Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Hag Mains NEEDED here ASAP.



  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,225

    If you're trapping a pallet in chase, wait when the survivor sets it off. A lot of times they'll double back and drop it from the other side of the trap. If you have STBFL, you can sometimes get a hit on one side of the pallet and then teleport to the other side to hit them again. You phantasm stays up for a few seconds. You can use it as a mindgame.

    Set traps at the bottom of long drops. You can teleport before they hit the ground and survivors will be staggered if they don't have Balanced Landing. You'll get a free hit.

    There are a lot of ways to be efficient with traps and get two traps for the price of one. On Grim Pantry for instance, you have the ramp up to the Pantry and then the entrance to the lower level right next to it. The trap has a wide enough range that you can cover the ramp and lower level entrance with one trap in the middle of the two.

    For basement, I've found it best to hook the survivor on the left hook and tuck the trap in the corner to the left at the bottom of the stairs. There's no way the rescuer can see it unless they're on comms.

    Her best add ons are range/setting time. Rusty Shackles can be nice, but they don't face you in the right direction when they go off, which can cost you hits.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278

    Why is Corrupt Intervention imperative?

    If their intention is doing the gens far away, why would you need it?

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441

    My bad for misreading your posts. I'm tired right now and just #########(e)posting on the forums because of how much of a meme they are.

    I agree with you on the reasons that you put forward on why Hag has a high kill rate. The thing I disagree with is the reasoning on why she's considered high tier.

  • SkerpiTwitch
    SkerpiTwitch Member Posts: 327

    Whatever you do, if you find a survivor before you layed down your traps, dont chase! CORRUPT INTERVENTION IS A MUST I WOULD SAY.

    i think 7-8 traps before a chase should make you stronger.

    Playing as black hag will help aswell.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,225

    Because it gives you time to set up around your preferred gens. Survivors have full control of the map from the start without Corrupt. They either start gens in your web or try to wait out Corrupt and let you fully set your web with zero gen progress.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Pick an area of the map and defend it, preferably one with at least two generators within 32-40 meters close. Then trap the jungle gyms around there.

    Just lock down a part of the map with your traps and don't bother chasing survivors at all if they take you away from your den of traps. "Chase" them with your traps so to speak.

    If you place a trap right next to a side of a window or pallet and the survivor is not looking at it with their camera it will flick their camera and delay a pallet drop or window vault for at least a half-second if you place the trap right (I would recommend watching a video guide on Hag).

    (I am not a really good hag main btw)

  • Skullgrind
    Skullgrind Member Posts: 118

    My best tip - use perks that are "passive" and don't require you to change your playstyle too much. As others have said you will need to adjust your play against each group differently.

    Perk I like a lot on Hag - Forced Penance. This helps with both the body blockers, object users, and flashy savers. Plus you can put pressure on them really quick while they can't heal.

    Another Perk I like a lot on Hag - Agitation. Being able to choose where you want to put a survivor on hook is critical to maintaining your web of traps.

    Hide your traps. Use the traps in "obvious" places to lure in the "smart" survivors and when they are feeling cocky and confident they hit the other trap you set nearby expecting them to find the first. WHACK

    I love Hag. Really really fun killer to play and very versatile. I know people don't like playing against her because she can put a lot of pressure on the unhooks and bad players like to camp with her. But for me it's LISA 4 LYFE

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    I generally make a web and force them to come into my web. If a trap gets discovered and they deactivate it quickly, I'll adapt its placement.

    They're forced to come to your web, your area. Make sure to place traps in unpredictable ways so they won't be able to flashlight em. I suggest michi, he's a good hag one trick youtuber that explains some good traps and trap placements.

    Quick tip, you don't need to teleport to each trap, even tho it's good to apply pressure. There are times where teleporting to a trap is simply not worth it, you'll just have to get passed this mental barrier, that forces you to tp to each traps. I also suggest my build on hag, which amplifies her ability to setup:

    Corrupt/sloppy/m&a/a nurse's calling

    This is the main build I use on hag. Corrupt buys you time to setup more traps, and forces them early into your web.

    Since most hag games don't tend to last long, sloppy is godsend. You can instead bring save the best for last, but in the rare scenario where they do manage to hold up, sloppy helps significantly. And also combos with

    A Nurse's calling. Now it's kinda weird for an 110% killer to have nurses, and you're correct, she doesn't have any mobility. But she has a smaller terror radius than normal and she's shorter/less visible. So you catch many people off guard, and allows you to place traps ahead of the survivors.

    Lastly, m&a which combos great with nurses and makes her extra sneaky. Also if you despise how slow it feels as hag, it kinda helps a bit.

    The mains problem as hag are OoO users, but michi already explained how to put traps in certain positions to even catch OoO users off guard, so I won't go into detail for em.

  • TripleSteal
    TripleSteal Member Posts: 1,298

    You can spam fake trap placement animation when facing a decent OoO SWF. Preferaby do it around tiles with grass which prevents survivors from immediatly figuring out that they've been bamboozled.

  • sojalol
    sojalol Member Posts: 35

    Several flashlights on decent survivors is honestly the bane of your existence as hag. There isn't really any way around this other than hiding your traps better ( I know you said OoO). Your best bet is to either play more defensively and set up for the 3 gen and hope for the best or play super campy and trap up 1 player on the hook and proxy camp stupid hard which is lame but you do you.