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Why is SWF so broken?



  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    There were still 8 second chance perks that game. If one person has DS you have to play like all 4 people have DS.

    The chest build + extra chests is equivalent to bringing a key so even if that guy managed to win it would been a loss due to a key because you need ~80 seconds of cumulative generator time across 3 survivors to win with a key.

    And you are right I just skimmed it because I’m not watching some baby killer get dunked on for 10 minutes in between you holding M1.

  • KGeddon
    KGeddon Member Posts: 3

    You do receive an advantage in SWF. Sharing information is key, and if you actually look at perks and use logic, you would see that SWF is the equivalent of perks.

    BHVR does not control discord. They only control grouping.

    Therefore, the only solution(which must be implemented) is to remove strength from SWF to compensate for the advantages gained that are beyond BHVRs control. Grouping as two loses one perk on each group member. Grouping with 3 loses one perk and one add-on slot on each group member. Grouping as 4 loses two perks and one add-on slot on each group member.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    Nothing must be implemented. The comms doesn’t make as much of a difference as you’d think. Telling your friends “I’m about to be downed by the killer” isn’t that helpful.

    The disadvantage to the killer is losing a chase. The calculus is the same, comms or not. Down a survivor, hook them, find another survivor, hook them. All teams crumble to this.

    If the killer’s not winning chases, it isn’t because people talked it into happening. They played better.

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    Just saying “I’m going for the save do gens” is the difference between 2 people slamming gens while 1 person saves, or 3 people all swarming the hook.

    Or maybe with Object;

    “The killer is X”

    ”The killer spawned here”

    Or maybe “I have unbreakable don’t worry about picking me up”

    SWF can coordinate map/key escapes as well as have significantly more resources to offer survivor sided maps and hatch offerings.

    SWF gets bond, kindred, empathy, aftercare, immunity to blindness, etc all for free. If they play poorly and don’t take advantage of that it doesn’t mean other better groups do not.

  • Tilt
    Tilt Member Posts: 2

    I hate this argument so much that when it pops up on stream I mute comms and play perkless to prove it doesn't help that much...

  • KGeddon
    KGeddon Member Posts: 3

    They don't have to implement it if they throw balance to the winds.

    If they do want to balance, the way I described is the only correct method open to them.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Having 2-4 survivors have common perks equipped is hard to deal with effectively

    Then add comms to it and it can turn into a nightmare for killer players

    plus RNG rules over all with map layouts

  • shane32
    shane32 Member Posts: 383

    I went through so many blood webs to get a indoor map to play jump scare myers and finally got one. I was excited and It ends up being a our man and they litrally take all he joy and fun out of the game. They tell each other were I am were I am headed. Just zero fun

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    Honestly, that build isn’t that good anymore. You want silent bell + wall hacks wraith these days. You lose a bit of the wall hack range but run around at 125% and have a massive lunge instead of going at 105% with a pitiful lunge.

  • shane32
    shane32 Member Posts: 383

    No the build is great. I have so much fun playing it but if your going up against a team that will shout out your every move and location then its useless. But if your going against a non swf team its so much fun

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    I mean I’m not saying it’s terrible but there’s very little reason to play it over all seeing silent bell wraith.

    More mobility, more map pressure, he can actually run loops still, he still gets totally free hits, much higher chances of gen grabs, etc.

  • shane32
    shane32 Member Posts: 383

    Ehhhh still not as enjoyable as Jump Scare Myers. by far the most fun build in the game.

  • SwInD
    SwInD Member Posts: 13

    lmao I posted proof of the fact that we didn't do anything rude or toxic, but also that my friend and I weren't running meta perks and somehow you still turned it into a circle jerk about how we ran a bunch of 2nd chance perks. The proof is there already maybe stop being so blind to it and hell bent in complaining about how the game works instead of crying on the forums about things and you might be able to actually get better at the game. You told the person who has fun playing a build not to do it because it's not strong enough.... people play the game to have fun, sorry to break it to you.... never change forum crybaby killers.... never change 😂

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    SWF highlights the core problem of DbD. Namely, the abysmal game balance.

