If you were the devs, what would you do first?



  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,261

    I would unrework Freddy right there and then. No questions asked.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    I would actually do my job.

  • DarKaron
    DarKaron Member Posts: 615

    I'd rework the entire Obsession mechanic to make it so that Survivor Obsession perks give potent debuffs while they are the Obsession, and Killer Obsession perks encourage them to leave the Obsession alone.

    And OoO would be reworked to work like an aura-based Spine Chill instead of what it is now. Both parties would see each others' auras when the KILLER looks at the Obsession, but reduce the distance limit to 6 meters to leave it somewhat potent for the Survivor to potentially use somehow.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Man,you didn't have to expose them like that 😧😧😧😧

  • Mistikus
    Mistikus Member Posts: 1,347

    i would listen to the comminuty feedback and change things that 99% of us dont like

  • Viberum
    Viberum Member Posts: 53

    Buff Plague and/or add a fifth killer perk slot.

    Unlock graphics quality setting for consoles.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    Devote more resources to revising old content instead of constantly trying to push out shiny new things that people aren't really asking for. It shouldn't take multiple years to address/tweak previously released perks and killers. It's actually absurd how slow these devs move on that front. 3 years to give Clown a yellow bottle? Ridiculous.

    Undo Billy's overheat mechanic

    Address problematic map RNG and allow map seeds for custom lobbies

    Show killer ping in lobbies

    Rework keys

  • CCClark
    CCClark Member Posts: 32

    Idk probably change something duh

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    Probably start listening to the community for once.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Early Game Mechanic.

    I would make it top priority to add the Early Game Mechanic.

    This mechanic should introduce a low-risk mini objective for survivors.

    By low risk I mean this mini objective should reveal its aura to survivors but NOT the killer. So basically reverse-concept when compared to generators (killers see them at base - survivors do not).

    This means killers get more guaranteed time and can't get gen rushed in 3 minutes but/and survivors have a huge chance to not get found early on if they just sneak to said mini objective that's revealed to them.

    With this change I'd also nerf all gen-slowdown perks and some mechanical changes to slugging and camping would get introduced as well.

  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288

    Survivor BOTS

  • jotaro
    jotaro Member Posts: 173

    lol i meant something like huntress when she starts aiming. deathslinger is completely quiet when he starts aiming. he needs to make a noise when he starts AIMING, as a warning so the survivor could have a chance to react.

  • Retromind
    Retromind Member Posts: 156

    I would limit SWF to 2 people

  • Avarice00
    Avarice00 Member Posts: 39

    I would have everyone making new killers stop, and just work on improving what is already in game.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Making ds anti-tunnel so it really punishes those player but not the ones playing fair, buff perks for both sides, so many need changes. Quick tweaks to killers and their addons so they're all more viable and interesting, want to encourage different killers and different addons to be used. If I had time probably add a small rebuff to swf as a test, I play swf with my misses etc. And it's so easy compared to solo and she's insanely new and honestly hasn't really played games before, honestly I could imagine having a 4man with all insane skills, would be pretty boring and over kill so maybe try balance it

  • TrollToll
    TrollToll Member Posts: 77

    fix hillbilly.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089
    edited January 2021

    I would take a chapter to help fix massive bugs and sort the spegati code of dbd and in the background would try to either get Jason in dbd or a counter killer to survivors that dont have a killer like bill charger

    And if that's impossible I would try to get pre sets for killers that didn't get a map

    Make ds a anti tunnel perk by making it deactivate if you touch a gen locker or become healthy the timer pauses if down and recovery speed is decreased by 25%if activate makeing ds unbreakable less effective but always be active if you are being tunneled

    And keys can only allow one person to escape

    Also I would communicate things that I'm allowed to talk about like hey I'm experimenting with ds and keys here's what I'm doing and it will be available on the ptb

    Edit if I had time to spare maybe give survivors voice lines that can be used in game when certain situations happen like if David stands up with nomither he could say is that all ye ave and maybe have one or 2 voice lines on a key bind like come here so you can call out to teammate's that are near but can't see

    (The killer can have the option to mute this) so it won't be used to annoy you

  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288
    edited January 2021

    You must not play survivor much, i guess or just like playing 3v1 solo Q. You have an Oni pic on your profile so that answers the question.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221

    I play survivor 80% of the time & don't want bots because they're known to be stupid and predictable. Of course it sucks if someone ragequits but I genuinely don't think AI is going to help.

