I can never have fun with blight

I used to love playing him when he didn't slide off everything but when they changed compound 21 he started sliding. Every now and again I'll play him just to either get a indoor map or get a outside map but slide off cars and trees. I need some help finding maps in which he doesn't slide so I can at least play him properly.
That's not the killers problem actually. Most cars in Autohaven, most trees in the Swamp, the boxes behind any of the trucks, most benches in Haddonfield and most snowpiles in Ormond has literally no collision right now. Sadly it's one of the many problems with this otherwise very well designed killer.
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Or you could say it's a bug which the devs will never fix.
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On Ormond I consistently collide with invisible walls and slide off rocks i collide with straight on, otherwise maps don't give me major issues (besides hawkins, ######### that #########)
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Now amplify Blight's difficuties describe here by playing him on console......
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Yeah,Blight is pretty much trash tier on console considering how awful his turn rate is and flicking is just not possible at all :(
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Same with Oni and Nurse.
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I think Oni is somewhat useable tho, my flicks on ps4 doesn't really work lately... Survivors find his dead angle so easily
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They haven't even fixed his POV i doubt they will fix his collision any time soon.
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Try putting your sensitivity to 100. I play nurse pretty regularly on ps4 and that helped a lot. Still won’t turn as fast as pc, but it helps.
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His point of view is very low, and I do agree the hitboxes are ######### sometimes but I still enjoy playing him. As you play him more you will understand which things to bump. He's still fun for me.
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Honestly,i don't have nearly as much problem playing Nurse and Oni as i have with Blight.
Playing Nurse and Oni with 100 sensitivity is totally fine and there are very few cases where more sensitivity would have been needed (Though it pretty much kills your thumbs playing with max sensitivity).
Blight however is insanely handicapped on console because even max sensitivity is really low here.Because of this flicking with him isn't possible and the turn rate is absolutely awful.It feels like i have to use turn addons just to get to addonless pc blight performance.
Very unfortunate because i really really like blight :(
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It's totally possible, it just takes way more effort and it still isn't quite the same as PC.
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So you say I should try Nurse with max sensitivity? Do you have any tips how to learn blink distance? I always wanted to play her, but I found it stressful, maybe the MMR will help...
I get disoriented with Blight too easily. I was suggested to user Shadowborn, but tbh it didn't help much.
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You can use the flannel to learn distance but I’d warn against using it too long. You will just pay attention to the marker as opposed to getting good muscle memory on the charge animation
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I’d also suggest the brown horse also as you are going to miss A LOT.
just accept that you are going to lose a ton, but after you take your lumps, she is very good.
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As others have said, it's not necessarily a problem exclusive to Blight. The new map assets are really poorly tuned. But, as is the case with BHVR for a while now, form>function.
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Blight is good, hes well designed, but his collision is bugged with newer maps mostly, plus his pov
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Yup, the collision bug with certain objects ruins him completely. Sliding off an object just takes the fun out of his gameplay completely. Combined with his extremely low POV, he feels super buggy.
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Exactly, I love him but damn he makes me wanna DC in half the maps.