

  • bkn
    bkn Member Posts: 228
    edited January 2021

    The only thing i can see is full aura vision for everyone (and reworking aura perks) in exhange for SWF balance. But i think thats also against the idea of the game.

  • Monarch
    Monarch Member Posts: 148

    I agree but the way to solve this isn't by not doing anything because 2 problems exist.

    Just like keys and moris either you leave them in the game unchanged or they both have to go, you can't just say ok well we'll buff survivors so that every player can play like a full swf and then totally leave killers in the dark they need to buff solo Q and killers to account.

    If you only break one of the negatives then the other side feels cheated and i'm sure survivors would feel just as cheated as killers when they gutted moris into BP wasters and left keys.

    Right now at this point the only thing stopping the game from being a stomp house is Solo Q's existence and swfs not wanting to make killers die.

    If the game was casually balanced then nothiong ould change and stomping would still exist on both sides

    If it was balanced around serious play then the game would be a lot more fair and feel like a true game of skill not rng and who can bring the most ######### things into the match for free kills or escapes.

    Also, dude, yes I always get left behind by key users but in all defense you're complaining about not getting something you didn't deserve.

    Maybe sometimes you did but in my opinion I count every hatch escape as a kill because they had to rely on had holding mechanics bc they're complete trash at the game.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    If you have more than 10 hours in the game in Solo Q, you'd know this isn't just 2 problems.

    This discussion isn't a mori bad key bad discussion. I don't agree with moris and I dont agree with keys. What is the point?

    So you just admitted that solo q get stomped. Proves my point.

  • Monarch
    Monarch Member Posts: 148

    Yes I do agree I said buff solo Q buff killer.

    I know there are more than 2 problems but i generalized solo q being unfun and swf to killers being unfun into 2 different problems.

    I suggested we make every survivor team like current swfs and change killer to compensate and make both sides fun to play solo q, swf or killer

  • Monarch
    Monarch Member Posts: 148

    I likened it to keys bc both sides killer and solo both were dissatisfied with the issue and wanted it gone it would be better to solve both problems than just one

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    I have ALWAYS said SWF is also bad for solo play. For one, it takes most of the good survivor players out of the solo pool due to most of the remaining good survivor players only playing SWF with their good survivor friends. For two, they can treat solo players bad. Your examples have happened to me also. With that said, key is still an issue that needs to be fixed. Survivors should not be able to use a key to get 2 people out with 2 gens left when 2 people are dead, or 3 people out with 1 gen left when 1 person is dead.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    I have said this before and more than once. The most scary and dangerous thing in this game for survivors, are other survivors.

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392