    When Fortnite added bots, I stopped playing and never looked back.

  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288

    So having another survivor (bot) running around doing gens or taking up the killer's time is WORSE than having 1 less survivor in the match? I don't understand that reasoning.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    My priority is about game health. Tunnel, Camping, Gen rush are big problems of the game. I would:

    Tunnel & Camping: instead of metal hooks, replace it with ritual post that instead of hooking, Killer call Entity claw to stab-alike them. Then it works exactly like PH's cage.

    Gen rush: like @Yamaoka said.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221

    Look at it this way. They're either going to be awful or disgustingly OP.

    If they're awful:

    • They could lead the killer to you by accident. They're bots after all, they don't know better.
    • Chases last literally 2 seconds if the killer has common sense.
    • They could either sandbag you or leave you one-hooked.
    • They could stealth around the entire game & not do anything to help the team.
    • Etc.

    If they're OP:

    • They never blow up gens, which is completely unrealistic.
    • They always know when/and where the killer is coming from & make no mistakes.
    • They might mess up routing but they'll always know where the next pallet is instead of actually having to look for it like a normal person would have to.
    • Etc.

    My main point with all of this is that no matter how good or bad the bot is, it will never truly be balanced & wouldn't make sense. If they're bad, they play like brown ranks and screw you over. If they're good they'll play like cheater because they always know what to do compared to an actual person who has to think about it. Not to mention, there are ranks in this game. Is the bot going to have difficulty settings or something?

    Everyone has their own opinion on these things so you probably still won't agree with me but hopefully you see my POV better now.

  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288

    Thanks for the thoughtful response. You make several good points.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,822

    If we're going to say things we could realistically do in a day, I'd make a friendly, affirming post to the in-game news system, change the text killers get when they de-rank to be less judgemental, and maybe add an encouraging message to the load screen and/or end screen to try to set a positive tone and promote good sportsmanship.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Spend all day going over documentation. Realize I don't know how to program. Go home.

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    Fix Blight's PoV.

    It genuinely kills the character for me.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201
    edited January 2021

    Revert Billy to his former perfect self.

    I'm not a Billy main he was my favorite to go up against.

    Disable ds after unhooking, progressing gen, healing full health.

    Pause ds timer in chase, give a sprint burst after the stun.

    Make bt a distance and time at hook perk rather than this terror radius perk that is exploitable on both sides.

    Delete OoO and infectious fright.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    if a dev walked up to me and said I had to remove one killer spirit would be the best call

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I would balance maps alongside the graphical reworks

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,867

    I would rather remove every killer except Spirit than remove just Spirit. That's how much I love her.

  • Regulus47
    Regulus47 Member Posts: 450

    Delete NOED and Tinkerer

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Rework the entire Bloodweb system.

  • xxirontigerpawxx
    xxirontigerpawxx Member Posts: 2

    I would punish killers who Troll,Camp and Take the game hostage with their unfair game play.

    I record every match and report anyone who is the killer that camps/trolls in one spot to prevent everyone from playing the game.

    If you are a killer and see Xxirontigerpawxx... Be warned I record and report cheaters

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,867

    You know what, since Oni is Spirit’s ancestor, we’ll keep him too :)

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306
    edited January 2021

    I would, as a start:

    • Fix line of sight, to start with, and thus fix ghosty boi's power.
    • Put survivors into first person.
    • Replace most skillchecks with puzzle minigames (like in Among Us, but longer, harder, and [OwO] more numerous), with a button to look up to look for the killer, pausing progress on the puzzle.
    • Find a way to nerf looping in general (someone had an idea that the killer could knock down props to block survivors).
    • Buff the damn Trapper for the Entities sake, he's the games frickin' mascot, after all!
    • Fix the rank system, IE make it reward players for making the game more interesting for each other.
    • Make chases about getting away from the killer, not stalling them.
    • Try to make controls less clunky.
    • Make all killers intimidating.
    • Rework Spirit, Hag, Nightmare, Cannibal, and probably some other killers.

