Does the perk surge only deserve to activate on basic attacks?
Calling all survivor's and killer's - does this perk really deserve its basic attack requirement.
People typically rate killers such as spirit, nurse or freddy as the strongest currently, whom all use basic attacks, and surge isin't used very often on these killers (not particularly because its not that strong, but because these killers don't synergise as well with this perk as they do with other perks more suited for them)
would it really be so wrong for surge to activate on say a demo's shred? a huntress hatchet? a hillbillys saw?
They either need to remove the basic attack requirement, or shorten/remove the cooldown
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It needs a minor buff imo. If they don’t make it proc of m2s they should at least lower or get rid of the cool-down. Let me demolish gens with Devour Hope and STBFL
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Making surge work on special attacks is just a direct buff for A tier killers while the perk is just as bad for most m1 killers.
So yea the basic attack requirement better stay though the effect could be buffed or the cooldown cut a bit
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This is basically the devs intention with the basic attack requirement on a few perks. They want the perks to be good only on weaker killers.
Honestly keep the basic attack and just lower/remove the cooldown. It's such an artificial ceiling on how well you can play.
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Well i mean some of the top killers are m1 so... nurse, spirit, freddy, can all proc surge so why can’t leatherface with his chainsaw?
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Have you forgotten who's in the top tiers? Slinger, Hag, Spirit, Freddy, and Nurse. Meanwhile I get punished for wanting to use a perk on Oni. Basic attack requirements are dumb and lazy. For the sake of "consistency"? Yeah right. Unless you're only supposed to injure like Sloppy or Franklin's, there's no reason why killers should be punished for using their power properly.
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Surge should lose the basic attack requirement. This perk would definitely be better if it loss the unecessary basic attack requirement. Which is very odd considering it came from a killer with an M2. This is sad cause I think Surge is a good perk but I usually play Billy so it's basically worthless for me. It wouldn't be hard to say except on deep wound or Honing stone.
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Nurse, Hag, Spirit, and Freddy?
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Honestly, no. It should work on all downs. My reason being you'll still only likely hit one gen anyways, and it's not a huge knockback and has a cooldown.
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But all the best killers in the game are m1 killers... what?
it literally only restricts like, a pig or demo being able to effectively use it. hell demo comes with it and can't use it on his shred. blight struggles to use it, its bad on billy and huntress, and you'd find a twins hard pressed to use it.
yet nurse spirit freddy can all use it just fine?
yeah thats what im thinking too, it's just so odd to me that it has one, despite not really being based around basic attacks like other perks that directly are influenceing attacks (Still find it weird knockouts restricted, but i atleast kind of understand due to its powerful effect)
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The weakest killers in the game are the M1 killers. Freddy is the only exception to this.
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Those aren't m1 killers.
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I never said the devs intention made sense or was successful. lol
I'm assuming it's because their play rates are very low.
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Weakest killers according to you, Nurse, Hag, Spirit.
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Nurse, Spirit, and Hag? Weakest killers?
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People I don't know how knew y'all are but Nurse, Spirit and Hag aren't considered m1 killers.
"Weakest killers according to you, Nurse, Hag, Spirit."
And that is not what I said, at all.
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According to the description they're M1 killers. And you said Freddy was the only good M1.
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Freddy is the only good m1 killer.
M1 killer in this community is described as not needing their powers to down.
Nurse, Hag and Spirit are all slower than normal killer movespeed. IE they are designed to require their power to get a hit.
M1 is not meant by the fact that you literal click your m1 button to hit.
You could make an argument for Billy if you want but Billy is a little more nuanced.
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Using your power to move or get places doesn't warrant an M2. M2 is if you have a secondary attack option Nurse, Spirit, and Hag can only have one way to attack.
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You're using those powers for more than just moving around. That isn't what we're referencing.
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They are still M1S on the basis they don't have a secondary attack option. Even Otzdarva explains this.
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That isn't how 99% of this community uses the phrase m1 killer. This is just common jargon of this community that has been around for years and how it is understood when people say m1 killer.
M1 killer doesn't imply that they don't have a secondary attack. That's not how people are using it.
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Ask anyone they're M1 killers ask anyone and they'll say that. They don't have a secondary attack option which means yes they have an M2 ability. But the community describes M1 as a killer without an M2 attack.
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I really don't want to get into an ego contest of comparing our experience and time in the game as that isn't going to go anywhere but I'm probably in the 1% of population in play time and forum time and what your saying just isn't true. That is not what the community thinks.
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Fine say what you want I still believe they're M1s.
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Oh I agree with you. They seem to really want a hard ceiling since it seems they are worried it could be too strong. We both think that seems unlikely though.
I mean if we even think about the last time something was made oppressively too strong on killer side when was that? Nurse? lol. Essentially something that does not happen ever to be worth worrying about. The meta stays so stale and never changes because they're afraid to ever make something good. We've essentially got the same meta we've had for literally years.
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By M1 killers I'm not talking about killers without a movement ability, I'm talking about killers who primarily or only attack through their M1.
Ie Freddy, hag, spirit, nurse. 4 of the best killers in the game can all proc surge.
Yet on lower tier killers, (community/my own personal opinion) things like pigs dash or demos dash don't proc it when it has nothing to do with attacking.
I could understand if the ability itself was influenced by the perk (ie like stbfl) but it's not.
A nurse who can fly across the map and down you procs this perk, but an Oni in his power or a hillbilly with his chainsaw does not.
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^ Completely agree with this.
It's nice having SOME perks be stronger on the weaker killers, because usually perks are always better on top tier killers.
Just needs a shorter cooldown - t's a bit excessive rn.
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if you're playing those 4 effectively you wouldn't be running surge unless you're trying out rather niche builds
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Blueberry's right. The term is used for killers that don't really use their power to down, and instead chase normally with just their basic attack.
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What they can only attack with M1S. That's my definition.
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I go on the literal term. And what's your opinion on Surge being able to activate on an M2 attack.
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That's fine. Just think it leads to confusion.
And personally, I like Surge only activating on M1's. I use the perk a lot, and I like that not all perks apply to all killers the same way. I enjoy the build variety - and the more basic killers having something for them.