Which role would you say is "easier"?
I feel like this post is trying to rally the me vs you players on this forum.
Both sides have their ups and their downs.
Entitled survivors say killers have it easier.
Entitled Killers say survivors have it easier.
Really this question should be aimed at a rank area.
Because at low ranks to about high purple its smooth sailing and very much killer sided, but the moment the survivors know what they are doing (moving from purple to red ranks, ignoring any and all boosted potatoes), its survivor sided for sure.
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Both easy to play, both hard to master.
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During the time I've played this game I've mostly heard people say that survivor is easier but at the end of the day it's based on your play style and practice. I have 2000 hours and I'm a survivor main, and I'd consider myself a strong and capable survivor, but even at 2000 hours I still struggle very much with killer. However one of my friends has about 300 hours and he's amazing as killer.
So honestly what people find easiest is based on their play style and what works best for them, if that makes sense.
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I think that its way easier to learn to play survivor decently, than learning killer. Killer is just a bit harder (at least for me) to learn and I think, that you have to really learn the ability to listen to footsteps, read scratchmarks correctly, hear moaning and crying, see bloodtrails etc. For survivor you do not really have to learn much, atleast I cant think of something right now. So I think, that overall the role survivor is easier.
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In the beginnng i would say that killer is easier ( if the horrible mathmaking dont put you with gods survivals)
And after when the survival learn how to loop how to bait and this type of things, i think that is more easily to you keep improving
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Both roles have their difficulties.
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I'd say solo survivor's the hardest, then killer, then SWF survivor.
Killers get punished for mistakes more and have to pay a lot more attention, but at least any mistake you make is on you and not 3 other teammates that you can't control.
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While survivor has a lot to learn how to loop when to go from hook save or fix the gen. Once you learn one survivor you've learned em all. While you can't play the same way going from Billy to Hag. Or Trapper to Doctor.
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Survivor obviously. It is a team vs one person and just one person can be enough to let everyone else escape.
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I really don't think it's about "easier or harder". I've got a friend who's a complete killer main and he finds that role way easier than he does when he plays survivor, I think it's a lot to do with the personality of the player and what role they enjoy.
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Killer at low ranks, Survivor/SWF at high ranks.
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Survivor is definitely less stressful, but getting a 4k with a killer feels more rewarding than escaping as a survivor.
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I wanted to pick neither when I first saw this, but I eventually leaned towards survivor being easier. Here's why:
When you're killer, if you don't know how to run tiles & pressure gens efficiently, you lose the game because you have little to nothing to "fall back on". The only thing that can possibly redeem the game is perks such as NOED, Devour, etc.
When you're survivor, if you don't know how to run tiles & do gens efficiently, it is a 50/50 if you win or lose the game because you can definitely be carried/carry.
For an example, if one of your teammates goes down within 2 seconds of chase and you're good at looping, you can take over for them while they do gens & be stealthy. You cannot do this as killer. If you mess up as killer, there is almost nothing you can do about it but lose the game in hopes of eventually getting better.
Post edited by Karao_Ke on4 -
As a person who's played mostly survivor and cannot make it past R15 vs. just starting to play killer I have to say Killer is easier. I can rip my hair out trying to get anything done as survivor and just barely scrape by with 4k BPs. On Killer, I can 'lose' via not getting a 4k, and still make out with over 50K bps to actually progress to having perk builds on my characters. I never feel like I'm actually losing bc of this, even against really good SWFs I've encountered. And bc I know how godawful it feels to try and get any reward as Survivor (prolly why you end up with 'toxic' SWF) like..they never make me mad. Cuz I'm still making absolute bank and actually able to try out different builds. Good luck doing that on Survivor even after a good chunk of hours, at least in my experience.
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The main reason I'd call Survivor easier is because it's more forgiving of individual mistakes, given that you're on a team. I'd also say it's easier in terms of mastering the controls and such, because all of the survivors use the same controls whereas, if you want to play killer, you have to learn individual powers for each one. So, time spent practicing Wraith doesn't transfer to Pig in the same way time spent practicing Meg transfers to Kate.
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As Survivor, you literally just chill and hold M1 for 75% of the match, generally. And if you make a mistake you have a bunch of second chances and teammates to help out.
As a Killer there is no downtime, you have to constantly be acting, wasting even a little bit of time can lose you the match against Survivors that are even a quarter way decent at the game.
It's not even slightly comparable.
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Killer has 22 individual powers to learn and master with each one more intricate than the last
Survivor has survivor, which is one thing to learn, sure it might take you 2x longer to learn it then a killer learning one killer, but thats just 2 killers by the time the killer barely has 10% of their roster down
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Survivor alone is fine..It is when you have a SWF does It make a Killer role harder.
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You have to do 1/4 of the work. Sure, you may not escape, but that doesn't mean survivor is harder, it just means that it requires your teammates to pull their weight.
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Neither of those are the easiest or the hardest, all depend on how much you have experience on each side.
A survivor main could find the game hard as killer and vice versa.
Also as a solo survivor i definitly couldn't say which one is the hardest between killer and solo surviving.
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Killer is easier against solo queue Survivors.
Survivor is harder on solo queue.
Killer is harder against SWF.
Survivor is easier on SWF.
Since there's no option for specifically SWF, I'd have to say neither.
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From easiest to hardest:
SWF - Killer - solo Q.
The difficulty of the killer role is very dependent on which killer you are playing, of course.