    Anyway, that's what I have for now. I just thought that making the killer experience better would bring back some killer players, thus reducing survivor wait time, thus improving the game.

    I also thought it would be interesting to increase survivor involvement and immersion.

    Update: Some more ideas.

    • HUD would show significantly less information (each survivor would have to have perks in order to know the healthstates of the others).
    • Better graphics and optimization, obviously.
    • Perk rebalance.
    • Killer emotes.
    • Casual mode (for memers, mostly) and multi-killer gamemodes (with more suvivors; definitely not viable in the games current state).
    • Interwoven story, linking the DBD original killers and survivors together in an interconnected universe (I know that that's already a thing, but I mean all the characters).
    • Some more obscure IPs.
    Post edited by Beelzeboop on
  • Patiencehero
    Patiencehero Member Posts: 54
    edited January 2021

    My actions would be, in order:

    1 - Voice chat is now a standard feature for survivors. Can be turned off in options.

    2 - Balance all perks/powers on both sides with step 1 in mind.

    3 - Remaining in front of a hook for more than 10s while not in a chase increases the speed of generators for survivors by an escalating amount. (Anti - Face Camp)

    4 - Hooked teammates can now cancel being unhooked if killer is within a small distance. (Anti - Teammate farming)

    5 - If survivors are in gate during EGC without leaving for more than 8s, they become exposed. Leaving gate resets this.(Anti - Gate BMing)

    6 - Karma system. DC'ers/Hook Suiciders/Face Campers/4 slug bleedout killers/etc etc get karma penalties for unsporting behaviors - too low of karma goes to the salt mines where they get matched against similar karma. Can be exited by maintaining good karma scores for 3 games.

    First two are to make game balance less wishy-washy and more approachable in a binary fashion. Rest are jerkass fumigation.

    And Finally:

    Moris are basekit for killers - useable only once per round, on either the last survivor remaining, or on any survivor who has reached Hook=death state. Last survivor may attempt to escape out of the Mori same as they would attempt to jump off hook (so no guaranteed death cheese on a survivor who has not been hooked yet), short stun to killer if successful. Keeps the cool animation and thematics, without moris being a gameplay advantage.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221

    Love this response. Though I want to ask, how would you rework Bubba? Imo I think he's fairly weak against competent survivors.

  • JediWithASniper
    JediWithASniper Member Posts: 670

    I would make killer hexes a stand alone system separate from the blood web. I’d give each killer an individual hex, make all hexes full strength instead of 3 tiered (meaning that each hex just does what it does, you don’t upgrade them in a blood web), and allow killers to equip a max of two hexes each round in addition to their regular perks. In addition to the hex that each killer is given, I’d add an extra 5-6 hexes, and then add one new hex with each new killer.

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    I don't know. I would like to play up the daylight horror from the original film, though.

    Maybe a stance system of sorts, switching between a "Searching" stance, where he's undetectable (he comes straight outa nowhere in the movie) but slightly slower, and a "Chasing" stance, where he's faster, has a one hit down, and can break pallets with basic attacks, but is using his fully revved chainsaw, which is slow to use and audible from half the map away.

    Picture this: You're doing gens with your bud, when suddenly BBBBBRRRRVVVVV!!!!!!!! You run away, you don't look back, but you know he's there. The chainsaw fades as you make it to relative safety, but suddenly, it stops. You know what's happened. Your friend is down. You'll have to go back and find him. You search, praying you don't hear- BBBBBRRRRVVVVV!!!!!!!! BBQ and Chili. After a brief chase, you escape. You never found your friend.

