Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

If a Killer disconnects...



  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    More often than not when I get farmed from the hook, being a solo survivor who doesnt run DS, i just get hooked again. I've had team mates working with the killer, and the killer instead of killing them, they kill everyone else. Where was the empathy then?

    I'm never toxic. Never click flashlight, never teabag and I play as fair as I can. Same as killer. I go out of my way to not tunnel and not camp.

    I just find it odd how people are defending a killer dcing. That has nothing to do with empathy. I've had killers dcing without anyone being toxic. I've had survivors dcing on me, without me tunneling or camping.

    But in this forums, I always see people complaining about survivors dcing. What if that survivor was being hard tunneled? Facecamped? Sandbagged by a team mate? They always get the same reply about the "rulebook". But when a killer dcs, people pity them. It's just a lot of double standards. I'll always show empathy to people who show it to me.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117
    edited January 2021

    Darn. Guess I'm part of the problem because I'm a better player than the killer so they DC.

    I should be ashamed of myself.

  • MissMayluna
    MissMayluna Member Posts: 9

    I certainly feel for you being farmed, ironically it's part of my own personal honor code to double down on the person who farmed their teammate, and let the poor soul who got farmed run off.

    It's more that you rarely see any empathy as a killer, which I think in time has turned a lot of them pretty bitter. This creates a pretty vicious cycle, where kind killers quickly turn resentful, which creates the toxic survivors in turn. Often times, we see nothing but hate, never a kind word, friendly banter and lighthearted jokes. While some people just aren't in a good state of mind and DC for their own reasons, I've seen plenty of people just up and quit because of the behavior of others.

    Hell, I've had nights where I've had back-to-back SWF teams make my time utterly miserable, to the point where I need to take breaks from the game or quit for the night. Point is, we all need to see ourselves as a full community, and see each other's point of view.

    (On another note, a reminder to take time for yourselves and maybe go check out the Wholesome Moments thread in the general discussions chat. Everyone could use a wholesome pick-me-up nowadays!)

  • MissMayluna
    MissMayluna Member Posts: 9

    Certainly another good point, and you aren't wrong. There is a difference between a group straight up ganging up on a killer, and a killer not knowing when to abandon the chase.

    There are also some people who are just not in a good head space, and thus DC.

    But sometimes the difference can be that empathy instead of being rude, and you show a great example of this. Empathizing with the frustrated killers at times, especially new ones is a good step, and the community needs more of that.

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    The only instances of a killer ever DCing in any of my games is because they couldn't keep up.

    It's happened to me three times, two times the killer just simply couldn't catch me and gave up, and the other time four gens popped at once in the early game, their shroud of separation ######### them over big time.

    I get that it can be unpleasant as killer (from first hand experience) but they consciously make the choice to DC instead of sticking a match out! The only person at fault there is the killer.

    BM is frustrating but a DC over it is stupid, so is a DC over anything in this game!

    Saying survivors are at fault for playing a game is just stupid and sounds high key entitled and I'm kind of dissapointed at some people in this threads attitudes, of course some people think a killer DCing is funny and that's not good either.

    Overall this thread is full of irrationalised viewpoints that haven't been weighed properly by the person writing them, and though that's representative of the DBD community who take everything wayyy too seriously, it's frustrating.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,305

    I had a red rank iri head Huntress DC before first gen was done. It was on Dead Dawg, I was in desert and cleansed her Huntress Lullaby as she was coming towards me, dodged a hatchet, looped her 3 times around pallet I dropped in desert, when she decided to break pallet I ran off and that was when she quit.

    The other night I had 2 matches in a row where killers DC at start of match, both were red rank. First was a Spirit running undying and ruin. She was chasing someone nearby (I could see them) while I cleansed lit totem behind a rock. As I finished cleansing the totem the random stunned her with a pallet, Spirit then DC'd. Next match against a Hillbilly who also ran undying and ruin, again cleansing lit totem near where he was chasing a teammate. I cleansed totem, a gen finished, and Hillbilly DC.

    Had another match against a pig, could see her being looped by someone as I worked on a gen. Not a single gen was completed but they decided to DC when they didn't hit survivor after half a gen worth of a chase. They had "rage quit" in their gamertag so probably DC often.

    Most of my matches where the killer DCs it's because they haven't hit someone within first minute of the game and/or their hex totem was destroyed. Survivors aren't playing toxic, killer just gives up at start of the match. I could understand if survivors were being bullies but they were just avoiding getting hit in a short chase - no teabagging or flashlight blinds - or doing the second objective of cleansing totems.

