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Camping Huntress

PGJSF Member Posts: 369

Ok honestly guys I’ve never played survivor that much and have been quite good at playing killer for the last 4 years, but I never played Huntress because I tried her four or five times and I don’t enjoy her, to cut it simple.

I recently started playing survivor more, due to some friends who convinced me, found my way to the red ranks, and have been there for the last two months.

Now, can someone explain to me why every single - and I mean EVERY. SINGLE. - Huntress I’ve come across heavily camped EVERY hook?

I mean she is one of the most, if not the most, powerful killers in the game, in the right hands. Why are you Huntress mains camping so hard? I mainly play Legion and Trapper, and Freddy/Spirit to a lesser degree, I would LOVE to have something I can throw at a distance and down the survivors, that would actually encourage me to NOT camp even those times where it’s a valid strategy.

So, what is going on? lol.

Guys, it’s annoying. I honestly hope to reach some of these players with this. It’s one thing when you camp for a reason, but damn, I’ve been camped/seen people being camped with 5 or 4 gens undone and three people injured. But also I would like an explanation. Why are these people constantly camping so hard, only with Huntress and literally all the time?


  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Was it only Huntress or were there other killers too?

  • Patiencehero
    Patiencehero Member Posts: 54
    edited January 2021

    If I'm going to wager a guess, you're likely running into killers who've had a bad game, or are just dicks.

    Or, if they're red rank - they're playing sweaty because it's the only way you CAN play in red ranks.

    It's something I struggle with as well - at times you feel so frustrated with getting flamed and mocked in chat by SWFs that you decide to go as sweaty and toxic as you can next game - or WANT to, in my case. I make it a point to take a 10 minute break and watch funny videos to get out of that mindset.

    Though since it's specifically HUNTRESS you're mentioning, that makes me wonder if this is "The Rift ruins everything" striking again, with some hyper-specific sacrifice requirement.

    PGJSF Member Posts: 369

    Well yes I have encountered other camping guys but they were quite bad at the game and usually in lower ranks. And, most importantly, it’s never the same killer. Imagine the killer hooking and then just waiting there, or hitting the hooked survivor, and then get destroyed by BT/DS in the end. That’s what I’ve seen other killers accomplish by camping so far.

    BUT HUNTRESS, even the good ones at higher ranks, they ALWAYS camp - aka I’ve never in my life as a survivor, which is short but still, seen a Huntress not camping. I honestly wonder why.

  • Crypticghoul
    Crypticghoul Member Posts: 571

    Huntress is one of the best at camping/tunneling because she can get quick successive hits in due to throwing hatchets having no real penalty like successful melee swings do (which I really despise but that's another topic).

    So much like Bubba and his powerful hook camping, people that prefer to play that way will gravitate towards her due to her being really good at it.

    Plus she's free to play as opposed to Bubba who you have to buy with money which might factor into it a bit. Meaning people who are less committed to killer will probably play her and imo these people are less likely to have the game sense or perks to know where to go after hooking someone, leading to them achieving better results from just camping.

    PGJSF Member Posts: 369

    Ok i didn’t consider all of this and it kinda makes sense, but then again why is always Huntress? Why have I played against tons of fair (and pretty good at the game) Bubba, Billy, Pigs and even Wraiths, but Huntress guys who could truly dominate a Trial without breaking a sweat and with perfect aim camp so much? It’s confusing ahah

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Yeah, cost may be why its not more Bubbas.

    PGJSF Member Posts: 369
    1. what do you mean? I’ve always considered the Huntress one of the best killers in the game, why shouldn’t I compare her to Billy or Spirit? She is Billy with projectiles. I’d like to hear why you think differently.
    2. what do you even mean by “we killers beyond rank 15” lol I have been a killer in the red ranks for 4 years, I know what it feels like but I still don’t pick a specific killer to camp all my games
    3. agreed, but not that easy in solo/duo q. That’s usually 3 teammates trying to rescue you and huntress with her hatchet raised.
  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,303

    I'm not a fan of microtransactions, but thank God Bubba is optional paid content. Can you imagine how many camping Bubbas there would be if he was a base killer.

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    Huntress is Billy with hatchets? What?

    And obviously if you want to pick a killer to camp all your games, it’s Bubba or Hag.

    Im straight addicted to Bubba since his rework. Nothing like ending a cocky teabagging survivors game like tossing them in the basement.

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140
    edited January 2021

    Because it works. Huntress is a slow killer and is good at defending positions so it makes sense to patrol close hooks and gens. It is the correct way to play her IMO.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Well tbh every killer can be the strongest killer in the right hands, that's why they're in the right hands 😉😬

    But honestly it is not only huntress, i get all type of killers face camping me from time to time, They just don't know better.

    Unfortunately how unfun it might be it is a playstyle and tactic of that person.

    The only time it is effective is when others try to rescue a camped survivor.

    Just rush the gens ASAP and escape is the best option.

    Try to stay on the hook as long as possible because it will lose the killer points.

    Sure, so does the person on the hook but if that killer does it in every match and only get 1k out of it and keep losing points.

    You will not see that person for a while till he changes tactics.

    Whenever I'm being facecamped, I want the others do gens fast and wait at the exit until I run out of struggle.

    I will recover easily as survivor in the next game