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I wonder how many of those survivor votes are killer mains. XD
Killer is by far the easier role to play. You don't have to worry about dieing. You don't have to work on generators, find hex totems or make it to an exit gate and hope you escape. Survivor role is pretty stressful most of the time and I wish it wasn't like that.
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I'm saying both sides for sake of the fact that SWF is stronger than Killer, but Killer is stronger than solo queue survivors.
Communication is strong and when the game seems to be balanced around the idea of such and forgetting of SWF or even doing related to it, then you have this problem where killers are getting mad because SWFs have that edge over them and can easily abuse and bully them, but solo queues can't and even in my own experience I can get left to struggle phase because gens before friends.
This doesn't mean a solo queue team can't make it out, it has happened and will happen, generally solo queues are somewhat same level as a killer if not lower at times when matchmaking doesn't get you same ranked players.
Which in case of solo queueing you'll have to end up doing more than 1/4 of the work, whenever because they died or did nothing is a different story but in an ideal scenario, yes.
It'd technically mean every survivor has to spend 100 seconds on a generator.
80 for each seperate generator and 20 each for that last gen so all five gens are done. But of course that can shift heavily based on how much teammates do stuff and any regression perks on killer.
As a killer you have to worry about time in general. Time is a precious thing and things like Ruin and Pop will grant you more of that time since a generator is done in 80 seconds.
But I will even say that survivor CAN be stressful especially in a typical solo queue experience when your teammates drop like flies or don't pop gens or anything whiles in a chase, both sides have their own stress factors with varies of things to make it easier like the "Second chance" perks for survivors and all the regression perks and NOED for killer.
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Survivor IS more easy and less stressful, and probably more fun also idk. Killer can be fun also if I destroy red rank PC-players with my console Nurse then that is always a great feeling.
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Both roles have their own distinctions on their difficulties imo. Survivors have less to worry about, mainly gens and unhooking a survivor if need be. Killers however have to juggle their focus between gen pressure and all four survivors, if they go off track for just a bit too long the survivors (if played well) can progress significantly on gens. Killer tends to be more stressful as a result, constantly dividing attention to four different players while trying to keep them from their duty. That isn't to say survivors are stress-free, as a single mistake in looping or an oversight when stealthing can change the course of their game, and thus, the rest of their teams survival. Both survivor and killer have to rely on outsmarting the other player, which is dependent on the players themselves and not the role they play. Killers also have a much more variable set of gameplay circumstances, such as going against a coordinated swf team or solo/uncoordinated players. An extremely coordinated group can outright steal the game from a killer, while the killer has much more control over a game of solo/uncoordinated players.
TL;DR Both sides can be easy and both sides can be hard depending on the circumstances ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Imo in difficulty from easiest to hardest its SWF, Killer, Solo
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I would say survivor strictly for the reason a mistake is generally less punished then on killer. That is not always true for sure, unhooking in front of a bubba will go a bit more than punished, but still. With that being said, solo q is by far some of the least fun and hardest to play games i've ever had, no matter how much killer can suck sometimes.
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I'm probably biased but I get WAY too stressed out playing survivor. Killer is just relaxing to me.
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as it's meant to be. obviously killer is harder because you work alone and your task is to work for entity
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HAHA the role i don't main of course
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That's interesting, for me it's the complete opposite. I used to be a Killer main but it started getting so stressful and frustrating that I started mainly playing survivor. Survivor has moments where the tension spikes but there's also plenty of downtime on gens. It's mainly only tense if there's a stealth killer and you don't have spine chill. Slap on Spine chill and playing survivor becomes pretty chill. Gens are fairly boring though so survivor for me is more chill but with the trade-off of having all the boring objectives.
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The whole idea of an unbalanced 4v1 is that both sides are "equal."
The survivors get too many second chances and the killers too few for this to be the case. Even the second chance perks that killers do get are hated by a good deal of people on both sides of the community.
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Both roles have their ups and downs
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I can't play first person games, I get motion sickness because of my eyes and my focal length. That being said, there are a few times I've tried killer and even being sick I always get 4k, once in awhile 3k. In three years I've only been skunked once. In my book killer is way way way easier to the point I don't understand how anyone does not get at least 2k every game. Unless you play against swf, even then on lower levels killer is so easy up to about level 10.
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Huh, I get what you mean.
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Survivors is a lot more straight forward, requires less management, less overall map awareness, and the game has a mechanic to take away killers earned advantage (get 3 kills before any gens done, last survivor gets free open hatch unless killer finds it first). killers don't really have an equivalent if survivors are wrecking them.
Honestly the fact that ques for killer are nearly instant whereas survivors takes a long time is pretty telling on what side is favorable to play/what is easier to play. Not enough people want to be killer
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Survivors have a lot more going for them, there's 4 players as a team and SWF. Although the difficulty difference isn't as large as a lot of people perceive it.
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In theory this should be true. In reality sometimes your teammates are not an advantage. You are absolutely dependent upon them to unhook you and many times they choose to let you die on hook. They can lead the killer right to you. It is a weird dynamic. Many survivors do not embrace the idea of being on a team; they expect you to help them but they cannot be bothered to heal or save you in return.
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Survivor is easier, for sure. As killer, you are alone. If you make a mistake, there is no one there to help you fix it. Survivors are a team (even if not a good team sometime), so it's usually much easier than playing killer.