Noob Here, Have some questions

Hey so I'm still fairly new to this game, according to my switch I have just over 70ish hours

I have a few clarification questions / items I'd like any and all input on.

Okay - So the first item is decoding some of the leet speak on the forum so I can read the thread better:

What do the following terms mean?:


M1 - i assume this means meta or top teir

SWF - Survive with friends i think


OoO -

NOED - I do beleive this one means "No One Escapes Death"

BT -

DS - I also beleive this one is "Desisve Strike"

Also I play both sides Killer and Survivor and have some questions about each side.

For Survivors:

What are some of the "meta" or "Top Teir" Perks or just generally good ones.

As far as I'm aware I know EITHER Sprint Burst or Dead Hard are good optinos, along with Kindred is nice. I see a lot of people using Self Care but it just seems like the heal takes FOREVER

For Killers:

What are some of the "Meta or "Top Teir" Perks or just generally good ones:

As far as I'm aware: Hex: Ruin, And Undying are solid

Also I know Nurse is probably the best Killer but extremely hard to learn, tips on her would be very helpful and finally whats an easy killer to learn to play that performs fairly well so I can hopefully become a more confident killer.

Thanks for the read, as I said any info is very helpful and sorry for the long post.



  • Asssblasster625
    Asssblasster625 Member Posts: 629

    BPS - I have no clue

    M1 - i assume this means meta or top teir

    SWF - Survive with friends i think

    EGC - end game collapse

    OoO - object of obsession

    NOED - I do beleive this one means "No One Escapes Death"

    BT - borrowed time

    DS - I also beleive this one is "Desisve Strike"

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,188
    edited January 2021

    BPS - Lmao I actually forgot about the item. My bad. The other dude got it right - Bloody Party Streamers, the offering that gives 100% bonus bloodpoints in all categories for every person in the trial.

    M1 - Mouse 1 killers. Basic attacks.

    EGC - End Game Collapse. When the orange bar at the top of your match shows up and you have a certain amount of time to get out before you die.

    OoO - Object of Obsession, perk.

    BT - Borrowed Time, perk.

    Survivor answer: There's quite a few different builds. DS/Dead Hard/BT/Adrenaline/Iron Will/Kindred (especially if solo queing)/Balanced Landing, etc. Sprint Burst is really good as well if you pair it with Fixated and can use it properly. However you really don't need to be using Dead Hard or Decisive Strike, they are crutch perks and you can bring other useful perks instead. But if you're learning, I guess they won't hurt to use, just don't rely on them for the entirety of your improving.

    Avoid using Self Care/ Urban Evasion, I wish I learned this faster when I started out but a lot of people at low ranks will be seen using these 2 since they aren't comfortable yet. The best advice I can give is not to use them, if you want to improve in the least amount of time. They are not needed at all.

  • Asssblasster625
    Asssblasster625 Member Posts: 629

    Why is it posting the comments multiple times

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,755

    BPS- Bloody Party streamers

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited January 2021

    Ardetha has some nice videos on Nurse.

    As for easy killers to learn. As much as the survivor community will hate me for it, Freddy. He is easy to pick up and probably A tier at red rank. Other solid choices are Billy and Oni since they have mobility and have a way to one shot survivors.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,585 For the acronyms, you might find this thread helpful as we're trying to list as many as we can on there - because those of us who've played the game for a while, tend to shorten almost everything we can :)

    Survivor Perks that are considered to be Top Tier, definitely Dead Hard, Borrowed Time, Unbreakable, Decisive Strike, Iron Will (this is honestly god tier imo), Sprint Burst to a degree (if you know how to control it). But you don't have to use these perks, there's loads of different perks that you can build around and that work with your own playstyle - for example, I run Head On with Quick & Quiet and have added Deception into that, basically for the memes but it also really does help in matches and I've got away from the killer using Deception rather a lot recently.

    Killer Perks, a lot of variety here again depending on your own individual playstyle and what killer you choose. I am addicted to Enduring and Brutal Strength and run them on most of my Killers. On Trapper I also like to run Corrupt Intervention as it gives me that extra setting up time and it's also good on other killers as well, I also get a lot of value from Discordance and Tinkerer plus of course you have Ruin and my particular favourite, Devour Hope.

    As you said Nurse is the strongest killer in the game, she's also pretty difficult to play (I'm useless with her) but I prefer playing M1 killers for some reason, I thoroughly enjoy playing Wraith and Legion (I love zooming around as them) and whilst they're not considered to the strongest killers - I do really well with them. So again, maybe not focus on what you think is the strongest but what you enjoy playing, it's not all about ranking up and reaching red ranks, it's about having fun with the game.

    Welcome to DbD, I hope you enjoy it!

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 830

    I use SC and UE and have been doing well with them, I think it's more about using them correctly and understanding your play style. I think it's best to start off trying every perk/build you can and seeing which one you are most comfortable with :)!

  • Sukyandaru
    Sukyandaru Member Posts: 7

    Thank yuo all for the info and tips!

  • Asssblasster625
    Asssblasster625 Member Posts: 629

    barbecue and chili is basically a necessity if your going to perks for killer. A killer that’s decent is doctor. He’s has good tracking with his static blast and madness tier 3 which will make survivors scream, can deny loops and has 2 good teachables.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,784

    BPS - Bloody Party Streamers a 100% bonus bp offering for all players both sides can get these in their bloodweb

    M1 - A killer who only has basic attacks and can't down / injure people with special abilities, aka nurse attacks after blink are m1, but blight rushes are not basic attacks

    SWF - Survive with friends

    EGC - End Game collapse

    OoO - Object of obsession

    NOED - No One Escapes Death

    BT - Borrowed time

    DS - Decisive Strike

    Top tier survivor perks




    Iron Will

    Dead hard - or sprint burst (never both)

    everything else is a little weaker or more niche perks

    Top Tier killer perks

    BBQ, points and information to help you know where to go next

    Sloppy Butcher some healing slowdown that is great on m1 killers

    Corrupt Intervention blocks far gens at the start of the game

    Save the best for last, a strong late game perk that is a m1 killers best friend (not nurses though she doesn't benefit)

    PGTW (pop or pop goes the weasel) Regresses the next kicked gen by a lot after hooking a survivor

    Ruin Regresses gens automatically

    Undying soon to be nerfed but moves another hex to a different dull totem when they are cleansed

    Discordance, information when survivors work on a gen together

    Whispers, information when you are near survivors

    Nurses calling, information when you are near healing survivors

  • freddymybae
    freddymybae Member Posts: 613

    i love new players coming to the game :) makes me happy

  • tottelimotta
    tottelimotta Member Posts: 11

    BPS: Bloody party streamers

    M1: when a killer only uses m1 aka their melee

    EGC: Endgame collapse

    OoO: Object of Obsession

    BT: Borrowed time