why is ghost face reveal mechanic so broke right now?

seriously, why is revealing him so unreliable at the moment? I was touching the ghost face basically why he was exposing someone else and he still didn't get revealed. please tell me im not the only one who experiences this right now.
You're not. I play Ghostie a lot, it's broken on both ends.
I've been stared at by a survivor a few feet away and revealed by someone while I'm completely behind things. Or, the classic "killer instinct not showing the person that revealed me"
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His reveal mechanic is unreliable and has been so since he came out. And as has been pointed out, he also gets revealed in some of the most bs and unreal ways. It does indeed go both ways.
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I get revealed every match.
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Implying it WASN'T broken at some point?
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Reminds me of the last time I went against Ghost Face. He kept coming to try to jump me but I kept slinking away and then revealing him. He caught me during the EGC with NoED but the whole match it seemed like Killer Instinct wasn't working because he never knew exactly where I was even when I was near him.
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Because most of the people who were going to buy GF DLC already bought it, thus no reason to fix anymore bugs involving him.
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Also his dlc still sells so the devs aren't going to do something that makes him less appealing. That would be like nerfing DS and wondering why the halloween dlc sales dropped.
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You can literally reveal him around walls. His power is catastrophic.
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Yeah I play as him and im sick if being broken out of it by someone behind 3 rocks and a few bushes or a slugged/hooked survivor. He's great fun to play as and against, but his NS reveal is all over the place, for both sides that is.
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At the moment? Its always been like this as far as I can remember. I swear he gets most of his kills from this glitch.
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At this point I guess they just gave up on trying to fix it. New DLCs make more money than old bugfixes.
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Survivor sat on a gen: oh I just revealed ghostface apparently but I have no idea where he is?!?
Survivor stood right in front of him: I'm staring at him but nothings happening? Oh no I'm exposed oh now I'm dead, damn should have played better I guess.
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Both sides for sure.
I get revealed by nonsense
and I seem to struggle revealing him in plain sight
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Dedicated servers + cross play. I don't even bother trying to break him out.
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Controversial opinion he shouldn't have a reveal at all. Hes basically myers with a specific target clause and a spot mechanic that induces massive frustration and makes using his power a nightmare against any organised team(swf). His power spotting clause seems like it came from the same kind of reasoning that gave survivors invincibility in lockers vs the twins.
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You're right, his mechanic removes any potential against coordinated teams. Although, how would his power work without a reveal? Then his stealth would have to be time-limited to make it fair.
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Try looking at him at the center of your screen, It works for me.
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Not enough characters
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he is the most fair killer right now
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I hate facing ghostfaces because of that. I don't mind the killer nor his power, but staring at him for ages, seing his whole character and not even getting the revealing sound cue, only to get exposed and downed is awful
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Seems reasonable to me. I would have just made it break via an attack hit, miss or stun. It's not like a zero tr killer is inherently broken we came a long way from using a tr to aware us of an oncoming killers. I can't count the number of times I tracked mikey via his footsteps alone the number of spine chill players, and the loud sounds like ghostface's whooshing cape.