The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Does anyone actually play the twins?

I see very little of this killer and I'm not sad about that they were by far the most disappointing killer in a VERY long time. I forget they even exist 90% of the time. Defiantly a waste of potential and concept. Let's hope the next killer is better


  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    I haven't seen them in over a month.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    It almost feels like they're as rare as a Plague or Nurse.

  • xEmoGirlxAlexisx
    xEmoGirlxAlexisx Member Posts: 598
    edited January 2021

    I main the Twins and Play them alot but i Unserstand why really no1 Play them because they are weak and the only effective playstyle of them is slugging and Camping and this isnt really fun

    Still Love them

  • I want to, but survivors keep saying stuff like "I'll kill your ######### dog you #########" when I do so well yeah =/

    I enjoy them but unfortunately the community has decided they are not to be played no matter how cleanly you play.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    I played them a few times at launch but theres too many negatives for them. Victor gets a major cooldown if he misses, which always results in me being kicked into space. Charlotte forgets how to move for a few seconds when she wakes up which is slower than Nurse and Legion cooldowns. She's slow and can't really apply pressure on everyone easily. And the only viable playstyle for her is camp and tunnel, which I personally despise and refuse to do. So I never bothered using them again.

  • Trashmaster
    Trashmaster Member Posts: 357

    Hope not, twins is an absolute mistake of a killer

  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021

    Finally Plague won't be the least played killer anymore.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,187
    edited January 2021

    I do because I need to stay sharp on every killer, but holy crap are they boring. No real skill expression, and they're only good if you dial up the sweat to 11. They really missed the mark on this one. I'll stick to Blight and Nurse for the most part. Killers that take actual skill and technical ability.

  • crowbarman
    crowbarman Member Posts: 499

    No skill expession? Not missing pounces with Victor is hard. And the number of bugs and time delays makes it pretty easy to get blown out in a match against a good team.

    When you say it doesn't take actual skill, you imply they are easy to use. Usage doesn't seem to back that up.

  • crowbarman
    crowbarman Member Posts: 499

    What's also frustrating is that the devs said that they would evaluate things like the cooldown etc etc but it's been a series of patches now and they haven't done anything except fix a couple bugs (many remaining) and nerf the locker glitch with a too-low "fix".

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,183

    I've seen more Plague players than Twins. I play the Twins occasionally, though.

  • TrevorLahey93
    TrevorLahey93 Member Posts: 170

    I blame survivors mostly. They bully any killer just trying to learn the new killer. That combined with the fact the twins are pretty weak and glitchy

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Not really, I barely even saw them on release day.

  • Emikol
    Emikol Member Posts: 41

    From release I've seen maybe five.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i dont play them.

    actually, when i came to the point where i had to decide who to max out next, Hag, Nurse or Twins, i actually went and started learning Nurse instead of them.

    played against them like twice now.

    they arent really a popular killer choice - and judging by how the ones i played against played im not too sad about that.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    To be fair to killers that do play them..... they have to be played that way in order to stand a chance to win.

    they are a very poorly thought out killer. Cool concept (whole conjoined twins thing) but poorly designed for the game. Total disconnect between the “drawing board” and actual gameplay at bhvr

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    yeah i know its not necessarily the players fault they play that way.

    its a flaw in their base design that they kind of have to be played like that.

    the complaint wasnt really directed at the players, but more at the general playstyle this killer encourages. its just so boring getting proxycamped by charlotte / victor, knowing they have all the map pressure they need with the other one and can still come back and tunnel me down as soon as i get unhooked.

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    Adding on to this, I never see any killers using their perks either, I see plenty of Elodies and her perks on survivors, but I have never seen a Twins player, or a player using the Twin's perks.

    She isn't even remotely apparent

  • oh_0k
    oh_0k Member Posts: 712

    No they're bad and boring, you can only do good with them if you camp or tunnel

  • boostedsurvivormain
    boostedsurvivormain Member Posts: 399

    I played against one yesterday. Was the least fun I have ever had in this game.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,345

    The Twins really lack any sort of skill expression. There are aspects of The Twins kit that could be interesting avenues to explore, but all of them are so underwhelming that they aren't worthwhile to consider.

    Switching from Victor to Charlotte takes so long that you can't really chase a survivor into Charlotte as by the time you switch back they have enough time to gain distance away as there is a global sound cue letting survivors know you've switched.

    Victor can be a ward to guard an area (best use guarding Devour Hope) and while survivors can crouch to avoid detection, it's unlikely any survivor does this as they can't hear victor until they've already been detected by him. The problem is you basically give up you power to hopefully get Devour Hope going. And if two healthy survivors swarm the totem you can't deal with both as victor so you'll likely lose the totem if the survivors brute force it.

    Victor can attach to survivors which reminds me a lot of the Jockey from L4D2, but unlike the Jockey Victor doesn't mess with their movement. Victor doesn't really do anything that really hinders survivors in chase so attaching victor to a survivor and try to hunt them down afterwards isn't really much different than starting a chase with an already injured survivor. Which is a huge letdown from the trailer that made it seem like Victor attaching to a survivor and Charlotte coming for the down was going to be the key part of their gameplay.

