Dear Fellow Survivor Mains...

This is my first week back on DBD and I must say, I completely regret reinstalling. I’m already at red ranks and I don’t understand how most of you are in these ranks too?
From what I’ve seen, most of you don’t do anything. Most of you don’t do gens. Most of you don’t cleanse totems. Most of you don’t go for saves, but when you do, the killer is right behind you and you don’t have Borrowed Time. Most of you go down quickly in a chase. Most of you lead the killer right to me.
This entire week, over half the games I’ve played have been terrible. The first gen is not popped until after the first 2-3 mins. The only times they pop sooner is when I’m working on them. And by then, the killer already injured most of my team and gotten a hook or two! I go all game doing everything and avoiding the killer. I risk going for the saves, make sure you’re all healed up, go back to the gen, rinse and repeat. And what do I get in return?
Death on the first hook. No one bothers saving me. No one bothers working on gens even though the killer chased me for over two minutes. And if we somehow do all of the gens, I’m the one to go down to NOED. Even though, I haven’t been hit all game! But you know, you all deserve the escape. You’re the ones who deserve hatch.
Obviously, this doesn’t apply to ALL survivor mains. I’m just so frustrated at the high levels of incompetence I’m seeing at the higher ranks. It can’t just be me right?
A lot of them are SWF and don't actually deserve their ranks. Not to mention its way too easy for people to rank up in this game, you can do very little and still pip. I've noticed a lot of red ranks are very very bad as well, like you said. IDK. I'm hopin the MMR system actually helps.
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Man I wish I could have been killer in all those games. Sounds like a great time
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Welcome to solo queue.
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The killer was having a blast in those games! Easy wins. A lot of them pity me tbh. They can tell that I’ve just given up so they just stare at me and let me go. They’ll still kill everyone else though.
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I know exactly how you feel
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Don't carry them - let everyone de-pip. You'll get yours back fast - hopefully they won't.
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Your blaming your team for you not escaping but you dont have to escape to rank up.
If you do 2 gens get 2 saves and escape 2 good chases you'll rank up
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Oh I know I don’t need to escape to rank up. I have no problem ranking up because I’m carrying. My issue is that my teammates are consistently being useless, which makes me have to work harder to have a decent game. I would love to have better teams more often. I actually just played a game with a decent team, but we did go against The Twins so that could be why it went so fast...
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F u c k i n g WHOOSH.