To redeem codes in Dead by Daylight, all you need to do is open up the game and head to the Store option on your screen. At the top right of the screen, you should see a button that says Redeem Code on it. Once you've got this open, either copy one of the codes from our list or type it in with the onscreen keyboard. When you have the code in correctly, hit the redeem button, and as long as it wasn't expired, you should receive your free reward!
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Can confirm this works! Thanks for posting it ^^
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Just hope this has no limited number of uses so I can redeem it later..
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Ya no kidding got an entire shift left of work.
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Many thanks. I don't need the BP but I got it anyway.
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This is important, this means something.
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either a restaurant brand of "Clothes 8"
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Bhvr keeping it classy as usual.
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ez 100k
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typing on a ps4 is not fun...
but code worked. thank you
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Thy for Post :)
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Lol what the hell, it actually works.
Thanks man!
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This makes me think it's the release day of the mid-chapter today that we now got a new code.
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Don't know what that code means but ok
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It works. I found a reference to "Fuku wa uchi" in the Wikipedia page of Setsubun, Japanese national holiday, also called "bean toss festival" (???).
Apparently, one of the rites is to toss roasted beans out the window or the door shouting, "Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!" literally "Devils out! Fortune in!" or on a family member wearing an oni mask.
A forgotten code referring to the Oni, or an upcoming DLC around Japanese folklore? Or quite simply BPs (forturne) and the use of Japanese has no particular meaning, other than originality, or a code normally addressed to Japanese players?
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thank you kind sir. take my dollar
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thanks a lot <3
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Thank you, my friend :)
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Wait, hear me out. FUKUHACHI. The answer is right in front of us. F U. We know what that means. HATCH. I. OMG they are saying F U to the hatch. NO MORE HATCH GANG.
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Thanks for sharing 👌
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not working at all...expired...
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Odd, I was able to get it just a few hours ago...
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In Japan, the Japanese officials announced this code on twitter.
Setsubun is on Feb 2nd(JST) this year, so the code is expired.
They reqested a screen shot you were throwing a pebble toward Oni.
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Yeah, same here. I don't really get the point of doing a code if it's down in less than a day of being announced
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Chinese new year
Whatttt??! I actually started practicing with oni and someone threw a pebble at me just as I found him
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Wow they put out the code 15 minutes after I shut my PC down and then get expired before I wake up. Why not make it 24 hours?
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That's chump change when you take the bloodweb grind into account. 1 mil would be more suitable, but they have your total bp capped at 1 mil. Why?
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This is because the day that this code refers to is only celebrated on the 2nd of February, hence it's short time frame.
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well since I'm in the future time considering the Dead by Daylight time I was still on 2nd of February when I wrote that post.
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well seems to be normal for behaviour. all kinds of rewards are in a short time frame. I have never got any bonus bloodpoints on event codes or anything like the celebration of discords 200.000 members or something.
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Just watch Paulie ester he tells you when this stuff happens
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yeah it seems to be normal for behaviour just allowing to claim bloodpoint stuff at certain short time frames :/ I hope they'll change this in the future because I have missed all kinds of codes so far just like the celebration of 200.000 Discord members.
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However where its celebrated (I believe its in Japan) it was the 3rd of Febuary.
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yea and i have logged in from 2nd to 3rd february so I was even covering two days, but didn't get the reward for it just like the discord bloodpoints.
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Well it's not the devs fault that you didn't find the code sooner despite you playing both the day before and on the day.
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Tbh, not everyone follows some streamers or watches the forum all the time.
It's stupid that it only lasts maybe 12/24 hours for it to expire. Give people at least some more time to redeem the code if they saw it later.
Or better yet: Make a dev message INGAME telling you the code for some nice BP's.