
  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    No. If I don't like my odds, I'm leaving.

  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,046

    I'm not going against SWF with a key as demo. Fun for them, not so much for me.

  • Rhoska
    Rhoska Member Posts: 273

    I dodge immediately with no mercy if I even remotely suspect its a SWF on voice group.

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    I've started to lobby dodge now because of sweaty swf lobbies making the game less fun.

    I've just lobby dodged one because in the last few seconds, 2 flashlights and a med pack appeared on 3 survivors. I wasn't going into it.

    Few games before that, I went into the game and I wish I hadn't. 2 toolboxes, 1 flashlight and 1 medpack. Gen rushing lobby wasn't the word on Lampkin Lane map. Let's just say it wasn't a fun match.

    I've started to back out of some lobbies that only show 4x ps4 users or 4x others. I usually only ready up now with a mix.

  • Epsydra
    Epsydra Member Posts: 89

    I will dodge SWF lobbies as much as possible.

  • PigEmpress
    PigEmpress Member Posts: 79

    If anything I think I don't lobby dodge enough when I play killers.

  • madminer95
    madminer95 Member Posts: 151

    if i see a key and i don't feel like dealing with that crap i dodge, and until keys are nerfed i'll continue doing that thanks.

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    After getting a not so fun lobby again with flash lights and tool boxes. I think I will stop readying up with any users carrying items tbh. I think I will wait longer and get better lobbies than to go into sweaty lobbies.

    Getting beyond a joke now.

  • If I load into Midwich and see multiple Objects, I'm gonna DC.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,196

    Oh wow, I'm in this thread.

    I'm one of the only one's left :(

  • Deathslinger_Main
    Deathslinger_Main Member Posts: 75

    If I see key, a toolbox, and 2 flashlights with a 4 man swf, you bet I am dodging that lobby. If you dont want people dodging your lobby, dont run keys or 4 flashlights. On xbox there is no pre game chat :(

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    So I decided not to lobby dodge this time and It was such an awful match. I had 2 PC users using macro on the flashlight. Rapid clicking isn't the word. Back to lobby dodging again. As I write this I've just dodged 3 lobbies.

  • RbLen
    RbLen Member Posts: 144

    I had 3 games in a row with SWF full meta perks, dead hard, object of obsession, borrowed time, decisive strike, you name it. Two of them were last second flashlight/key swaps. Flashlight around every corner so I could not pick up anyone and they were deliberately bming. Next game I see 3 flashlights and I really don't want to play that match, just maybe its because of reasons like this killers lobby dodge or quit playing for a while, hence the long queue times for survivors. Just a thought.

  • Jyn_Mojito
    Jyn_Mojito Member Posts: 515

    The ONLY time I will dodge a lobby is if it's a full 4 person Claudette squad. I don't care what a Survivor brings into a match, or if everyone brings an item. That's a challenge and fair, but I fear being tormented by a lobby that's deliberately playing immersed and not doing any gens for the next 30+ minutes.

    I'm a fragile flower and that's just my boundary 😥

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    After learning how the game's "mmr" will handle swf (no better than 3 red ranks running with a 17 smurf to get easier to abuse killers) they have every right to dodge suspected swf still. Or to crash the game or close the app in console on the offerings screen especially when they see them stalling to 16 seconds swap out to their swf setup bs. You're just gonna have to deal with it, or waiting forever to get a lobby if the devs ever ruin dodging for kilelrs and don't put bot killers into the game to replace them. Talk tot he devs, don't hate the player hate the game the saying goes.

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    I'm hoping the game doesn't do what it's now with the MMR system. I don't want to see 3 red ranks and a brown rank survivor after MMR has been put in the game. I really don't have time for the devs to hide the true ranks of players from killers.

    Players can close their application before even hitting the offering screen if they see survivors swap all items at the 15 second marker.

    If the devs ruin dodging lobbies. It'd just put DC'ing through the roof. Players would just go afk through the game. They never put bot killers in the game. It'd be pointless and a win every time probably.

    It'd be nice if the devs actually got on a ps4 and played against a 4 man SWF sweaty lobby and they'll actually see how bad it actually is to play as the killer.

  • Jyn_Mojito
    Jyn_Mojito Member Posts: 515

    Cuz there's fresh meat in the forums and it's vocal <3

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    You have been temporarily....

    Let's just say I didn't lobby dodge and now lobby dodging is back on again. I wasn't paying attention when it readied up but this time I will be watching for these sweaty lobbies.

  • MongolPSR
    MongolPSR Member Posts: 1,032
  • REL1_C
    REL1_C Member Posts: 619

    I do the same thing, I will always lobby dodge if I play killer when the survivors all have toolboxes or flashlights or even wearing the same skin. One of the most unbalanced things in dbd when I play killer is for survivors with OP items wearing the same outfit running DS.

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    We can't switch killers because it's to do with the new matchmaking system they've created.

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539
    edited February 2021

    So first game of the day and I didn't lobby dodge. I wish I had lobby dodged it. If I could go back in time and dodge I would. Now, I'm back to lobby dodging again. No wonder the queue times for this game go up. Bad matchmaking straight away as soon as I'm on this game.

    Not even 1 balanced match for the first game.. Nothing like that. Just a straight up loss fest. Just thrown straight in with survivor 9,000's.

    I've played unbalanced and dead game but this has taken the no 1 spot on a dead game that is unbalanced. No1 of my life.

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    This is why killers lobby dodge.

    3 - yellow med pack and extra 8 charge

    4 - yellow tool box, 12 charges and increase speed

    8 - yellow medpack with healing speed x2

    2 - engineers toolbox with a brand new part and 8 charges.

