Which same complaints are getting annoying?

leviivel Member Posts: 280

I threw a bunch of post’s i see often (or atleast are persistent) that I’m getting personally tired of :P, anyways, what’s getting annoying to see all the time? (Also, I feel sorry for the dev’s having to look through some of these same old posts)

Which same complaints are getting annoying? 70 votes

Nerf spirit
Blueberryblue4zionRin_is_my_waifuGlamourousLeviathanUndershotskinusteponmeadirisUnifallGannTMBasementDwellerHerachi_SakuraDistortedDream[Deleted User]Generalmahler 14 votes
Why nerf “blank”
zmassaniDawnMad[Deleted User]DoritoHead 4 votes
I uninstalled (and same old boring rant about why)
AdelooTapeKnotParallaxAwkward_FiendMadLordJackChurchofPigDerZuntorFobboYordsMottledElmRepostRiposteTripleStealboostedsurvivormainWishIcouldmainZestyBetrayed_TalionSheKIndaSucksuncreative_username 18 votes
Nerf/rework D-strike
White_OwlBabyCameron10Aven_FallenFreddy96TaigaWiliam_Bill_OverbeckCuupidAggressiveFTWQwQwGay_Police_DeptVenusahatchkingKirkyladGhost_PepperMileena_Kahn 15 votes
SnakeSound222Seiko300SchmeltzTragicSolitudeyobudddDetailedDetrimentRoboMojoCritical_FishSebaOutbreakWarcrafter4OBXSlashstreetboyBlue_Archer33TotemsCleanserManyAchievablesHex_Llamahorrortale_sansDADDYMYERS1978SaintDorks 19 votes


  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546
    Why nerf “blank”

    All these posts are the same "Dev bad" format that gets really, really, really tiring. The rants about people uninstalling/leaving the forums are just funny to me because they're back within a month complaining about the same old things that they said were the reason they "quit" the game in the first place.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    My -other- is all the nerf (insert killer name) posts. Killer population is already dwindling (notice the influx of “why are survivor Q times so long”) , so keep on clamouring to nerf every killer and enjoy longer and longer Q.

  • AggressiveFTW
    AggressiveFTW Member Posts: 1,081
    Nerf/rework D-strike

    It comes up almost every day. They are already aware that many people want to see DS getting nerfed. I too want to see it get nerfed, but it's getting very repetitive and irritating.

  • Critical_Fish
    Critical_Fish Member Posts: 618

    Why do you think most of these are listed? Because there are explicit problems with design that the devs are completely ignoring.

    Spirit is a Killer that should be built on 50/50s, which are more like 90/10's (Spirit favor) with Stridor. 70/30 otherwise.

    The devs nerf things that they absolutely shouldn't all the time, as well, like the Thanatophobia nerf a few months ago (which has not been reverted).

    People are uninstalling because of the crappy state the game has been in since it has been released, and they're tired of it.

    DS is not a perk that is used to prevent tunneling, about 30-40% of the time. That's a lot for a perk so powerful, that it can be used in so many cases where it really shouldn't be given the intended design. Do you understand how easy it is, with DS and Unbreakable, to just hop on a gen the second you get unhooked because the Killer can't do anything about it?

    Personally this is the only thing said here that is legitimately annoying at times, with little merit. Queue times are because of the players, not the devs, complaining to them about it won't do anything.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781
    I uninstalled (and same old boring rant about why)

    Too many of these posts saying "omg I quit and lemme tell u y" when no one cares.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    "Remove slugging, it´s toxic"

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,755

    You should of added All of the above

  • Monarch
    Monarch Member Posts: 148

    Solo Q is too weak, I agree but jesus christ, survs won't stfu

    and this ^

    it would be a massive MASSIVE nerf to killer and wouod make 12 hooks requirements without throwing or camping

  • leviivel
    leviivel Member Posts: 280

    I know these are massive issue’s! I’m just trying to make fun of something that is get awfully annoying with the “same old, same old”

  • SaintDorks
    SaintDorks Member Posts: 252

    "nerf BBQ and Chili"

    Like, some of these I get..D-strike is obxnous and overused and well they reach for that undying dial way too fast.

    Spirit does not need a total nerf just a wraith like thing when she moves maybe Idk..(Or hitboxes fixed)

    I rarely see that many "I am going away" threads tbh

    Why nerf "blank" Is more of a question do to many problems..including some biases in nerfings and well, glitches like Killer and Surviors lockups.

    But,my god..I can not understand wanting to nerf..BBQ..It is ######### basic point farming and half the people seem to only wanna remove to "punish killers" Which would ironically, bring who knows what in Its place..Imagine a Ruin/Thrilling Meta.

    I mean, like amoung points It is counterable and all people have ran It for is bloodpoints.

    But,somehow this is a offense..."How dare me going "GG EZ" is not repayed in salt But "Well,I just wanted bloodpoints." from the Killer, I demand Salt." Levels of #########.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,670
    Nerf/rework D-strike

    This one.

    Devs know about the topic, they also know what people are bothered about. Personally, I dont think that everyone complaining is really complaining about hooking other people before getting hit by DS or anything like that.

    But everyone who opens a new Thread about this topic seems to think that their Thread is special, while they are not. No point in writing the same stuff which other people have written already.

