How Unplayable do you find Plague to be

Is it just me or does Plague feel terrible to play with the current state of the game? I hit people with her vomit consistently but a majority of the time the player doesn’t even gain infection or get injured unless I hit them in the dead center of their character model. It may have something to do with hit validation and the fact that my PC isn’t the greatest thing on the market, but it shouldn’t be this bad. I don’t really have hit validation issues with any other killer besides her (not even Huntress). My PC runs the game smoothly, & it’s only when I play Plague that I run into these kinds of problems. She is currently the most unfun killer to play (in my opinion) because her power is overly hard to land precise hits with. If you even so much as just barely touch a survivor with your vomit they react as if they got infected but don’t actually gain any infection. Plus every survivor that plays against her just gen rushes because that’s the best way of beating her. What are your guys’ thoughts on Plague?


  • Endorb
    Endorb Member Posts: 151

    I've not have huge issues with her, personally, but I do have good interente and a good PC

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2021

    Dedicated servers has also made her vomit boxes even less reliable.

    She is playable, but you need addons for sure in higher ranked play.

  • JinSime
    JinSime Member Posts: 405

    You're quite lucky you're playing her on PC. You can do some shanenigans to spread the puke that I cannot in my PS4. She was my first killer and I love her, but I gave up after so many times hitting a survivor with the puke without registration.

    And it's worse when you have your corrupt purge and it just doesn't land. But before it was even worse because the puke was bugged in its arc.

    I think she is really powerful, but it doesn't matter when you can't land your hits.

  • NoelleMina
    NoelleMina Member Posts: 638

    I can’t play her without add-ons, at the moment.

    For multiple games, I can’t infect survivors no matter how much they get vomited on. I have to constantly contaminate pallets, windows, etc in order to get something going.

    Luckily, her Corrupt Purge works just fine for me.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    She is the killer I hate to play the most. Her projectile is obnoxious as hell to hit due to its poor velocity and the fact that its hitboxes are just little "nodes" and the stream is just for show. Plus, her cooldown after using or canceling her power makes her so slow that it's frustrating.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    I have the exact same issue with the vomit not registering, as well as her chanting being too loud.

  • Leader7th
    Leader7th Member Posts: 26

    I just tried a game with her and my gosh this killer is buggy and inconsistent

  • DistortedDream
    DistortedDream Member Posts: 672

    I don't like playing her that much, Mainly because her power is very unreliable at the moment.

  • alimeria
    alimeria Member Posts: 55

    I am a main legion and as the canons dictate, I have to play with a paper plate in my face every time I play in addition to being color blind, but with practice everything is possible as long as it is difficult to learn.

  • jester20k
    jester20k Member Posts: 827

    I actually do quite well with her and have never experienced these phantom vomit issues.

  • Steah
    Steah Member Posts: 511

    Take some of Huntress hatchet hitbox and give it to poor old vommy mommy :(

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    My mains had always been Freddy and Clown, with a bit of Doc on the side. The moment Demise of The Faithful dropped I clicked instantly with Plague. I mained her almost exclusively for many many months, and felt pretty damn confident with her at red ranks, despite there always being some sort of bug affecting her at any given time.

    Then we got dedicated servers.

    The difference, and the difficulty spike in using her, jumped dramatically. Just as you describe, Purge could be seen connecting with a survivor character model, but wouldn’t actually register to infect them.

    She instantly became cumbersome and frustrating, and the never ending cycle of her getting new bugs (or old ones reappearing) every chapter and mid chapter just compounded how bad it now is to play Plague.

    I went from loving her, to being profoundly disappointed in her.

    It’s really quite sad.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I used to disagree with you a lot about Plague.

    But now I’m on your side of the fence.

    I’m a little broken hearted by how much of a horrible, unfun experience it is using her since dedicated servers were implemented.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Agreed. She's actually one of my favorite killers thematically, but since dedicated servers it's just an unfun experience as you said.

    While dedicated servers is what causes much of her problems that's only part of it in my opinion. She has quite a few design flaws that need correcting.

    When most people talk about how unfun of an experience it is not only playing as Plague but also against her that is a design issue.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    I used to be a Plagur main back then because i really liked her design but i stopped playing her at some point.

    Her power just feels so extremely clunky in comparison to all the other killers we got after her it's awful.

    The most annoying thing (except dedicated server BS) is getting your corrupt purge.It's the same issue trapper has with his traps.Most of the time your fontains spawn in corners and edges of the map so that you are wasting a lot of time to even get to them.

    Even the free corrupt purge that she got doesn't help her if it spawns in a random corner of the map with 0 gens nearby.

    At this point she needs a rework.She's not fun to play as or against her

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,248

    Her performance on dedicated servers is awful and her design is really flawed. Other than that she's great.

    Turns out giving survivors infinite medkits kind of hurts a killer. Maybe she'll get looked at in 3 years or so after they port the game to Sega Saturn.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,906

    I faced a red rank Plague tonight who mainly just M1 hit, and rarely used her vomit. It was bizarre.

