crossplay disabled = hard mode?
(i play on Steam in mid-Europe)
After 2 months of not playing much i came back in january. I made some comments here about how solo Q is the worst mode in the game now and killer has become, well, let's say not easy but manageable.
I've heard from some streamer that he disabled crossplay, not because console players are bad (they aren't) but because a lot of good Steam players chose to do it and now play "among themselves".
I've tried it now for some days and oof... it feels like the first time i've hitted red ranks again.
Solo Survivor is a bit better, the skill level of the others seems to be better especially in terms of looping, but you also have the occasional hook suicide/ DC of course. Average playtime seems to be higher according to the profiles. Killers are better in terms of game sense and chasing and don't just get carried by their perks.
But playing killer seems to be much harder. I know that a lot of people in red ranks play swf (me too sometimes) but usually i hadn't any problems except for the very rare death squads. That change with disabling crossplay, especially tonight i got outplayed very hard. I got 4 kills in 5 games. I know that you can't 12-hook a good team so i was focusing on 2 survivors, chases weren't super fast but bearable, but gens were flying so fast that i thought they were hacking or something... i was playing Wraith and Ghostface, not the best killers but i feel confident with Wraith at least....
Worst thing though was the end game chat... i'm a salty loser but when i win i usually say gg and leave or say something supportive if there was a clear discrepancy in terms of rank and skill. I will never understand how people get so much fun out of humiliating someone who already got destroyed in the game, i didn't even play "toxic". But that's probably not a new thing for most of you.
Has anyone observed the same? Is your game experience better or worse with crossplay? I want challenges and to get better but not on the expense of my fun...
Never fear crossplay brothers I am here to stay no matter the wait times and abuse I take trying to be here for you in the sweatiest of times a console hero is here and won't leave you behind unless you know leather face facecamp. Glhf crossplay on for the health and future of dbd.
Also crossplay off on ps = no variety only a sweaty swf wasteland where killers go to die. But hey you don't have stretched res to deal with so there's that I guess.
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I play on PS4 as a survivor main. From the moment cross play was implemented almost every single match I played was a slugfest.
I understand why killers slug and I believe it to be a legit strategy. However, I personally do not have any fun at all in those kind of matches. I was ready to quit because I just wasn't enjoying the game anymore.
On a whim I decided to disable cross play. The difference was amazing. I rarely experience those kinds of matches anymore. I turn cross play back on for a couple matches occasionally just to see if things have changed. Inevitably every time I find it hasn't changed.
For me the ability to turn off cross play is the only reason I'm still playing DBD.
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I play on PS4 and for me, if I'm playing killer, cross play is always off. I get clowned hard by PC survivors' higher accuracy/mobility and lower latency. They are also WAY more toxic than console survivors, IMHO.
However, if I'm playing survivor solo, I turn cross play on because PC killers don't seem to have much more of an advantage than console killers (except for Nurses and Blights) and the matches usually queue up faster. When I play SWF with my homie, I turn cross play off because she absolutely refuses to play with/against PC players who have a hardware advantage.
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Yeah my matches with cross play off usually are more reliably placing me with teammates who have an equivalent amount of hours and skill. Crossplay on tends to be varied
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PC crossplay off is noticeably more difficult. I can't sleepwalk through killer games. I feel like I'm playing against poorly programmed AI with crossplay on.
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Crossplay off isn't hard mode. It's no game mode.
Turning off crossplay makes matchmaking take forever.
I don't find it any harder to play. Just harder to play. (find a game)
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On the contrary, I find that my games have gotten noticeably easier now that I've had crossplay off for a few weeks... Lower rank survivors (corresponding to my own low rank), a lot less SWF groups, and generally a more relaxed, farming-friendly atmosphere. All in all a good deal for having to suffer through slightly longer queue times.
Speaking as a killer main, PC, EU.
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Yeah, lots of slugging with crossplay on.
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I'm on ps4 with crossplay off. For me it is way more enjoyable as killer or survivor and my waits for either side is under 5 minutes. Only a few matches a game session feel sweaty, rest are decent games.
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Exactly. Corss play off and you'll learn how to play against really good players