Your toxic sweaty tryhard teammates suck

I have a feeling this a SWF problems but PC players are really sweaty and have ton of advantages....on top of the meta perks we all run.
They suck. Not just as players (which they kind of do in a game where you're handed free wins anyway)
Yet there's always willing to kill themselves for their teammates. Had a game with all PC players, the most toxic one died off the bat because he was fully aware i was on console so he just tried blinding me in chase. Then tunnel. Then the last one was able to run me forever because they phase through hits (not just the one included in the game) now i have them on hook, they get off with BT and all 3 t bag at the exit gate. BUT of course the most toxic is right on the line. The dumbass bill gave a half ass t bag as the others ran through the gate just as he went down and was carried off to his death.
This is not a one time thing it happens all the time, a long rank gives their lives to save the exploiters. WHY? These losers are like this for a reason, its because this is all they have. There's a reason this is all they have, because they suck. As people. They NEVER come back to help even when they can they t bag at full health with a flashlight at the exit gate. When will you people learn?
Btw all red 1s and that ######### rank 17 Bill as a rank 13. I used to be red rank but quit playing killer and now only do dailies because, well you ######### know. But i think that really shows how bad of shape the game is in. They probably waited 20 minutes for that match. And its easy to point out they're idiots for being as toxic as possible and driving away killers BUT it is not the losers job to make sure the game is fun or fair. That's the killers job and a lot of them seem sick of it. So many the devs should take the responsibility now, just a thought
Welcome to DBD friend.
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i need a TL;DR
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Because PC survivors had to go against PC killers. Mouse and keyboard and more than 15 fps killers.
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If people in a multiplayer game are being toxic and it gets to you that much it's time to play something else. If they tbag at the gate don't let it get to you. Who cares if they got away? Winning a game doesn't always mean getting your 4k. If I run head on and because of that at every loop the killer checks lockers I got into his head and take that as a win, even if I die. If I'm playing killer and only kill the guy with Object who fast vaulted everything and pointed at me with it I take that as a win.
It's a multiplayer PvP game. People will do whatever it takes to get into your head and prove they won, even if they didn't win according to the game mechanics.
Insulting people on the forums because of the way they play is not okay though. Unless they're playing in a way which is against the rules they're free to play how they want. If they steam roll you and tbag at the exit get over it. At that point it's up to you to either quit or get better to the point where you steam roll them.
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SWF is not the reason you are losing.
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a) if you dont like playing vs PC players TURN OFF CROSSPLAY... you can do it... no reason to rant about it
b) so youre carring about Tbag when you tunneled 1st surv you met hmmm (i would tell its quite normal behavior, to make tunneler as upset as tunneled person), if they werent SWF they couldnt know even if they were why are you so sure he was blinding you just because youre console (surv can try to blind you mid chase just to distract you)
c) yes you lost because of SWF, those Tbags and clicking flashlight gave them repair boost
d) right now MM literally doesnt work, and every rank can get every rank, im purple rank right now (on both surv and killer) and on surv soloque i get red rank killers and R20 lobbies (right after each other) more times than purple lobbies, on killer i get red rank survs(and half of the games are still free 4k's because survs are dumb and surv rank doesnt mean sh) oh and if someone wants to hit on my current rank colors (for about a year im playing on avg 20h per month)
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Turning off cross play leads to 20 minute or longer matches in my experience as killer.
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Why am I being shamed for building my own computer? Like sorry I spent time and money on something I really enjoy, next time I'll go play DBD on the Switch and be content with the 15-20FPS garbage so that I'm on the same level as everyone else.
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how? killer ques are instant right now (ofc with crossplay on) and i doubt it would go that long (ofc at night or super early ques will probably be long)
also weird but fun fact, surv ques are terribly long, but if you turn off crossplay(on PC) ques are faster (at least they were, when i was testing that)
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don't know if you know this or not but being in a swf gives you 30% haste and gives you permanent endurance
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I have no idea what the point of OP's post is. Can someone translate it for me?
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Something about PC OP, Console disadvantage, SWF nerf needed. Maybe? I dunno. I skimmed it because it just started out about Sweaty SWF. Nothing new
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When there is a Object of obsession in the game, i straight Dc as a killer. I refuse playing against it cause only swf play it and for the wrong reasons. It also shouldn't be in the game, period.