What's the most niche perk you've been flamed for using?

Steah Member Posts: 511

I've been told that trail of torment is a disgusting crutch for baby killers



  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    ruin, it used to be niche after its rework but now everyone hates it

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,843

    ruin undying tinkerer

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Nurses because it was wall hacks even though they had a green key with blood amber (to be fair I did tunnel the f out of them for that key

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Nobody takes me seriously when I say I genuinely use builds and strategies centred around Coulrophobia.

  • Lx_malice
    Lx_malice Member Posts: 1,417

    Stridor. Not even on spirit but on Nurse lol.

  • MrScopesMan99
    MrScopesMan99 Member Posts: 15

    ive tried but i cant seem to ever get value out of it

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    Distressing. Slept on perk IMO, allows you to kick survivors off gens easier and pairs nicely with IF.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Had a bunch of claudettes mad at me for using dark devotion of all things

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905

    Flamed as survivor using self care flames as killer for using dh

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221
    edited January 2021

    I have 2 perks off the top of my head.

    1 - Had 3 blendettes harass me on PS messages because they couldn't use their Self Care since I had Nurses Calling. Got mad that you couldn't use one of your perks? Imagine how Hex players feel once their totem(s) is broken!

    2 - Everytime I run Rancor (sometimes with Nemesis), I either get "omg I was on edge the entire time" (my favorite because I feel the same way as survivor) or "lOl bABy kilLeR NeEdeD tHaT tO KiLL mE". Either way, it's fun to play cat and mouse.

    Post edited by Karao_Ke on
  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Sorry but I hate you for that. I believe you but i feel like your builds are cancer I'd cry in your lobby XD I play no healing oni when I see keys or ######### and I know how bad healing prevention builds can hurt especially with aura crap. But I still love you

  • DistortedDream
    DistortedDream Member Posts: 672

    A Nurse's Calling. Apparently, It's a try hard perk (According to the Claudette that I kept downing with it).

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Not sure if this counts, but I was accused of cheating at least once because they didn't understand how Mad Grit functioned.

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    Once had a three man (ny three team mates) flame me in post game chat for using visionary.

    One of them bought a game offering and I did four of the five gens solo that match, whilst catching chases and watching them do nothing on bond.

    I doubt we would have won if I hadn't had that perk, gens are an ass to find on The Game!

    On the killer side I got accused of cheating for using Mad Grit and Agitation.

    And a four man got ultra mad at me for using bitter murmur (all blendettes with reagent offerings) as Blight

  • DerZuntor
    DerZuntor Member Posts: 293

    Bloodecho, I always use it on Legion. It's the reason for the salt pile on my profile.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    I once had someone accuse me of cheating because they didn't know how Poised worked, and it activated at the perfect time in a chase to completely lose them. But once I said they should read what the perk does they got it and we both had a laugh at it 😄. And also had someone mad about Lithe on Lery's... when they played the offering to go to that map. Lucky me I guess.

    And also, Dark Devotion. Hilarious perk when it works but someone that got grabbed wasn't happy. And also someone that thought Dead Man's Switch was "lame" for some reason.

  • themirrortwin
    themirrortwin Member Posts: 280

    Blood Warden. The survivors were tea bagging in the exit gate and I got them both. In the end game chat, they flamed me so hard saying Blood warden is a "broken" perk and that only losers play it! LOL

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035
    edited January 2021

    I've gotten hate for the bloodhound/sloppy butcher combo because it made it a little too easy to tunnel.

    I've also gotten hate for the discordance/tinkerer combo as legion because the survivors 3 gen'd themselves and literally could barely touch a gen without me popping in like "DIDJA MISS ME!?"

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    Devour hope.

    I use it on pig with sloppy butcher and I've told I'm "forcing them to do too much" by survivors. I don't even make it to 5 stacks most of the time :/

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Believe it or not I was flamed for running Camaraderie once, I was getting camped and when I hit second stage my friend got nearby to pause the timer and the last two gens popped , I was then farmed and had adrenaline on standby , The killer proceeded to tell me how bad I was at the game for using that "Crutch perk" and then says he hopes I get hit by a greyhound bus and picked apart by vultures......

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,260

    I mean, I've had people DC against me because I used Mad Grit.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I think it was stridor (not on her)

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Pebble. A wraith called me toxic for using it.