    Why do we want to ready up a game where it's just gen rushing and escape as fast as they can. Where is the points I will get from that.

    Gladly I deranked 1 level. Le'ts hope by the end of today I will be back in purple ranks.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    Unfortunately I don't think ranking down will help much, I've never even gotten to green or purple, still consistently face groups of at least 2 red ranked survivors. I've only been playing a couple months, only learned what prestige ranks unlocked so I know what outfits promise I'm going to have a bad time.

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    What are we suppose to do. Lose each match and score 5k points whilst the survivors get 20k points each because the devs refuse to sort out matchmaking. Devs are probably sat there playing Friday the 13th game. I'm guessing they can't be bothered to actually sort the SWF out and nerf them.

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    As soon as I get to red ranks I'll purposely derank out of it. I'll just play like I'm a really bad killer and pretend to lose chase everytime until I get out of red ranks.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    I don't know. A friend of mine is considering the private server route for Friday 13th, I may just go back to that. I know at least 5 times in the last few weeks I've found myself literally at the splash screen about to choose "play as killer" and just decided why bother, better to play any other game.

  • Hex_Salt
    Hex_Salt Member Posts: 445

    So when I saw what I presume to be a 4 man swf with 2 toolboxes, a map and a key I wasnt wasn't entitled to lobby dodge? As killer was my fun taken into consideration by them?

  • PigEmpress
    PigEmpress Member Posts: 79

    I've lobby dodged a few games today that had key and toolboxes. Feels good.

  • lkalin91
    lkalin91 Member Posts: 150

    You can't stop me!

  • Sinister0208
    Sinister0208 Member Posts: 253

    Considering this is BHVR, they are more likely to remove the pre-game lobby (to prevent lobby dodging) than do anything else.

  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785

    If they dodge there is something wrong in your team composition/skins/steam usernames.

  • Epsydra
    Epsydra Member Posts: 89

    Sorry, but I don't see myself succeeding against a 4 SWF red rank lobby with my Trapper, nor my Wraith.

  • ProfGameAndTalk
    ProfGameAndTalk Member Posts: 326

    I’ll at least start and if I see toxicity from the very first survivor (teabaghing like crazy after one pallet) then I’ll just dc. Five minutes is nothing compared to what they have to wait through for their next match. Then I giggle a little. Fun times.

  • YPM
    YPM Member Posts: 2

    Honestly, when I’m learning a killer or getting his perks up to snuff, I’ll dodge all day long. I understand the sentiment that you don’t want us to dodge, but I also would like to have equal challenges as I’m trying to get up to a level of skills and perks that I feel are appropriate. As soon as I have a real build, I don’t dodge, because at that point I will have the tools available to actually be competitive, and my skills will soon follow. But until then, I can’t trust matchmaking enough to not dodge.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,503

    If you're bringing in keys, a map or a bunch of toolboxes I'm out, I'm not dealing with the BS I know is coming.

  • Epsydra
    Epsydra Member Posts: 89

    Whenever my Trapper takes on a SWF lobby, a Survivor follows me around the entire time to defuse my traps the minute I set them.

    Even, honestly, it's not fun for me and my power is useless.

  • PigEmpress
    PigEmpress Member Posts: 79

    Some people just want to play a game, not become the world championship of all gaming. It's not about 4k or whatever, but that a sweaty swf will just make the entire experience miserable as they suck all the fun out of it. It's better to AFK or DC those games and enjoy the potential depip of those SWF than try to play the game.

    Or just do the smarter thing: Lobby Dodge.

  • Another_LegionMain
    Another_LegionMain Member Posts: 399

    The only time I dodged a lobby is where there were 3 keys and all matching usernames.

  • lolololol
    lolololol Member Posts: 106

    Okay gonna throw some reality n your face real quick..

    Why would anyone want to play killer if you can only play a handful of viable ones? What, just to constantly deal with terribly design maps like Haddonfield and above all else listen to the ego inflated survivors who are on a power high from going against a weak killer like wraith in the end game chat..oh Ntm be constantly nerfed by the devs to appease the survivor masses and leave meta perks like decisive strike unchanged..

    Does that sound appealing to you? Because it sure in the hell doesn’t for people who are new to the game.. that’s why there’s a huge amount of survivors than killers. Thank the community and the devs.

    And please get off your high horse and stop complaining about lobby dodging, because I know for a fact that survivors would instantly back out if they saw my ptg 3 nurse.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    This needs a downvote to be on par with reddit quality

  • Epsydra
    Epsydra Member Posts: 89

    I am not new. But, I only play "weak" killers. I have fun with the Trapper, the Wraith, the Pig, the Demogorgon, the Clown. Stronger killers, like the Spirit, the Nurse or the Hillbilly don't amuse me. And I like to play with all the advantages, not just the strong ones.

    You will understand that under these circumstances I can hardly do anything about SWF.

  • Liqhtninq
    Liqhtninq Member Posts: 94

    Killers shaking in their boots at my brown toolbox.

  • Theninjajesus
    Theninjajesus Member Posts: 99

    If I hop in a lobby and all 4 survivors change who they're playing, I'm going to hop back out.

  • TalesIsSad
    TalesIsSad Member Posts: 6
    edited February 2021

    Deal with it. They payed for the game and they can do as they please (other than hacking or exploiting). If they want to doge a 4 man SWF, then guess, what THEY CAN. If they want to doge a key team, then THEY CAN. Just deal with it.

  • FacuMart
    FacuMart Member Posts: 45
    edited February 2021

    you can tell by the skins

    the more colorfull, the more troll the survivor are