So, how did you Discovered and learned to play DbD?

Hello There,
I was a bit curious about something lately, it's how msot of the players discovered and learned to play Dead By Daylight, the game been a bit niche for a long time and it doesn't have the best tutorials to learn to new players, some don't understand it, some actually do really really well in it, no matter if killer or suvivor.
So i wanted to know how You, yes you reading this, discovered dead by daylight and how you learned to play it
As an exemple, i discovered the game because a friend showed it to me and got me to come play with him as survivors, i learned the basics with friends, yet the most advanced tips (and most of my killer tips) i got from youtube/Twitch videos !
What actually interests me the most is to know if most people actually discovered and learned the game through/with friends or all alone :)
(i would actually do a poll for this, but i have no ideas how, so uuuuh....too late we'll do with this)
I'm playing DbD because i lost a bet
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A friend of mine was playing it so I checked it out. Now I have twice the hours as her. 😐
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I came to play DBD when F13 came to an end
Learn to play by playing and watching YouTube
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Discovered DBD because I wanted a game like Friday The 13th since the playerbase was dying. Bought it for my friend and I.
Learned how to play DBD by getting my *ss kicked every single match, like literally. Of course YouTube might've played a part as well but it's all experience for me.
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I watched a video that showed all of the killer's trailers. I then searched the game on YouTube and watched some Monto videos. About a month later I got the game for myself.
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Before I even bought the game, I loaded my brain with information with killer guides on how to play each one and the general strategy, for survivor the same thing.
After about over a year and a half I discovered Otzdarva (Not Otzdarva), Scott Jund, and Noob3 (I discovered him first before the others). Hybridpanda, Ohtofu, and coconut RTS more recently. I especially liked watching Otz because he actually explains most of his actions whch is very helpful when learning killer. His guides also help. My favorite videos from him are the killer addons explained. That really long video is so helpful for me because I need to know all the little details of killers and what their addons do.
I discovered the game through Markiplier (sort of) and my friend who wanted me to get it. I thought it looked cool and then I got it about a month later. I didn't regret my purchase. However, I have like no one to play with and haven't played with my friends because a lot of them just forgot about it, and the one friend who wanted me to get it just doesn't play it as much. It took me about 800 hours to git gud at both killer and survivor and I had to learn it all by myself since everyone stopped playing it with me all the time. I used to play with my brothers, but they also got really bored of the game. I have friends who stream and I play with them, but they only ever play SWF's when they do stream and it isn't that common for them to. That is why I have been thinking of streaming myself, so I can help out people get better at the game while having loads of fun. I already do it on the forums which I joined a couple of months ago. So to sum it up, I learned by myself for the most part by watching Otzdarva's videos and streams along with a bunch of other guides, but it was a slow start.
I have played since mid 2017 so for 4+ years now, just before Freddy and Pig came in. I think I just became good because I love this game quite a bit. Although it makes me want to bang my toe against something, intentionally.
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I discovered DBD by a YouTube gameplay video. I got bored and was browsing videos of gameplay for different games and just so happened to find a DBD gameplay video. I found it interesting and decided to try the game myself.
I got better at the game just by playing a lot and watching gameplay guides on YouTube.
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Xbox Game Pass
Looked neat so I grabbed it. I learned how to play by playing.
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To this day it remains the first and only game I paid money for after randomly running into it being streamed on twitch. I've never played any horror games before since I'm not interested in this genre, but I really liked the gameplay concept.
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I made friends playing Evolve Stage 2. When that game shut down(Damn you 2k) I kept in touch with some of the people I met on that game. One of them suggested DBD way back before all the drama. I learned to play survivor through SWF. I learned to play killer by getting my ass kicked over and over until I learned how to win.
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I always watched my older brother play DBD. He played Killer a lot, so naturally, I did as well when I finally got it on my PS4.
Fell in love with it.
He gave me tips on which Killers to begin with (I begun with Spirit, loved her and still do). When I switched over to Survivor, he advised me to begin with Jake (along with a few others like Dwight and Nea).
Jake has been my main ever since.
I eventually favored the Survivor gameplay more than the Killer. I usually play horror games to get scared so, it was perfect.
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Saw it on game pass and thought “isn’t that the game with that fat clown?” Safe to say he was my first killer I bought.
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Watched someone play the beta (or alpha idk) on Youtube as killer and was like 'I have literally never seen a game like this ever, this looks kinda cool'. Then bought it near launch when there were just 3 killers.
Fast forward to now and I'm an idiot approaching 3k hours. Tragic story.
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Discovered DBD because my friend told me about it. First person I watched was Tru3Ta1ent. So I knew how to play the game as killer because of him, although honestly doubt I was any good back then.
I don't remember watching a huge amount of survivor based YouTubers/Twitchers back then, but I did eventually start watching Jendenise, Pickledream, etc but avoided 72hrs (and that other guy beginning with an O) because I felt they were a little too toxic (as a killer main back then!).
Funnily enough I don't remember watching any kind of tutorial style video until last year, where I've looked at some tutorials at how to consistently fast vault windows at difficult angles.