  • ManyAchievables
    ManyAchievables Member Posts: 667

    This kind of doesn't count as a complaint, but it is so frustrating to see people spam the DBD Twitter posts with "Please consider adding [Insert Licensed Character]".

    If I had to go with something common on here, it'd be just the constant fighting between people. It's just depressing to see a community get this aggressive towards each other.

  • leviivel
    leviivel Member Posts: 280
  • TotemsCleanser
    TotemsCleanser Member Posts: 735

    I don't mind people asking for things to be more balanced, no matter if I agree with them or not. So I don't really mind the posts asking for nerfs/buffs for killers or perks or whatever.

    What does get very old are those posts where someone is like "hey I would like this licensed character to be added into dbd!" and then the replies are filled with douchebags going into a full rant about why that character would not fit into dbd or why they don't personally want them in dbd. Specially because most of the things ppl ask be added into dbd are actually reasonable, but other folk decide to reply aggressively for no literal reason.

  • Mileena_Kahn
    Mileena_Kahn Member Posts: 600
    Nerf/rework D-strike

    It’s honestly annoying yet funny when killers complain about ds when it’s a one time use and it’s only a 5 second stun. Imagine if it was a multiple time use holy moly would killers whine even more.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Colorblind settings. I'm sorry, but unless you want to go in and add it yourself, then stop shitting on one developer who has made it pretty clear that colorblind settings are coming, but not a priority.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    All of them. Don’t tear things down, build the game up instead! People need to start spending more time in the Feedback & Suggestions section of the forum!

  • horrortale_sans
    horrortale_sans Member Posts: 651

    all of them

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,878

    Complaining about other people complaining. And then complaining about complaining about other people complaining. And then complaining about complaining about...

  • Generalmahler
    Generalmahler Member Posts: 29
    Nerf spirit

    I hate her too but bruh this game need some strong killers....

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited January 2021

    The community would not have to keep bringing up and mentioning certain issues time and time again if the developers would actually take the time to fix the problems in the first place and fix them properly. If anything, I'd actually be worried about the day when players stop complaining about certain issues because then it might give the developers the false impression that people like what they're doing or are content with the content that they've produced in the past.

    Decisive Strike needs to be reworked. This is just a blatant fact, coming from someone who has discussed the topic multiple times over the course of multiple years.


    The people who complain that "X" is Boring are definitely annoying. Most Prominently you see this moniker attached to killers like Freddy Krueger, Deathslinger, Spirit, etc. And though the arguments used to prove the point may genuinely be valid and well thought out, more often than not the word "boring" itself is often used as an argument itself rather than a claim- a sort of excuse to not actually have multiple points laid out for others to work over, debate, and potentially criticize.

    The annoying bit is that you can just say "X" is boring without actually having to prove anything. "Boring" unlike an argument is a statement, and not only is it a statement it is a statement of opinion, "I think X is boring", which is really troublesome in a discussion because it's not something you can really refute. It's difficult for me to prove that you don't actually think that, since the conversation has strayed more into subjective territory rather than objective, more concrete ideas. Despite the fact that you holding such an opinion typically hardly holds very little if any weight or substance in the original discussion. All I'd have to say is "well I don't think X is boring" and bam we're back to square one.

    The trouble is many of these people who say "X is boring" is that they always say it with such an air and tone of confidence and superiority, as if it actually means anything (but maybe I just imagine that bit in my head). Whether or not it's actually true that "X is actually boring" almost doesn't really matter because whoever is saying it already holds it as a fact to begin with. But then that leads to an entire conversation of whether or not you can actually prove whether or not something can be "objectively" boring in the first place, and the idea that perhaps everything we talk about on the forums is all opinion anyway, and that's just it's own whale of a topic. Point being the threads calling something "boring" are never good ones, and the conversation is always uneasy because they're typically not very grounded.

    Disclaimer: Obviously this isn't every thread where it comes up, and obviously not every person is like this, but I felt it still needed mentioning anyway.

  • SebaOutbreak
    SebaOutbreak Member Posts: 399


  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910
    Nerf spirit

    I want Spirit changed and I literally main her, but my gosh there's so many posts that complain specifically about her, it kind of gets old.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,327

    All of them. I'm genuinely starting to hate not only this game but also it's community. The Devs don't give a ######### about us and If you give an opinion that people even slightly disagree with then you either get turned into a laughing stock or ganged up on by over a dozen different people so it becomes difficult to respond appropriately. I've seen this happen countless times. The forums are so often just miserable, which makes sense considering it's the Dead by Daylight forums. A lot of people it seems are dissatisfied with the current state of the game which explains why a lot of the people on the forums seem pissed but it doesn't make for a very pleasant place to speak in.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,504
    edited January 2021

    Most of them?

    The ones complaining about people complaining about something... #########. "Stop complaining about ______." Well, now I just want to complain about it more, but at the same time I'd rather not bump obvious bait.

    The weekly "nerf BBQ" threads don't so much annoy me as baffle me. Perhaps some people think "OP" means "overplayed" rather than "overpowered"? Pretty sure the devs won't touch a perk that 1. sells Leatherface and 2. is mostly healthy for the game.

  • Blue_Archer33
    Blue_Archer33 Member Posts: 318

    I actually cannot bring myself to pick one over the other. I choose "All of the Above"