Unpopular Opinion: SWF will kill this game

BabyCameron10 Member Posts: 950
edited January 2021 in General Discussions

If they nerf SWF, those players will leave. If they don’t do anything to SWF, killers leave. I honestly would not want to be in the Devs shoes when having to decide what to do in a situation like this but I hope at least something will be done about it.

I have said this before but they should give Solo survivors Kindred basekit without the killers aura reading and give that aura reading over to Camaraderie (Steve’s Perk). That way players could make an unhook safely and get more time to decide what the play is if the killer is nearby. They really need to focus on helping solo survivors out as well, even those players could end up leaving. Maybe a totem counter or at least an audio sound that a totem has been cleansed. Thoughts?


  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    I used to feel The same way about swf but they do make you better and Survivor should be allowed to play with their friends. I want to thank the person yesterday in a post I'm sorry I can't remember your name but you told me a build and I just tried it and I loved it work beautiful against swf. Third seal knockout and infectious Fourth perk I can't remember what you said but I personally ran BBQ as I'm leveling up killers. Bubba was the one who had the belt now I only ran it in the Green version and it still worked great can't wait to see what it does with maxed perks also going to try his add on where the chainsaw Hides auras as well.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    Blindness is the one thing that's completely worthless against SWF on comms. I suppose you think you go against SWFs more than you actually do.

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    SWF is an issue when all 4 survivors are decent, even more so when they are on coms, but it won't kill the game. In fact, SWF is one of the things keep this game alive tbh.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    No offense bro but when I play with my friends and blindness pops up nothing sucks worse than trying to explain to one of them where I am on the map is it as hard as playing against it in solos no but not everybody knows the exact location and spot of every single map an can tell you the fastest way to get there still slows you down.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171
    edited January 2021

    And one of my teammates plays in the same room on another TV which helps but still takes time so don't tell me what I play against like you live in my house an know all my opponents cuz if you do start chipping in on rent

  • JohnShark
    JohnShark Member Posts: 88

    Just balance around SWF, buff or nerf perks, buff or nerf killers but they need to figure out solo survivor first IMO and then go from their.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    Get triggered much? Blindness doesn't work against SWFs on comms. Unless they're ranks 20s, which sounds like it's your case.

    Just my 2 cents (you can use them for the rent btw).

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,247

    Survivors often crouch and do absolutely nothing when Kindred is up anyway. It's not a SWF vs solo issue. It's a decent vs bad player issue. DbD as a whole has an issue the vast majority of the player base has a very low skillset. It makes balancing the game extremely difficult. It's not that SWF is inherently making players better. I refuse to play solo for the most part anymore because most players seem to eat paint chips. Like, everyone spawns in, sees Corrupt Intervention, and the first chase goes not to the Corrupted side, but to where the gens can actually be worked on. Why? Stuff like that.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    SWF has been in the game for its entire existence, and it continues to do fine.


  • Starshadw
    Starshadw Member Posts: 266

    I don't believe it's SWF that's killing the game. I think it's toxic behavior (on both sides) that's slowly killing the game. People get tired of it, and move on to other games once they finally can't stand it anymore. Honestly, SWF no doubt helps keep players around longer because you can joke and laugh during even the most toxic of matches (whether it's a toxic Killer, or a toxic random player the SWF queued up with). If I didn't have friends to play this game with, I'd no doubt have left it after the first few weeks of playing.

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    keep in mind, for the last two months, DBD numbers have been artificially inflated on steam because it counts users if they log on, not if they play for any amount of time. So the login rewards in december, plus the bloodpoint even in January.

    The game got 2.8k more players when they spent millions of dollars getting ninja and one of the actors from stranger things to play the game and stream it. For this month, the number of average players was down a good 200-300 before the blood point event.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Not to be that guy but I think SWF is the reason why this game is still alive.

    I think helping solo survivors is a must currently, I feel horrible vs solo survivors, most have no idea what is happening.

    The thing is that the devs cannot buff killers to swf levels because solo survivors BUT they can do something to make solo survivors feel closer to at least killer.

    SWF > killer > solo.

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184

    I dont think that's an unpopular opinion but I think more people are on "how often do you run into a swf deathsquad?" I dont get them that often.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Its unpopular because it's not true. Its popularity grow each year and each year I'm sure it gains more players than it loses to the ######### decisions they make. So yeah swf isnt the epicenter of the issues.

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    I don't think SWF is as big of an issue as you think seeing as it has been around for over 4 years and the game has grown pretty massively since the beginning.

  • Slickstyles
    Slickstyles Member Posts: 446

    SWF is the reason why this game exploded into popularity in the first place so I doubt it will be the reason why this game will die. Lack of innovation and complacency is killing this game.

