Modifying the game to make it brighter should be bannable



    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    Would you prefer to remove it for everyone and have people not being able to play the game properly? How would you feel if you had visibility problems and had extreme difficulty on this dark environment? I'm not saying that it can't be abused, I'm saying that it should remain for the people that wanna be able to play the game.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    It is a great thought, but logistically impossible. No one knows how you set your monitor or television. Sadly, only those Players who do this will know they had to give themselves a competitive edge and that none of their accomplishments mean diddly.

  • Chatkovski
    Chatkovski Member Posts: 309

    Less blurry, less dull, more contrasted. How to do without it? Look at the shine of the gilding of this Elite Lenderhosen, and the quality of the wool of this Bavarian Wasitcoat. It is essential. Rather, I wish you all to have access to this.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    What do you mean, if? I started my first thread about colorblind support 2,5 years ago. BUT i understood that you could not implement it on the fly because it could be abused to an uninteded result. So i waited, and now it will come.

    I just want a system thats not easily abused. Why is that a problem for you? I mean, i asked you a question, and you didnt even answer.

    Can you specifiy what kind of visibility problem we are talking about? Because there might be different solutions, depending on the problem.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    you know, the devs could also just make it so its possible to see something when you happen to have another lightsource in your room that isnt your PC, so people arent forced to use these kind of filters.

    and judging by how many people i see using those filters, the devs would have to ban 70%+ of the playerbase for this, which isnt gonna happen.

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454
    edited January 2021

    Ok guys it’s official the wait times have jumped from minutes to months as now the new ruling is Mathieu is going to go to all players houses. He will give you a eye exam and make sure you are using the right settings to make sure you are not cheating in this game.

  • remoirel
    remoirel Member Posts: 231

    I've been using filters for nearly 2 years, the base game is blurry, washed out and at times quite ugly. Using reshade/nvidia filter to increase the sharpness and colour depth is great.

    and no it doesnt provide me any advantage, current downstairs meatplant is still like going to the bathroom at 3am with the lights off

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    I'm unsure if people with Nyctalopia will heavily be affected in this situation, I'm not a doctor but nyctalopia is the first one that came in mind, even tho that it's a bit of overkill since people with this decease won't be interested in playing videogames, since their daytime vision will possibly also be affected in the long run. I could do some research about other similar eye conditions, because again, overkill, but I'm pretty sure we'll find some conditions. Of course, again, I'm not a scientist or a doctor, so I'm the least qualified person to do this research, but we can give it a try.

    Speaking about eye deceases in a dbd forum is the last thing I'd expect. Oh well

  • Crypticghoul
    Crypticghoul Member Posts: 575

    If Radeon cards had a filter (they have a garbage brightness increasing system that applies to the monitor instead of the game) I'd definitely make the game brighter and then turn my graphics settings up. I can't see anything above low settings because the game becomes way too dark.

  • MongolPSR
    MongolPSR Member Posts: 1,032

    Im nightblind. my eyes don't handle processing dark colours or lack of light along side high contrast as well as most. an example of this is that I usually cannot see stars in the night sky where others can because my eyes cant process the contrast from black of the sky to the white of the stars. Literally having a brightness setting for this game would help me so much in being able to see detail in this game (yes this would wash the game out but its better than not being able to see entire chunks of the maps, some areas literally feel like I'm walking in a black void). some maps are fine but others I might as well quit out because im incapable of seeing

  • Lyfe
    Lyfe Member Posts: 197

    Turn the brightness/contrast on your TV up higher. Problem solved.

  • Lyfe
    Lyfe Member Posts: 197

    I don't know anyone who actually edits the files of the game to make their game brighter. That's just Graphic card filters. As far as I know, there are literally zero actual DbD game file modifications required. I can also do the same thing with my monitor. Just as anyone with a brain can do with their displays.

    As far as I'm concerned, you're only valid argument here is stretched-res which I agree with.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    People will never be banned for tuning the brightness of their monitor. Ever.

  • DeceptivePastry
    DeceptivePastry Member Posts: 48
    edited January 2021
    1. You don't need filters, just run lowest settings. Instant advantage.
    2. This game has very poor brightness balancing between maps. Some are borderline impossible to see in at medium or higher.
    3. Blendette is a black hole, absorbing all light around her and reflecting none of it. Seriously, this character with the prestige skin is absolutely pitch black in so many areas even with filters.

    If they were going to do this, they really need to tweak the brightness of certain maps/characters, which they should anyway since console doesn't have ways of correcting it.

  • Kbot22
    Kbot22 Member Posts: 96

    Or... How about they give a gamma option in-game. I have trouble seeing properly in rooms on hawkins or the game downstairs. You shouldn't have to play a game with your lights off just to see.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,491
    edited January 2021

    Playing on a TV, I can't really be changing the settings constantly. So I just walk around half-blind on the darker maps. I'm sure it's fun for survivors when the killer walks right by them and doesn't see them for 90% of the match. Makes for boring chases, I imagine. I don't even bother trying with Claudettes, I just ignore them rather than try to track them.

    Sometimes survivors get frustrated enough they run over to me and start running in circles in front of me just to get some points.

    A lot of games have a brightness/contrast adjustment in the settings, you know. "Move the sliders until this symbol is just barely visible against the black background." Those are super helpful. I can adjust those as needed within the game without having to touch any settings on the TV, and it helps ensure players are experiencing the game as it's meant to be experienced. Every TV and computer monitor is different, so it's a total crapshoot what the game looks like to everyone.

    (edited for grammar)

    Post edited by TragicSolitude on
  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,076

    Y'all just want free invisibility with Blendette and Adam.

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    This dude has no idea how graphics settings work

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    Just because Adam's black doesn't mean he blends in like Claudette. He's tall and his clothes always poke out

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,076

    But he has a black coat cosmetic and if you wear it on The Game or Shelter Woods or something, the killer can't see you.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    Change title to ----> "BHVR should implement more settings for the community"

    Then in the thread:

    Brightness settings like this (shows picture below) should be in the game so players can play at what the settings they enjoy and then the devs no longer have to stress at what level of brightness is good, if the fov is enjoyable, sounds etc... all of these settings should be on the players, not the devs.

  • TimeOutTimmy
    TimeOutTimmy Member Posts: 135

    TVs have the same settings... I can choose vivid, movie, computer, standard, and a few more options with the push of a button.

    FGC_HELP Member Posts: 114

    This is impossible to enforce since monitors/flat screens and tvs won't signal to the console/pc the settings it is displaying.

    I always have my brightness settings set to max when I play because my tv is dark af normally and trying to play dbd without brightening my tv would put me in a massive disadvantage since its too dark to see anything.

    Good idea but impossible to apply at a global scale since all players use different tvs and monitors

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Oh he definitely does. His brown and black coat cosmetics make him nearly impossible to see on Midwich, lery's, Hawkins etc.

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    I mean unless it's a bannable offense to update monitor settings I don't think you're going to win this argument, to be honest. They literally can't do anything about it. It's the difference between playing Minecraft where you can't see anything in a cave and upping the gamma so you can see in said cave. Maybe the devs wouldn't want everyone to play it that way but they really can't do anything about it.