Survivor and killer mains.

Honestly I feel this community would be so much better if people didn’t only main one side or the other and constantly flame each other cuz of what is op, broken, toxic etc. people who tend to play both sides have a much more leveled head and view points.
I play both sides (survivor more than killer cause I just don't like killer that much) still playing killer is 100 times easier than survivor (I am red rank in both roles and only play Ghostface as killer). I really don't get all the killer whining, since I 4k most of my games with a killer that has 0 map pressure.
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That doesn't mean killer is easy. It means the survivors you face are easy.
Ghostface has exactly a 0.01% chance of beating 4 strong survivors otherwise you would have seen him being played in any tournament.
That being said I hope the MMR system will sort things out so people who never go against good survivors finally understand why some killers "whine" all the time.
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(Laughs In leatherface wraith and trapper)
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Survivor more than Killer, thats why u always 4k u only play on rank 20 :o
not really 0.01% i guess if he gets a lucky snowball he might win..
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The number is obviously exaggerated but really I would eat my shoes if any Ghostface managed to beat let's say UBK (or any other tournament team) 5 out of 10 games.
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The MMR system is a joke so I’m not gonna hold my breath tbh. But yeah I mean both sides have whiners. No matter how you play someone will still say you’re being toxic cuz either of something you did in the match or what perks and or add ons you have.
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Maybe a hacking Huntrees/ghostface/oni inbreed?
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Non chronologically + I also don't screenshot all of my matches but here are some. I don't camp or tunnel and always go for 12 hooks if possible.
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Yea I had a gf game I almost got them with a bw play just ds and non stop ha ha get good when they had object and constant callouts they were all good I even told them they were good but their ego was higher then their IQ
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Killer mains think the game is survivor sided because they expect to win 80/90% of their games.
IF (but i very much doubt so) they introduce strict mmr a lot of killer mains will have a mental breakdown as their winrate drops drastically.
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It was a joke...
But bruh Ruin undying ... glad i never playd it
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Nah i would be complete fine with 2k 2e
But without a strong killer even that isnt possible against Great Survivor. I do like even the games when i kill nobody , just had a Game with Daddy Clow Nearly Max BP 9 hooks no kill. all got bp all had fun
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Yeah on GHOSTFACE. Who has literally ZERO map pressure. If I see someone cleansing a totem on the other side of the map I don't even have to bother going there, same goes for Tinkerer proc if its on the other side of the map. I run pop sometimes as well as you can see, wanna complain about that as well?
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Tinkerer on ghost face?
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Yes Pop is unfair , -25% Progress is too much need to be nerfed even more. JK
Even without Undying i won allot of games with ruin itself , if ruin stays its a insane Slowdown even if u just pushed 1 survivor away.
Playd Ruin rework while everyone was crying about old ruin and stopped it after Undying came into place.
Ruin undying is getting nerfed for a reason. and i dont see games against good survivors. ur screenshots just prove u can 4 k against mediocre survivors.
Good surv runs DS UB BT DH etc all 4 of them + OoO + medikits against that what u posted most decent killer can 4k.
And thinking just because ghostface cant fly around the map and get full map pressure for Ruin shows allot.
Also Ghostface can Produce allot of pressure with his 99% stalk, slugging, Stealth etc. enough to make Undying Ruin work.
But i dont consider him strong.
i like shoki
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I used to play both sides as well, but killer just got too hard for me. So i play survivor only again, at red ranks. My current survival rate (i keep track of my games currently) since the mori change is over 80%. So, by your logic, survivors dont have anything to complain, too. So undying don´t need a change as well.
Or neither of us is a good example for the average player, and our experience should not be the measurement, no matter how easy we find certain roles.
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The only killers that gain high value of Undying are the ones that have a good mobility anyways. On every other killer its fine. But thats something that needs seperate fixes. Either give ALL killers some kind of mobility or none. Otherwise killers like Spirit, Nurse etc. will always be top tier while everything else is medicore at best.
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Like the Clown "Rework" i think thats the way.
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im a nurse main and i have in her way more hours than id like to admit and i genuinely think solo q is the only hard gamemode left in this game.