Why are Shrouds still in the game?

These offerings are pretty much game-throwing every time they're played. They're somewhat acceptable on Survivor but as Killer your literally throwing the game if you play a Shroud of Separation.

Shroud of Separation means every Survivor is working a separate gen, which is bad because it removes your ability to pressure multiple survivors at once by chasing them together. Furthermore since the survivors are going to be starting cross-map from each other, it's harder to chase them into each other AND it also means gens on different sides of the maps are getting done, preventing your ability to form an effective territory.

Shroud of Binding and it's ilk are barely acceptable as well and only pass by because of survivor perks like Prove Thyself and Leader. But with Discordance and the fact that most killers have a main goal of making sure as many survivors as possible are getting absolutely nothing done, more often than not you are being a detriment to the team by playing those offerings.
