4 5.0 new release date
When is 4.5.0 releasing now? Heard it got moved from Feb 2nd to an unknown date. Seems all the updates im looking forward to get delayed.
I hope it's for February 2, but if it's February 9, Jesus, I don't want to wait another week.
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I hope it's not been delayed. It's meant to be a mid chapter update so it should already be out, if it takes much longer we will be getting the new killer not long after.
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It never was the officially the 2nd anyways so there was no delay.
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Looking back at the last 4 ptbs , ptb drops 3 weeks before the midchapter or chapter, then the midchapter or chapter follows 3 weeks after, so technically it could be considered delayed if it didn't follow this schedule even if its not set in stone set in wood isn't anything to scoff at
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I do really hope its the 2nd tho. These animations looking crisp except for the running animation. Its kinda bad imo. Injured run is nice. Im just excited.
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I'm ready for the UI scaling. Hopefully it'll make the interface readable on Series X.
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They always said that this is nothing official though and especially after the last chapter we should not call them out for taking themselves some time
Post edited by Mooks on1 -
Been waiting for new animations for months glad they are finally here. Cant wait for character model graphic updates.
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Im not the ones calling them out im the ones supporting the ones calling them outs point with data
shoot the messenger at own risk of shooting the messenger
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Not sure what you were trying to say there.
but your data of previous PTBs doesn’t prove there is a delay. Just before your examples they always had 2 weeks and changes that so there is precedent of them changing those release patterns. And again, nothing was ever officially confirmed. and we are certainly not talking about internal delays here.
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But it, does?
The data says that for the last 4 (I didn't look farther back) they have been on a 6 week development cycle, patch, 3 weeks, ptb, 3 weeks patch, in that order
Im the middleman, shoot the middle man at the expense of your own weekends time
im just here to point out that they are off schedule to support the point of the person calling them out
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But it does not? Even if there is a pattern they can schedule their release dates on their own will. Nothing was officially committed to.
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If they are delaying it, it better be because they are changing that awful new UI thing.
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Patterns cause expectations
people hope things live up to expectations
people are let down when things take longer than the pattern said they would
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Well, never said anything against that...
but after the last chapter it should also have been expected that they might take more time
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Remember when Twins PTB was released? I think it was 10th november Tuesday. Its equivalent of 9 February Tuesday. And if they release patch 9 February (4 weeks after midseason ptb), then when will they release new Chapter PTB?
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I hope it's on the 2nd, seriously midchapter should have gone live on January 12th, if it wanted to be (roughly) a MID chapter update. Seriously this is more like a 3/4s chapter update. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if it went live then that friday they were like "PTB for Chapter 19 is going live on tuesday!"
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New chapter ptb probably will be delayed to 23 Feb or 2 March
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Unless they plan to give us the chapter in April, the chapter ptb would probably be February 9th - February 16th or February 16th - February 23rd. My guess is it probably will be February 16th - 23rd just to give midchapter some time (even if just a week) before people are like "OMG LOOK AT WHAT CHAPTER 19 IS!" That would put Chapter 19 set to release March 9th which is still early-mid March which isn't bad. Personally I think this midchapter FEELS like it's taking forever because we literally got Chapter 18 December 1st. Not to mention if you look at the months the devs set stuff to release, in terms of when during those months chapters release between the December and March chapters is generally the longest time period because they release at like the very beginning of December and then release again in like mid March which is more than 3 months.
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February 9th is the official date.
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I didn't notice news on the official date. Usually devs write it on forums and twitter :( Where did you see this information?
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Can I kick the messenger instead of shooting?
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I’m pretty sure if it gets delayed it’s probably because they are changing the animations again because almost everyone hated them on ptb.
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Datamining actually factually confirms 2nd Feb was but is no longer the intended release date. Should be the 9th. I call that a delay.
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That may be an internal delay.
but something like this is not to be discussed in the forums and it’s not really delay when the community wasn’t supposed to know about the date in the first place. Internal delays may happen all the time in software development.. that’s nothing extraordinary.
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Only if you buy me dinner first