    When you play against SWF, you really start to see how fast generators can get done, how broken certain loops are, etc.

    In many cases, good survivors will play with at least one other good survivor. Good players play together so they can rely on each other instead of randoms (who will likely be trash at the game)

    Also, survivors on voice comms is incredibly powerful. It's very hard to pressure good survivors when they are in constant communication.

    All in all, many killers dislike SWF teams because they know the match will potentially be very unfun.

  • Theninjajesus
    Theninjajesus Member Posts: 99

    "Fixing" SWF is easy. They just don't want to. You just need to code in so that the game has an in-app audio system that preempts Discord and Steam voice chat (a feature that games currently have), and then add in a condition to audio chat in game where, if you're outside of 32M, you can't hear anyone. This would be powerful but not oppressive, like going against SWF is right now. You'd have to balance risk of two or more getting caught quickly by the killer with the power of being able to talk to someone and relay intel or perk benefits. Plus there'd be fun in the games of telephone that arise when three players are in non-overlapping spheres of range.

    But again, I've always been of the philosophy that they're trying to appease a player base that's larger in a cynical display of utilitarianism, ignoring how both player bases are essential to the enjoyment of the experience.

  • Patiencehero
    Patiencehero Member Posts: 54
    edited January 2021

    SWF is ‘broken’ more or less due to a wishy-washy balance philosophy. They absolutely do NOT want to remove the ability for survivors to queue as a group with voice comms, but also insist on balancing the game for the solo survivor.

    What this has led to is a situation in which a killer vs solo survivors of the same rank resulted in a balanced experience, but an average killer against an swf of the same rank would usually smashed and bullied, and any tools that could alleviate that were naturally too strong against solos, necessitating nerfs.

    What THAT led to is a drop in killer players, which necessitated tweaks to matchmaking to ensure wait times aren’t too long. So now a rank 17 solo survivor is also potentially at risk of not having a lot of fun, because they may be getting tossed into a match against a rank 12 killer to balance out the rank 1 and potentially their 2 friends.

    So more or less it’s not actually SWF that’s broken, but rather the conflicting balance goals and not taking the steps to address them. IE: just adding voice comms to the game for survivors, and balancing the game with that factor in mind.

  • koopazepam
    koopazepam Member Posts: 35

    It's pretty obvious everyone attacking the matchmaking and/or defending SWF are the kind of people that do this obvious game breaking cheating. They also can't stand it when they are called cheaters and go to great lengths to "convince" themselves and whoever is reading that it isn't. Any good SWF will run circles around killers. I have over 2K hours in this game. It is exactly when I hit 2K hours that I now play with 2-3 friends since they got the game not too long ago. We have done around 25 matches together now and I have a 100% survival rate with them. The other two have only died once or twice which leaves them at over 94% survival rate. I wonder why that is? Oh right it's because we are telling each other everywhere the killer is and isn't. Never without SWF have I escaped 25 times in a row lol. That is just broken and extremely abusive. I do agree that SWF is really fun after all, but things need to be done for killer. Give the killer a boost of speed, more perks, or subtract perks from survivors when grouping.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,538

    SWF is broken because DBD has the lack of information built into the core of the game. Using comms is a huge boost, where it shouldn't be. 

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited February 2021

    wow im late to this

    Like others have said this game wasn't designed for high coordination between survivors that goes regardless of if swf was planned to be implemented or not simply because the game was designed horribly in terms of balance.

    Go look at old gameplay infinites, pallet vacuums, incredibly fast gen times, perma sabo'd hooks, and broken perks for each side mostly survivor tho. The only reason killers got kills back then was from survivors not being optimal/experienced that is literally the only reason. You CANNOT say that when balancing this game for the first 2 years that it was swf being in mind as the standard for balance this game has for a long time been balanced around 4 solo's until recently with the DS and OoO nerf coming.

    The result of this has been that a swf filled with good survivors who coordinate is stronger than the killer and can reliably beat all but 1 maybe 2 killers and while yes survivors have received a lot of nerfs over the years it still hasn't been enough to change that truth.