  • Kazim
    Kazim Member Posts: 229
    edited January 2021

    The plague needs the addons to infect quickly, because if you think about it with any killer you hit and hurt while with the plague you have to wait for the survivors be hurt but the genrush doesn't stop so if you go with the vomit you finish genrushed but if you hit first and then you hook and infect on the hook them, which is for me more effective, then it doesn't make much sense her power which I like but it is very weak and frustrate sometimes play her like that, the plague is the only killer in fact that I have to run noed if I don´t have good addons =/ Now I can't imagine how frustrating it must be if it worked with bugs or lag, I wouldn't even play her

  • xcross
    xcross Member Posts: 10

    I left a post about this and what exact buffs are needed for plague. My recommendation was to be able to activate her power from wherever she is standing similar to oni. Also oni even has a much better power if you think about it since he one-shot. but then someone made a much better list of things she can have something that included being able to transport to the fountains at the cost of the corrupt. And another thing I think they recommended was that they infected fellow survivors in a radius as opposed to interacting with one another. But yeah idk she is really is difficult to deal with.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    I use infectious fright, thano, blood echo, and pgtw. She is addon dependent but all you really need is the yellow purge effectiveness addon, with good addons she is pretty strong but you can't use that to say she is strong.

    i have a lot of success with it especially if survivors cleanse. it is weaker if survivors don't cleanse but honestly as long as the gens are not split up this build works regardless of if the survivors cleanse or not.

    The general strat is simply trying to snowball with corrupt purge and get 2-3 hooks at a time or slowing the game enough to win. I find that you have to have a build similar to this to have success with plague, this has decent slowdown and good chase pressure that becomes insane if you get corrupt purge and survivors are near each other.

    Im not saying she is super good im just saying that having a good build makes her playable and if survivors cleanse she is actually good during her time in corrupt purge. if you can use corrupt purge just do it and against survivors who cleanse a lot always use it if your passing by otherwise you might have to go out of your way later for it or they might use all the pools and reset them, IMO she is basically a better huntress when in corrupt purge and she is much faster so if you use infectious fright you can capitalize on this which is often how you win.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    As for server puke hits... just try to hit them up close or with a long stream to avoid that issue.

    The devs really should look into this it's dumb how she has been inconsistent for so long.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    I played her a lot, so I got used to the vomit stream's hitbox (It's important to know that they're just a few projectiles with visual links, so tight hits have a chance to not include a hitbox particle). The reason I don't play her, however, is because the survivors I get cleanse when they even hear the word influenza, and then all I do is go around and down everybody. There's barely any chase value in that.

  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021

    Definitely in great need of a rework, if only BHVR would finally acknowledge her problems. Dedicated servers made her puke hitbox even more unreliable than it was before, the inherent slowdowns from using your power (like old Clown) make using her vomit very frustrating as well.

    She gets genrushed every single game while also getting punished for her own gameplay (extremely low bp income, dropping chases to spread infection, etc.) which makes pipping one of the hardest things in the game. It's no wonder her, Blight and Nurse have the lowest overall killrate in the game which indicates an extremely high skill requirement just to make them work.

    In Plague's case however there's also the handicap of being supertall and leaving a smoketrail behind you which can be seen from great distance. The least she deserves is a smaller terror radius. Picking up your vomit from a fountain is rarely worth it due to the amount of time you lose by doing so. And even if you pick up her power, the whispering makes it superhard to hear survivors while they hide from you until your power either runs out or they get in a sneaky pallet stun which reverts ALL of your hard work. This is unacceptable.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,407

    I have this animation bug where survivor dont get affected, too. Some misses are frustrating.

    But my playstyle is to nut fully effect most of the time. I let time do the work. So the puke needs to only connect once for me.

    I got a 15 win streak on red rank without addons and i just tried her out. She is surely playable. For me she is on the same strength like doctor, bubba etc. (B-tier)

    I play on a normal ps4 so you dont need highend equip.

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    She feels awful to play. She has a big terror radius, but is also tall and very visible. Her break animation is slightly longer than others killers. All this makes her M1 game very weak.

    Then you factor in that her ranged attack has very buggy/ "dedicated" hitboxes. It feels worse than getting gengrabs on survivors, that they can just cancel/avoid your power because dedicated servers don't want you to hit them.

    Playing her is also hard, because she is a Trapper-tier logistical nightmare of having to go across the map to pick up her own power. She has a global sound cue that tells survivors when she is deadly and when she is not. Cleansing from her fountains heals the survivor, even if she got you half-sick, m1'd you, then you reached full infection - this can result in an unwinnable endgame scenario if survivors all cleanse at the same time, leaving Plague with absolutely no pressure unless she can get to a fountain and then actually use her purge to get more value than having 4 survivors broken before it expires.

    I think she is more of a visual/technical marvel than she is an actual viable killer worth playing. The rewards of either of her modes aren't worth the cost, and on top of all that, she feels pretty add-on dependent.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    She may be my weakest player besides nurse (console). Played 3 games starting at rank 1 with her yesterday. And I depipped with her each game. And only one of the games did I get all 4 bbq stacks.

    The puke is very sporadic. She's slow when trying to use it. She's tall. That stupid whisper effect when she's in her "strongest" phase makes it hard to hear.

    Not a fan at all.

  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021

    It's unironically faster to M1 a survivor twice as her instead of wasting your time on the whole infection minigame. That alone shows how disappointing her power is. It also denies survivors the ability to immediately undo your damage via fountains since they can't use them without being infected beforehand. If you combine this playstyle with her red addon (free corrupt purge with each popped gen) you can do some wacky stuff. I did try that a few times before and it did work out but it only shows how dysfunctional the killer herself is.

    I think the biggest downside has to be how survivors can fully recover in such a short time while you get a temporary power-up that still requires you to find AND hit someone twice with it while also dealing with dedicated servers/buggy hitboxes/awful slowdowns. And during all of that time survivors are rushing gens, now that's devastating.