  • horrortale_sans
    horrortale_sans Member Posts: 651

    I got griped at for using monsters Shrine on trapper  when I was new to the game and thought 9% faster was better

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264

    Any perk you can get value out of is OP,but survivor's can 99 you're gens when you finally knock their friend down, they can pop there Adrenaline and runaway and recieve all the value they want,but downing that 99'r with NOED isn't fair and you're a trash killer.

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050
    edited January 2021

    Plunderer’s, combined with Appraisal and Left Behind can be a godly combination in most games. I’ll often fall back on it if I have too many rounds in a row with potatoes that fall like dominoes or disconnect in the first two minutes. It does suck in the occasional round where you search all three chests twice and get nothing but flashlights though.

  • Tomskrex
    Tomskrex Member Posts: 142

    I'm all ears.

    Been told I am wall hacking even after I pointed out for them to read what the perk does.

    I swear, some survivors only know mainstream killer perks.

  • Schmierbach
    Schmierbach Member Posts: 468

    Fire Up because apparently picking up survivors faster is super OP and needs a huge nerf.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    Apparently, I'm a terrible Survivor that needs to uninstall because I use Spine Chill and "good players don't need Spine Chill".

    Also, on an unrelated note, apparently Spine Chill needs to be nerfed. Or so many threads on these forums have told me.

  • Chicagopimp2019
    Chicagopimp2019 Member Posts: 458

    You beat me to it. I started using it because I liked the idea of exhaustion not reducing while survivors were doing gens. Its a niche perk at best, but the attitude i got from survivors for using it was epic.

  • Chicagopimp2019
    Chicagopimp2019 Member Posts: 458

    I enjoy playing around with Dark Devotion. Even more so when I add it to a Doctor build and I get meme value from it.

  • Endorb
    Endorb Member Posts: 151

    Spies from the shadows. I play it on my huntress because I don't really level her up much (I like her, but I like others more), and I'm already bad at finding survivors. Never got accused of hacking, but some people are mad that huntress can hear crows lol.

    Also, as a survivor, once got a killer very upset because of Alert, but that wasn't so much flaming as "God I wish I wasn't so stupid and my luck is terrible" type of tone.

    Also, got a survivor very angry because I ran Stridor on Plague because I thought it adjusted puking volume too, and they were not happy to lose to someone who didn't understand the game. The other survivor in lobby was pretty nice though

  • 6yXJI0
    6yXJI0 Member Posts: 589

    I don't mind spine chill, but i think that this perk is a real crutch perk.

    Most players that like spine chill, can't play without it.

  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 324

    Bloodecho on legion; when you take away the exhaustion perks you mess with their minds. I love it when they are slowly walking depending on their non existent sprint burst or the greed around a loop and than no deadhard to save them.

    Although dark devotion must be a close second; I use that with the lumber jacket legion when I get a similar looking Nea in my lobby. The amount of times survivors think I'm Nea is hilarious. You can almost taste the panic when they figure it out too late.

  • Moisette
    Moisette Member Posts: 127

    I use Self-Care all the time and constantly hear people say it's a bad perk and not to use it and I must suck at the game. I play solo and often never have a teammate try to heal me and when I need a medkit, all I can find are toolboxes and flashlights. If I take a medkit in, I end up using it on a teammate because I'm way too considerate to others. It saves me like 95% of the time.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    Mine wasn't a niche perk, in and of itself, but its usage is a whole other matter.

    I occasionally like to play the Nightmare with what I call a "Stupid Build", consisting of Terror Radius perks like Dark Devotion, Distressing and, the important ones for this story, Infectious Fright and Barbecue & Chili.

    I like I.F. on Freddy because I find those times I get it to actually work to be funny. In this match, I was on the Game, and it was a pretty fast victory despite the build on my part. I track down and down the final Survivor, and they D/C. In the after-match chat, they get upset for using the combo of Barbecue and Chili and Infectious Fright.

    Any other scenario, they might have had a point. Less so when I was using Infectious Fright on Freddy, a Killer whose whole thing is negating his own Terror Radius.

    Pointing this out went unnoticed.

  • beached
    beached Member Posts: 303

    Not a perk but I used Spasmodic breath on my Nurse and got so much salt in post game chat mainly because they mind-gamed themselves thinking I was going to blink. I thought everybody pretty much agreed that Spasmodic breath is a meme add on at this point.

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    Mad Grit + Agitation with hag/trapper = Multiple reports accusing you of cheating