  • Skullgrind
    Skullgrind Member Posts: 118

    I see a lot of comments here that are pretty much the same and I want to respond in one post:

    • "Sorry you aren't good" or "I'm better and you are not" - sorry your perceived ability to play the game is more important than your humanity
    • "Probably laugh when Survivor DCs" - nope. I already responded to this.
    • "It's on you if the game bothers you, take responsibility" - I do. Do you?
    • "It's not all players/Survivors fault" - You're right. It's not. Interesting that you think you may be one of them? What do you know we don't?
    • "It's the Killers fault if they want to DC" - it's their choice 100% but for you to pretend your gameplay has no part in it is supreme arrogance.

    And to the stories of Killer's DCing with seemingly no reasons or what you consider to be "baby" reasons - you have no idea what they saw or experienced. You aren't them. But you can check your own actions and change them accordingly.

    End of the day we can only control what we do in life (and this game). You can't control others and I don't expect people act differently. I know I am speaking for many Killers with my original post and I stand by it. Sorry if it ya can't take the heat.

  • Skullgrind
    Skullgrind Member Posts: 118

    MissMayluna gets it. Show some empathy and remember that another human being is playing a game with you. It's called sportsmanship.

  • Skullgrind
    Skullgrind Member Posts: 118

    You should be sorry for your poor attitude and lack of positive contribution to the game community. But keep up with the personal insults - it'll get ya far in life.

  • Skullgrind
    Skullgrind Member Posts: 118

    Imagine leaving that post here. Oh wait you did

  • Skullgrind
    Skullgrind Member Posts: 118

    Your life must be full of a lot of pain then huh

  • Jamlpr
    Jamlpr Member Posts: 107

    I’m not sure you even know what you’re saying anymore? Oof.

  • Skullgrind
    Skullgrind Member Posts: 118

    I'm saying you aren't good at the game. Sorry if it went over your head.

  • Jamlpr
    Jamlpr Member Posts: 107

    Big stretch there, but I’m glad you’re trying to put something coherent together.

    You play killer bud. A win could not, literally, be any more spoon fed than it is. If you’re DCing it is because you have a garbage teammate. Stop complaining on the forums and go improve so you stop REEEEEEEEEEing every time you meet someone better than you.

    Growing up is hard, but necessary.

  • aEONoHM
    aEONoHM Member Posts: 208

    And I'm sure the killer found it amusing. Your delving into my post history, which is amusing, doesn't make a difference. I will still laugh my ass off at DCing killers and I'm sure when I DC/Suicide to avoid a Forever Freddy, Iri Kuntress, or other such bullshit I bet they'll laugh their ass off too. Save your armchair tedium for someone who might actually be swayed.

  • aEONoHM
    aEONoHM Member Posts: 208

    I never said I did anything intentional to cause the DC other than playing well. I can understand the assumption that I'm toxic in game because of what I find hilarious, but you're guessing wrong as well. I don't teabag, point, or do anything else over the top because I hate being tunneled and don't want to encourage it.

  • Skullgrind
    Skullgrind Member Posts: 118

    I love how people pretend they know nothing about the toxic community in this thread. Then proceed to insult me and everyone else who agrees. Really says a lot. Keep living your delusions - the sky is the limit!

  • Skullgrind
    Skullgrind Member Posts: 118

    Ah yes "Growing Up". I read your 36 forum posts and they are all basically you telling people they are bad at the game and life. Maybe you should look in the mirror. Do a little self contemplation. Why do you need to talk down to people to make yourself feel "good at the game"? If you're good you're good and it really doesn't matter what others do or think.

    Coherent or is it too much for you?

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    Could've just been their internet, bhvr's servers, hardware, etc.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,762

    I disagree. As a killer main, when a survivor decides to DC I just let the others farm or kill them as fast as I can so they can move on to the next trial. DCing is not amusing, it is frustrating.

  • Kelrie
    Kelrie Member Posts: 6

    Yes every single one you don't show the ranks. You don't show the number of hours you have vs them. This concludes nothing, but you have skill and can loop a killer.

  • aEONoHM
    aEONoHM Member Posts: 208

    Disagreeing is fine. I'm sure some people on both sides find it more frustrating than anything else. I will continue to find it hilarious though, and there is nothing actually wrong with that. What WOULD be wrong is if for some reason the killer was PC and stayed after the game and I mocked them in chat, which is something I DON'T do.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited January 2021

    funny thing is I noticed a killer's post with two censored words got mod edited (your own post), but the survivor that made 4 posts in a row back to back with profanity in some of his as well and was sounding like part of the problem with the game with his attitude had not a single post my eye caught that was mod edited. Basically tells me all I need to know when expecting whether killer is worth touching ever again myself. 4 more years away from dbd I guess, hopefully for good lol since I don't expect survivor queue time to get any less than 10 minutes which is 5 or 6 minutes too long already for me let alone when it pushes 20. Meaning, for me at least, unplayable game on either side when devs don't gaf about the fun on one side and the other side as a result is gonna have a queue at least as long when not double or triple the amount of time a match would last just to get into a lobby that might be dodged lol. No and/or pass.

