POV: You ran Franklin's Demise before people got saltly over It

SaintDorks Member Posts: 252
edited January 2021 in General Discussions

Honestly, actually really funny when you think about.

After the Mori changes, Tryhard survivors wiped out their keys in unity and said "NOTHING CAN STOP US NOW" only for one of the most basic perks to ever be in the game came out of hiding and snatch all their happiness away.

Now,every other thread is about how Franklin's Demise is pure evil and you should be hung by your thumb for using It. All I gotta say about that is:

You said Mori changes where fair and just and should not have been done at the same time as keys.

You decree they did not need to warn the players of the changes.

You called Killers "Salty" and "butthurt" for feeling like they where being treated unfairly.

NOW YOU GET TO DEAL WITH FRANKLIN'S! One of The most basic perks in the game. Not even high tier and is only made to knock items out of your grubby little hands. And the rage,salt decreeing everyone who uses It is toxic proves one thing.

You gotta git gud mate. I mean If this one little perk which is just a little obnoxious is enough to make a wall of text about how pure evil It. We can always undo Mori changes. You can have people hook you once, then down you a again and kill you.

I mean, I know what these kind of Survivors actually want, we all do. They basically want the Killer to be someone they can bully around with their friends and taunt like they are some kind of playground click and the Killer is the nerdy kid who can't fight back. So, the Idea of making franklin's do nothing would get them hyper excited. Like the idea of nerfing BBQ and Chili cause we all know how all op that is right? And getting mad about BBQ is clearly not a sign of just being salty you lost cause someone ran It.

Even then, How can we nerf Franklin's..They already remove the item drain effect in the OG verson, and basically the entity is giving you a chance to save your item before he eats It. So, we can't add drain cause It was already removed..And having items knocked out of your hand is unfun..

So, what do we do?

Cause, really you put killers in a corner here, you wanna key everyone to death but at the same time expect killers to roll over in take It. Which due to this has created less and less killers..Which is why Survivors have long Que times. You got what you wanted "mori nerfs" But basically know your keys are gonna be safe for awhile so you gonna run free..So,in order for Killers to make enough points while also not being rolled over, they run Franklin's in a last ditch effort..A perk I mind you only serves the purpose of item removal...And this makes the Entitled Survivors rage "HOW DARE YOU TRY TO PERVENT MY FUN BY TAKING MY KEY! YOU NEED TO GIT GUD AND LET ME KEY YOU!" Your fun? You know I like some fun as well, I want this damn 2 hooks each survivor..But you aint gonna give that to me for free..So,why on each am I gonna let you get the hatch in a sense..for free..I already had that happen when I first started playing in 2017..I aint letting It happen again..(Also, props for living this long DBD community..And not dying)

Which leads to me saying one thing

For the love of God..The entity....Whatever.

Devs:Please, don't nerf Franklin's..That would just be too much. That might actually kill the Killer population because this is their last line of defense vs the March of the Keys meta we have seen since the Mori rework. If you do nerf Franklin's (Which I don't even know how you would by this point) before massive second chance perk and key changes..That would kind of seem..Bias...Specially considering Franklin's is basic as It gets right now. I get people don't like having items taken from them..But, people also don't like playing call of Duty and when they down someone they crawl on their butt and shoot you in the junk. And Killers don't like having doors stun them..But, all 3 things are fair in a sense.

But,really this is my all around way of saying "GG,Franklin's GG"

P.s..Before you say I am targeting "All survivors" No I am not...As seen with the words "Tryhard" "Saltly" and "Those kind" before the word surviors.
