What if Pig's Jigsaw boxes worked in a different way

As any Saw fan will be able to tell you, the appearance of the Pig's jigsaw boxes are explicitly inspired by the 10 pints of blood trap. With two arm slots and a jug of blood in the caged area at the bottom.

But what if the Pig's power was actually changed in a way to more accurately reflect this specific trap? I think it would be a cool idea for Jigsaw's Baptism to work in a way like this:

Once the Pig puts a RBT on a survivor, they will have to sacrifice enough blood to earn their key. They would do this by interacting with jigsaw boxes as they do currently. However, there is a cap to how much blood each box can take, this guarantees that a survivor will have to go at least 2 boxes in order to get their trap off. However, this cap on the amount of blood each box can take is shared across all survivors e.g. if Nea completely fills up one box and Claudette comes over to it later, she will not be able to interact with it (this could possibly be displayed by the bucket in the lower section of the trap overflowing?) however its aura will still be revealed to her.

This is just a rough idea, obviously the Pig's add-ons would need a change as well as some of her base numbers (at least one more Jigsaw box would need to be added at base so that each trap requires more than 1 box to be searched). Let me know what you think about this idea, I think it would be a good change to see for the Pig due to her not being the strongest of killers to say the least.


  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    the traps are for stalling if this results in survivors getting traps off faster then no i would rather have them stay as they are.

    I actually would like them to work like they changed trappers traps making it so the first few boxs most likely wont have their key but until they work on her addons specifically the tampered timer + extra box they shouldn't mess with her boxs.

  • Avarice00
    Avarice00 Member Posts: 39

    I actually really like this idea. I feel like there would have to be something a little bit more than just one box is not enough. Rather than forcing survivors to use two boxes to unlock the head trap, I think there should be some mechanic in place that will make them want to put blood into multiple boxes.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited January 2021

    The only things I wish for as far as changes to the Jigsaw boxes go are:

    1. They no longer feature "Great" Skillcheck success zones.
    2. Their Skillcheck success zones decrease in size by 3.33% per 10% of progress made on them.
    3. Failed skillchecks apply Deep Wounds to the survivors.

    This way, survivors can't get through a Jigsaw box in less than 12 seconds, experience smaller skillchecks as they approach finishing a Jigsaw box (max of 29.97% smaller at 90% done), and failing a skillcheck means they have to take 8-16 seconds to mend before going after another or just risk it once they get there. The point of these changes being that the Jigsaw boxes become something you dare not fail a skillcheck at, as doing so will make you waste precious seconds mending while the Reverse Bear Trap timer ticks away. This would also make the add-ons that punish progress for failed skillchecks and increase the odds of triggering skillchecks at Jigsaw boxes actually do Something other than aid the survivors attempts to remove their "Friend Hat".

    I'm sure however, survivors would heavily protest this change because it only slightly ups the ante when dealing with Pig, and we can't have that now can we?

    Edit: I'm Not trying to hijack you post OP, as my only criticism about your concept is that it guarantees that the survivors will get a key after doing 2 boxes, instead of making it entirely RNG based. I'm just offering an alternative suggestion that I believe warrants a little consideration.

    Edit Edit: Incase you're wondering why 3.33%, its because of Unnerving Presence, which reduces Skillcheck success zones by 60%, so in the unfortunate chance that a survivor gets a skillcheck at 90% while in the pigs TR while using UP, the size of it will be at 10.03%, instead of nothing. For an idea of how small that is, its about the same size if not slightly smaller than the Overcharge Skillcheck... I want the difficulty to increase, but not be impossible in those circumstances.

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112
    edited January 2021

    I dont think the devs will actually change how the power works. But I had a different idea that doesn't involve much RNG.

    Right now it takes from 4-16 boxes that survivors need to search to find a key. Instead of making it RNG based, make it so it takes 2/2/3/3 or 1/2/3/4 box searches (set decided when the game starts and no one knows it) for all RBT's to be removed. The order of whether to search 1,2,3 or 4 boxes for the first helmet is RNG based but the total number of boxes to be searched to remove helmet will be exactly 10. This keeps the thrilling aspect where you may or may not get the trap off from the box you were searching while at the same time not make the killer's power be RNG reliant as you can predict as a killer how much time the traps will waste. Also 10 crates is the average of 4 and 16 which is how it currently works.