  • RowdyRutabaga
    RowdyRutabaga Member Posts: 7

    I fail to see the problem with swf. I play with my friends because it’s the only way this game is remotely fun. Every time we get a solo player we put as much effort into them as they put into the game and the team. If they hide, don’t work on generators, don’t try to unhook anyone, or help in any way, hell yeah, we bail on them when they get in trouble. Otherwise any solo player who lands with us is a part of the family. Almost every time we get solo players they d/c as soon as they are on their first hook, handicapping us from the jump. Or they do like this crappy Bill we played with who just hid in a locker until we all died and went straight to the hatch. So, F that guy! Or, the times I have played as a solo player whoever I’m with doesn’t help if you get hooked, they are just for themselves. And I don’t see anything wrong with playing with your friends and having a good time. Especially since most killers are sweaty and toxic for no reason at all. Playing with my friends cuts down on the frustration and annoyance of all the toxic behavior.

    Not to mention several of the killers are severely overpowered anyway, so if they nerf anything it should be that. Talk about unpopular opinion.

  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Member Posts: 608

    The problem with swf is only that there is no reward for going against it. Addressing that is as simple as putting a bp modifier but bhvr wants to be stingy about that.

  • RowdyRutabaga
    RowdyRutabaga Member Posts: 7

    I wholeheartedly agree. It’s the toxic behavior that makes the game unbearable, not swf! After many of the douchey things I’ve had to endure, like a plague who hooked me and then just vomited on me repeatedly until I went through the phases and died for absolutely no reason, or the players who just hide while we die, and t-bagging, and random messaging of dumb crap like “get good” or “easy,” and several other hateful things, playing with my friends is the ONLY reason I have fun. Reporting the behavior doesn’t matter because the devs won’t do anything about it even with evidence. So yeah, if anything is killing it, it’s all the toxic people coupled with the complete lack of “give-a-damn” from the devs.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089
    edited January 2021

    Well said. If a Survivor is semi-competent, they will be more useful than a Potato-Survivor in an SWF, even when the semi-competent Survivor is Solo.

    I never understand the thought of "SWFs tell their mates what to do". Somewhat decent Survivors dont need that, they know where to chase or when to do Gens.

    If anything, playing in an SWF with other decent Survivors lowers the chance of getting bad Survivors in the team. I mostly play Survivor with a friend, so we both know that there is at least one other Survivor where we know that they know what they are doing. And often enough, when I am on the Hook, I see only my friend on a Gen, its not like the other players are coming for the rescue, sometimes they are just crouching somewhere.

    And as Killer, I have won against SWFs even with weaker Killers like Pig (without Add Ons and Slowdown Perks), Demo (just Corrupt Intervention as Slowdown) or old Bubba. And I also got my butt beaten by Solos as Hag or Pyramid Head, which are strong Killers.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Kill the game? No. Make a good chunk of players leave? Yes.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    First of all, SWF is one of the major contributing factors to DBD's success and will continue to be open of the prime reasons people keep playing and by extension feeding money into bhvr.

    Second, the problem isn't SWF, its the fact that matchmaking is awful and also survivors don't have enough info without perks, so... Yeah, that's fun too.

  • FreakPrince
    FreakPrince Member Posts: 526

    It hasn’t killed in the last 4 years and it’s not gonna kill it now when the game is the easiest it has ever been for killers compared to what it used to be.

  • smileybones
    smileybones Member Posts: 64

    I wonder how long survivors ques need to be before people start realizing there might be a problem.

  • FreakPrince
    FreakPrince Member Posts: 526

    The problem is that there are TOO many survivors, cause everybody wants to play with their friends. During the daytime queue time is instant, while for killer it takes too long.

  • smileybones
    smileybones Member Posts: 64

    Killers will play a certain way or bring certain loadouts because they feel its the only way to keep up with competent teams. Those ways will often be at the detriment of more casual and less experienced survivors. Then, certain perks/killers/playstyles will be nerfed, causing people who enjoy killer to be disenfranchised and play killer less. Rinse and repeat until the survivor ques become unbearable, or the next DLC brings something that will bring those killers back before it's inevitable nerf.

  • smileybones
    smileybones Member Posts: 64

    My survivor ques are never instant. At best, they take 4-6 minutes, at worst, 15-20. It's for this reason my killer challenges are finished in 1 or 2 days, while my survivor challenges take at least a week.

  • FreakPrince
    FreakPrince Member Posts: 526

    Then your region has a problem cause I never get more than 4-6 minutes at night.

  • smileybones
    smileybones Member Posts: 64

    Unpopular Opinion: Inexperienced survivors are what is keeping this game alive. Without them, no one would play killer.

  • RowdyRutabaga
    RowdyRutabaga Member Posts: 7
  • RowdyRutabaga
    RowdyRutabaga Member Posts: 7

    I’ve never had an instant survivor queue either. It’s always several minutes. The only time my matches are instant is when I play killer. As soon as I ready myself, I’m in a game as a killer.

  • Asssblasster625
    Asssblasster625 Member Posts: 629

    ######### balancing will kill it first

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    If anything kills this game I think it will be the devs.