    That's just off the top of my head. If I actually had to code it in I would take at least a week to think hard about what to do with this guy. It would have to have some sort of stealth-adjacent ability, as tribute to the fact that they never show the violence as it happens on screen.

    He's important in the history of horror, especially slasher films. He deserves better.

    He really does.

  • Nukeroot
    Nukeroot Member Posts: 7

    Add Spongebob Square Pants as a killer and make his terror radius his laugh.

  • kyogul
    kyogul Member Posts: 491
    edited January 2021

    remove basement

    active for solo queue only (if you start a game with someone in a lobby, this feature is disabled for anyone in lobby): when someone is hooked, you are able to see where your other teammates are to coordinate saves for pub games, but if they are within a certain radius of a generator their auras are not shown for several seconds and their aura is entirely hidden if they are operating on a generator, and also aura blocked if they are in chase, to ensure that this doesn't become more abused

    remove bloodlust

    remove dead hard

    for each hooked and/or downed survivor, exit gates are regressed by a certain percent, let's say 15% for each survivor

    legion's power shouldn't cancel if they miss

    allow console players to change graphic settings (low~ultra)

    remove perk tiers and only have the "tier" be tier 3 at base

    add a FOV slider

    make spirit's breathing be heard in the direction she is phasing in for survivors and remove her ability to fake phase

    add a noise for when deathslinger is aiming

    allow people to try out different combinations of things in store to know if they want to buy something, like a hair from one set, a shirt from another, and bottoms from a third

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221

    Ideas like this is what would make DBD scarier again. I love the TCM films & really like the concept of implementing mechanics that represent Leatherface as how he is in the movies.

    To be completely honest, this is probably the best rework idea I've ever heard of for Bubba. Well done!

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148

    I’d add training mode into core dbd for people to mess around with. It would be an extra component in custom for people that do not have friends or they just wanna practice looping or flashlight saves. Maybe try different techniques. I say that it’ll stay in custom since people have been a little pi ssy about being able to earn bloodpoints, experience and shards. I think that having training mode be an extra mode in custom would benefit the community greatly. Also the fact about being able to practice with your friends would be pretty fun to have. Imagine being the killer and one of your friends as survivor sandbags a bot that you’re looping. Just my idea on what i could do.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    While I think her design and concept are okay her power in its current form needs a major redesign in order to be fun for both sides.

    I’ll give her credit though. She’s more interesting than legion

  • Jackpot
    Jackpot Member Posts: 10

    I'd also attempt to mod it if I knew how to make a mod in DbD since I'm not sure if they even provide us with tools to do so, but...

    1: Rework a majority of perks and possibly some killers (Ideally their addons mostly)

    Some perks are old and or useless, a relic from older times or even just downright OP or annoying like OoO can be.

    Mostly using Otz's perk changes idea he made in one stream with his community since a lot of them are generally good idea.

    Also includes reworking any maps if needed.

    2: "Cosmetic Shop"

    A little 'feature' that lets you choose a cosmetic (Whenever you own it or not) and view it in a small little ingame area to view cosmetics before purchase. This also would apply to any Survivors and or DLCs in which those DLC characters have adept and training bots or a killer (of same DLC) or survivors (depending on any perks) to show function.

    Let's you mix and mingle any cosmetic from any other cosmetic pack, Like mixing a Nea cat shirt with those shorts from her pineapple shirt collection to also see ingame, would ideally allow purchase of both items seperately or from all collections if desired.

    3: Bloodmarket

    Adds an area in which you can buy with bloodpoints. All items cost a little extra, but you don't have to shift through a bloodweb.

    Can also be used for addons. Allows you to sell offerings at 50% and convert shards to BP. (1 shard = 75BP)

    -Does not allow purchase of perks, may not allow purchase of addons/items above a certain rarity, ideally purple and above. Or just iridensent.

    -Allows you to sell items and addons as well at a 50% reduction.