With new monthly rank rewards SWF should not be able to rank up

SWF is stupid easy way to rank up as survivor. Everyone, even me will just play SWF to grab 250k. that kills the point of rewards.
Also this will promote solo play, which this game desperately needs. There is no point to play solo right now
Without this i feel forced to play SWF to rank up asap to get my rewards in the end of the month, which is not ok
I'm glad the game finally has a reward for ranks, but you're highly overestimating the amount of effort people like me that already have maxed perks will put into ranking up for bloodpoints. Like, starting from Rank 20 assuming you pip every game and every game takes ~10 to ~15 mins without queues, that's 40 hours in a single role. If you're playing 80 hours a month you're probably fine on bloodpoints, it's just a cherry on the cake.
It does give a reason for more relaxed players to play a little more though.
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In all honesty, is it really an issue if SWF groups get a bonus 250K BP every month?
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Do you realize NOT RANKING up for SWF means low level and new killers will be stuck against them...? Just saying...
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One Thread was not enough?
Your "idea" is still bad.
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do you realize im talking about new matchmaking, as i said in the title? MMR non-rank matchmaking?
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Solo getting less than SWF is a problem for me
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It's just bloodpoints. And plenty of solo survivors hit rank 1 as well.
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Lol. Yeah, and killers shouldn’t rank up if they use noed or camp. Come on man.
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yeah and they did much more job to get to rank and should be rewarded more
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Doubt the devs would block swf like that, but I agree that the rewards should be based off your solo ranking. Swf has to many benefits to give skill based ranking.
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They already don't rank up. wdym
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The killer using noed has no bearing on them ranking up. My point was, you can’t take away possibly the biggest strength of one side and say they can’t level up if they do that.
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If you want to encourage solo play, you need to do it in a way that can't be said to directly discourage party play. Because that's something no developer of a multiplayer game in the year 2021 would ever do even in their wildest dreams.
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it's amazing howe many people don't know how next patch matchmaking works
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It's why I hope everyone's rank is hidden to anyone but themselves.
People are going to be getting so confused; still trying to use them as a benchmark for things, it will just be a mess.
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But party play will literally stay as it is, solo survivors will be able to get bloodpoints. I don't see any party play discourage
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Lmao no. Having 1000+ hours in the game, I find solo-Q very boring and would very rather play SWF, thank you. And it's 250k BPs we are talking about, not 250M. Lol. No point in going through a trillion boring solo Q matches to gather 250k BPs that will disappear in like 5 bloodweb levels or some ######### like that lmao.
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I do t think they shouldn't be able to rank up it just should be harder todpsowith more people
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So this whole discussion is to stop swfs getting a few extra Bloodpoints? Really?
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as you said 250k isn't too much. Just keep playing swf if you don't want to play solo
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But that's my point. It's only 250k BPs. If the point of this is to encourage people to play solo instead of SWF, it wouldn't be very effective since it's not that many BPs to begin with.
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To promote solo play and give people more reasons to play solo
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Even 1k will make people play solo more. that's just how it works
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No that's a bad idea. Also, it's already pretty easy to rank up even with potato teammates if you just farm them off.
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If someone wants the bloodpoints but enjoy the game a lot less unless playing with 1 or more other people, that will feel discouraging when the game tells them they can't get it the way they've always preferred to play the game.
Reward desired behavior instead of withholding rewards to try to make people engage in the behavior in question. It might seem like the same thing on paper, but the "feel" of something like offering an extra bonus on top for solo players (like extra bloodpoints on top of the 250k) would be a much better option.
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You do realise this doesn't promote solo play. The amount of points you lose from solo play is probably less than the amount you gain from good teammates in a swf.
Plus I think swf players wouldn't care enough about the 250K points to put themselves through that. I know recently I've played a decent bit of solo and it's made me drink more lol
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Its 250k for playing at minimum 50-60 hrs. And that's assuming you pip basically every match.
Anyone who's playing that much doesnt care about 250k. They can just run We're Gonna Live Forever & make that much in 45 mins.
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It's not in the next patch it's "in the near future".
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Does SWF really need more incentive? Or do we want even MORE "WHY QUEUES SO LONG!?!?111" threads?
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I don't see how this is more incentive. You get the same reward as solo or swf.