    I'll play survivor briefly during future bp events if I know they're going on, but won't go out of my way to keep on that info and once it's late in the year if I haven't seen more than 2 of those I'm just gonna spare the space on my pc and ps5 and permanently uninstall it. The attitude toward this game's balance hasn't changed in 4 years and thinking it ever will from this point after so much time is asinine imo. It's time to move on. Forums for the game have been entertaining me much more than the game for a while now which is always a bad sign about a game to me.

  • Skullgrind
    Skullgrind Member Posts: 118

    I appreciate your addition to the thread Indieeden7. It's interesting to see it from your perspective.

    The videos you posted I couldn't tell you why the Killer DC'd but it's likely the spins and FOV pissing them off. That's just my guess from watching you in chase with them. Also a lot of them were Legion? Kinda odd since Legion is typically a good killer to play with if you just want chill games and BP.

    But what we can't see is what happened elsewhere in the matches vs other survivors. Could be someone just set them off. Or the game before started out like your videos and they just said "not again... to hell with this"

    It's not fun for anyone when DC are involved that's for sure.

  • Skullgrind
    Skullgrind Member Posts: 118

    This you though?

    "I will still laugh my ass off at DCing killers and I'm sure when I DC/Suicide to avoid a Forever Freddy, Iri Kuntress..."

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,305
  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,440

    Why is delving into your post history amusing? I didn't want to wrongly accuse you of hypocrisy and your post history easily provided evidence. You're more than welcome to laugh at killers for DC, it won't change the fact that you're no better than those you laugh at. Heck, I'd argue you're worse since you take joy out of other people being miserable.

    You dc'ing/suiciding to avoid things you don't like is actually worse than a killer getting frustrate and dcing. Killers who DC almost always do it out of frustration due to the fact that matchmaking has screwed them over by putting them against players who are much better than them. I give them credit for at least trying before giving up, unlike you, who probably tried to get out of a match from the start when faced with adversity.

    I'm not trying to sway you, in my experience, there is no reasoning with spoiled people who want things handed to them.

  • aEONoHM
    aEONoHM Member Posts: 208

    Oooh, moving into personal attacks on my character without knowing me. If I wanted things handed to me I'd use OP perks in a SWF. Keep trying though, honey. I'm sure someone will give a #########.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,440
  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    rank 3 I think I saw on the end game results screen in the vid

  • aEONoHM
    aEONoHM Member Posts: 208

    Just pointing out that when people resort to personal attacks they've lost the argument, flowery though it may be. Also, it's fun to laugh at crap like this during queue times. Please keep responding as well, though.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Yeah it's not because maybe their internet went out, maybe they had to go do something else. Not because the mechanics of the game are terrible, let's blame it specifically on survivors.

  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785

    Yep my dude, I stopped playing this game a while ago because of that.

    Not because of the company.

    Not because of the game.

    Not because of the unbalance.

    = Because of how survivors behaved in every game I played.

    It gets tiring, and eventually, the game is not fun anymore. And when a game provides no fun, you simply stop playing.

    More and more killers are quitting, and survivors queue times will increase. It will get boring for them because of that, and this game will eventually, die.

    It will happen exactly the same as it happened with Evolve 2. The same type of game, same destiny.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    once enough survivors quit th queue times will improve and the devs would just have to settle for a much smaller playerbase is all

  • Toblerone007
    Toblerone007 Member Posts: 598

    Same on the flipside?

    I see laughing and hysterics im videos of both roles for a dc. Humiliation is something socially everyone avoids but jumps on the bandwagon when it's somebody elses expense. It's human nature. Do you ever feel bad when a survivor that dcd cos you didn't read appendix B properly on the survivor rulebook? It's funny like an RQ is funny in any multilayer game. Fact of life.

  • bobateo
    bobateo Member Posts: 368

    I'll applaud you for finally recognizing that there is more to this that you realized. But I have to ask that do you realize it took literal video proof for you to consider an alternative while you, yourself provided no proof for your accusation. You painted anyone who plays survivor with a huge brush, demanding more empathy and compassion from them (in game where most survs probably don't you, have every played against you, or if they have were just playing the game) than you seem to give.

    In fact from what I gathered from your postings here, you pretty much ignored any counter argument until you had not other choice but to acknowledge it. Even then, you still made excuses. Let me ask you this, do you make similar excuses for survivors who DC? Do you, in those matches when you've had them, project empathy and compassion towards them or the teammates who just got screwed over? I don't expect you to answer me, but another commenter who asked to reconsider you initial words was very on point.