Rank 1meltdown....Mmm mmm good!

So this is just TOO GOOD not to share! Total "Karen" meltdown right here. You can see by the points everyone got chased, I switched targets regularly, nobody got camped, lots of hooks and escapes, 4 gens were done... I thought it was a good game. I personally got 3 iridescent emblems and a gold. Now keep in mind....I'm rank 9 playing a level 28 Bubba. She's Rank 1 and in a popular gaming guild (based on her name).
First, it was that I won because I don't know how to use the chainsaw on Bubba very well. Yeah.....okay. It is true I'm not very good with the chainsaw. Not sure how that's to my advantage.
Then it became the bad console players. Yeah....okay. Their score don't look that much lower than hers. If they're bad......then......
KAREN MELTDOWN for the win!
Love those sweet, salty tears! Try this response next time:
"Mad cuz bad? Or bad cuz mad?"
Guaranteed trigger for anyone taking this game too seriously haha
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Imagine being a rank 1 survivor and being mad because you lost to a rank 9 bubba who didn't camp or tunnel and didn't use his power. Honestly you can only laugh at people like this it's embarrassing how they have to bad mouth the other side because they're so salty they lost. I mean jeez just take the L on the chin and say gg and move on lol.
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You do know you get points for everything in the game right? How much points they get doesn´t mean how good they are, that should be obvious.
Same with the ranks, everyone can lose every match and still get to rank 1 because you get so much points every round that u pip,
that´s why they change the ranking system in the first place, so what if she is Rank 1 it doesn´t mean anything.
I have so many rounds where 1 bad survivor screws the whole team over, ez 4k.
I guess this Survivor had every right to be upset and probably was right.
For all i know she is probably right because that´s exactly what is happening in DBD since years, as a fellow Killer i am ashamed for everyone who is so angry at this game to be able to get off of this.
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on0 -
She probably was better than him, she probably died because of her team, that is happenign in dbd all the time.
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Let their hate fuel you
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I love me some sour grapes. Well played btw 👏
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This is great! I'm totally doing this!
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She is probably salty because she lost because of her team, she could have run him for 10 minutes without 1 gen getting popped or someone used all the palllets because they are newbies.
Rank doesn´t reflect the skill level that´s why they are getting changed.
plus he could have tunneled/camped her but doesn´t matter anyway.
Only embarrassing thing here is for me to have to expalin this.
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I play solo so I know how it goes sometimes and he said he didn't camp so I'm going off that. But either way no matter how you feel after a match it's not okay to bad mouth a stranger on an online game trying to have fun because you're upset you lost a match. It's more embarrassing to have to explain that honestly.
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Why thank you sir! It honestly was a good game and I meant the gg I gave her. Too bad her maturity level was subpar.
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Not consoles fault a rank 1 survivor couldn't loop a rank 9 m1 Leatherface. 😂
Players like that are why end game chat shouldn't exist, they should have to sit and stew in their anger from playing poorly instead of lashing out and blaming everyone else to feel better.
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Why thank you sir! It honestly was a good game and I meant the gg I gave her. Too bad her maturity level was subpar.
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Let me point out also that even she didn't accuse me of camping or tunneling...the survivor go to. It didn't happen.
She accused me of being ######### with the chainsaw.... which allowed me to win. And that console players were bad.
Hell, I'm only playing Bubba to get the teachables and will rarely touch him after that.
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It's even worse that they lost to an m1 killer. You basically played a killer without their power and still won. Gratz.
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But she’s attacking HIM. Whether you’re right or not, that’s still bad sportsmanship as she’s giving her team a free pass if they’re the reason she ended up dying.
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Wouldn't mind getting better with his power, but not there yet. Think I only got 2 or 3 downs with the saws. On the flip side, since I know I'm not great with it I use it selectively.
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Is it only me or when the game ends I type ''gg wp'' and move on with another match ? I cannot see how engaging in a chat with a toxic player is in any way productive.
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Who cares?
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why smudge the names in the pic when you're gonna tell us their name is karen anyway
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Are you lurking in here "Karen"? 😘
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You are absolutely right, excuse me i was a little bit blinded because i was upset myself about this post.
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you got a big point there but to be honest i didn´t noticed that she started bad mouthing him in the chat.
I was more focused on him enjoying the survivor getting mad that didn´t saw that, hope you can forgive me <3
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Cringe. Imagine caring so much about being told you were bad at a video game you come on the forums and obsess over it.
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Good grief, that's so sad. Looking at the bloodpoints, I'd call that a fun, successful match for everyone!
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Yeah of course man don't worry about it, it's all good <3