    Not to mention that victor has more advantages chasing injured survivors with his built-in bloodhound and not being forced back to Charlotte after a hit that anything less than using victor to slug and maybe attach to a healthy survivor afterwards is just throwing.

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    The twins is a good example of how not to make a killer. Both sides don't like its playstyle and a very weak power.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,060

    They're poorly designed. Unless I feel like slugging everyone, which is how you win with Twins, I don't want to play as them.

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905
    edited January 2021

    I play them and I found a very helpful trick to bait survivors into a easy down run tin soldier that lets you see them for 6 secs and the iri addon that when he gets crushed there exposed for 12 secs so many can’t resist crushing him in front of me

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    Hoarder is great if you wanna see more keys in your lobby.

    Oppression is weak and has a huge cool down.

    Coup de grace is mere tier.

    The Twins are meme tier too so it’s no surprise.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,290
    edited January 2021

    The killer is boring, sluggish to play and only good at slugging because they use too much time to play by normal means and probably has more bugs than Nurse. I've always wanted a killer where the power was controlling multiple units and it's a shame how the first killer they release to attempt this turned out. Great visuals and lore but unfortunately the gameplay needs a lot of refining. This is one of those killers that needs a lot more love and care because of how delicate the power is to balance and keep fun and personally I feel the dev time given to this killer wasn't enough.

  • Kazim
    Kazim Member Posts: 229
    edited January 2021

    I play with all the killers one after the other in list mode and when I use them all I repeat the list over and over again and the times when I have to play with the twins, I have good games although when I go as survivor I almost don't see them.

    I think that many people are afraid to use it because they look like a difficult killer to use but for me they control engines very well, I had better games with them recently than PH, Deadslinger, or Billy that I think they are more stronger than the twins

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2021

    Honestly, if they gave her a legendary skin that made her visually more interesting to me. Like how they did with Krampus trapper; I would probably start to main them.

    They just creep me out too much honestly haha.

    Edit: Like if they got the okay to use "Bob" from Creepshow or something and it's in the guy's shoulder bag or something haha

  • NotACompPlayer
    NotACompPlayer Member Posts: 193

    twins somehow managed to be extremely unique and forgettable at the same time and i dont know how its posibble, but it really is like that.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    They usually take some time to monitor the data before the change the killer post release.

    I guess it's hard to gather the data from three players that still use her I guess.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    Problem with them is because they aren't that good is either people not so great at the game just use them to camp or people who are know her only real strength would be to slug with victor which means both cases end up being pretty boring matches or both sides. Some people try and use her as a normal killer but they usually lose.

  • vvxv
    vvxv Member Posts: 3

    I haven't gone against The Twins at all since they were released. As a killer main, they look rather boring as well. They're kind of a flop imo. Hope the next chapter is better.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I played as them maybe 7 or so times in the past few days. Needed to complete the hitting survivors with Victor on their back challenge.

    They are useless, boring and unfun to play as. Unfortunately for me I hate no gen defense perks on them either.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Tried them a few times. Every time i got bullied hard. Soooo not testing them any time soon again.

  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,044

    Twins remind me a lot of old Bubba; complete garbage unless you camp, and they are very good at camping. I wish Victor could, like, call Charlotte while over a dying survivor and she passively walks at a slower pace towards the dying survivor while you're still controlling Victor. Otherwise, it just takes far too long to play normally and you're forced into mass slugging and/or camping.

  • Nossy
    Nossy Member Posts: 118

    Yeah feel the same of you all, The last 2 days I challenged myself to try to at least pip once in a game with her playing as I play all my other killer (fairly so no camp, 4 slug, and alternate chase between survs), plus i don't have good regression/slow down perks with her (only oppression), it took me 20ish game to finally succed to pip with, losing 2 rank in the process (3=>5) xD (maybe why i managed to do it^^).

    Playing her feel not like playing 2 killers in one, but half a killer each.

    If you injure someone and finish him with viktor, hook and go for another chase, if survs are spread and map is big, you have basically no power for 70-80s cause viktor will be in a part of the map far away from the second survs you just injured. You should be able to pick him up when you're near him, its so stupid you have to wait he'll be crushed or rot by himself in 90s to regrow him...

    Locker are still an OP tactic against him, good surv just go for a locker far from Charlotte, 10s is ridiculous, going in a locker in front of viktor should really be punishing (25-30s, 15s if another surv come to help) so Charlotte can go for him most time or an alternative to slug ("you want to go to a locker ? then stay in it and be useless to the game for that time !").

    I think not playing her for a long time, i still want to imrove on my weakest killer, but Twins is way too weak for my playstyle and frustrating to play.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,187

    Might depend on the platform. I'm on PC with a high DPI. Never had an issue landing pounces.