Which cosmetic is the creepiest?

In other words, which cosmetic puts you on edge the most when you see it in game?
For me, it'd have to be the Hallowed Blight Doctor skin. I don't know if it's the skin literally dangling off of his face, or his entrails hanging out, but this one takes the cake imo.
Doctor has amazing cosmetics in terms of creepyness!
here are a few of my favorites:
(Auto-Lobotomizer + Leather Lab Coat + Tainted Inoculation)
(Experimental Measures + Blood Test + Metal Therapy Bat)
(Bandaged Pincushion + Dr. Vivisection + Voltaic Ray)
EDIT: screwed up the first one. got the right version now though
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I hate this cosmetic so much, it's so... wrong.
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Man, Doc really lucked out in the cosmetic department.
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The blighted legion cosmetic.
It’s something straight out of SCP.
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oh yes he did xD
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Jesus nothing in this game really bothers me, but some things I can see as "Well I get why you would be scared." I didn't realize that was in the game though. I looked at it and recoiled.
I hate it so much. Been maining Legion this week so I'd love to torment people with that.
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These combinations are peak creepy. Especially Dr. Vivisection, with his back wide open. Yikes
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Easily this one
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This one is so grotesque. The worst thing about it, I feel, is the anguished expressions of the faces. It's a nice touch
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Legion's blighted cosmetic for sure.
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Dwightstache, hands down.
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This abomination.
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Mr. Puddles
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Trapper, Huntress, and Wraith have satanic cosmetics.
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It doesn't get more creepier than a man with a knife and no damn pants.
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Default Nea skin
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Y'all and y'all's Nea jokes get me
But for real, Blighted Legion. Those hands on his legs are definitely Julie's. Also, there's something really uncomfortable and "Get Out" about him absorbing his black friend into his body...
As an honorable mention, I'll say Dr. Vivisection. That one genuinely makes me feel a little sick when I look at it. Most of his skins, Doc's just kinda crispy. That one... is a different animal.
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Pretty self explanatory if you ask me.
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For me it's the Blazing Lineage Spirit one. Have you seen her toes? (and any Clown skin that resembles a Clown, 'cause Clown.)
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p3 claudette
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I had completely forgotten this skin exists. Excuse me while I bleach my brain.
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This one by far
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Legion's Blight cosmetic by far.
Especially conciddering that The Legion members outside of Frank didn't want this.
Agree that the Doktor's cosmetic is gross and creepy. But there is some psychological horror in the Legions one that makes it take the cake.
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Yeah, the Legion skin has almost a... Human Centipede level of disturbing? It was the first one I thought of when I saw this thread.
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imo it's Quentin. The creepiest thing about it is that it shows the player put MILLIONS of points into Quentin, not because they are prestiging every survivor but because they use him (otherwise you'd never see it). Spooky af.
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Reindeer Elodie. Seriously.
I love the other animal outfits (bunnie Feng is adorable) but something about a grown-a** woman wearing a onesie with a flap in the back so she can make poopies is extremely off-putting.
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Any clown cosmetic ever
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Halloween Blight collection is definitely the one who has the most creepiest cosmetics imho. 😅
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Bunny Feng 😳😳
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I agree with the people that said Nea.
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Blendette. Scariest thing in the game.
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Obvious answer
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That is incredibly grotesque. I can't stop looking at it...
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ew, omg stop looking at it 😂 🤢
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I want to!! But I can't
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lol 😳🤮