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I was sub to Otz when he was doing pubg and ds2/ds3 videos on his main channel then he uploaded a video something like "what is dbd" then it was on ps4 and I was like let's try it.
Up to this day I still play it.
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I saw it at gamestop for ps4 when i quit COD.
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I've been casually watching DbD content since 2016. When I finally got proper, stable internet and a little money I started actually playing it as well. I don't know how much I already knew, how much I learned through playing, and how much I learned through watching proper DbD content after I started playing.
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A friend put me onto it knowing I love horror. We played as a 2 man swf (and having over reliance on him meant I didn't really improve). Playing solo and watching streamers (True at first then some others) transformed me from potatoe to rank 1
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So, before DBD, I have played a lot of FNAF, Escapists, Minecraft, and Geometry Dash. I needed a new game to play. I was browsing Steam on June 1, 2020 for horror type games. I was navigating the reviews for a lot of games with DBD being one of them. After doing enough research, DBD seemed good so I decided buy it.
I bought the game on June 1, 2020, but I didn’t play my first match until the day after. I was scared and had no idea what I was doing. I always had “hold W” mentality. It took me a while to actually escape a trial. I had to at least play 30 matches before I actually escaped. I specifically remember my first ever escape was at Lery’s. I barely played killer my first month. I didn’t get my first 4k until July 9 at Gas Heaven with Wraith. Like I said, all I did was play survivor.
I eventually got DBD mobile some time in July. I played both PC and mobile from time to time, but I played mobile more because my old PC wasn’t very good and frames were dropping like crazy. Thankfully I got a gaming PC recently and it’s much easier to play on it.
It took me a while to figure out who my killer main would be. I played a lot of Wraith and Trapper when I was new. On the mobile version in August, I had enough shards to buy a killer. After watching gameplay from content creators, I decided to buy Spirit as she looked like a lot of fun to play. After buying her, I non-stop played her. I pretty much fell in love with her and mained her since then.
That’s my backstory from my first two months of DBD.
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Played it when it was on a free weekend at the beginning of 2019. And Idk, I just learned it by playing and watching streamers. It's very easy to just copy what other people do in this game.
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I knew DbD exist for about one and a half year, I guess, since I've seen one of my favorite streamers playing now and then, but it never really caught my attention, even when I grabbed it free from psn.
When a friend of mine said there was a Silent Hill chapter coming, I was excited to play something about it. So me and my friends agreed to try the game together.
Once that was set, I started looking for tutorials on youtube and I pretty much watched Pain Reliever's videos for beginners, from where I started. I also watched other streamers later to get more advanced tips and I did the in game tutorial too. But I was still total trash in my first games. I guess nothing beats experience.
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Saw people discussing about the game's beta over on the PAYDAY 2 Steam forums (both games were published by Starbreeze Studios at the time, and there was a crossover between the two games).
Snagged a Beta key, enjoyed it thoroughly, and bought the full game about a month after it came out (had no money to spare at launch).
I don't watch streamers/content creators play (not my thing), so everything I know was basically self-taught these past five years.
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So i first learned about f13 and played that for a bit and before long i started going onto the f13 forums. As i was looking through them i saw people talking about dbd saying it was better and arguing it was worse and at first i was like "no way that game is definitely worse". this was before it started dying btw.
however before long i got a recommended video by hybrid panda (i miss his content) about dead by daylight and thought i might as well see what it was like.
in the span of 20 minutes my thoughts turned from "dbd sucks" to "wow that looks way more fun than f13 i can even be the killer every time" and since i played f13 not for the horror but to be a murdering maniac i quickly switched to dbd. even with how unbalanced it was back then it was still way more fun to me since it fit what i was looking for in a game where you play as a monster/killer.
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From Dashie. That dude made this game look fun as hell. And because Daddy Michael was in the game so it was a must.
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It was a game on game pass I never heard about before, so i tried it and here I am.
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I see another that played Evolve, miss the game it had a lot of potential to be a good game
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Son asked me to buy him it, watched him play a few games, i tried it and was hooked.
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I was looking through Xbox gamestore and came across DBD, at first I thought it would be something like walking dead or Until dawn, there was a campaign and there was a group of survivors keep exploring to places where there are iconic slashers trying to kill them, but instead I found out it was a multiplayer, I then watched Tru3ta1ent on his stream with his PTB with the new killer, The Clown (Hense why I love Clown). I finally bought DBD when I got a gift card for Christmas last year, and I somewhat regret it but, mostly am happy I got it
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I was bored and started scrolling through youtube and found Otzdarva (more specifically Not Otzdarva) I bought the game and learned from Otz. I learned my friends have the game. They dont play enough
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i discovered it by a couple of friends recommending it to me (im the only one of them who is still playing btw lol) in combination of the german YouTuber "Gronkh", who used to play the game a LOT back then aswell.
i thought it looked really cool and decided to go for it around September 2016 (i think?) and got hooked ever since.
how did i learn to play the game?
well, for starters i got a lot of first hand experience. with my roughly 4.3k hours right now i can say for sure that i played this game a LOT, and that i kept improving over time.
on top of that i spend quite some time watching other high skill players play the game, looked up guides and generally researched a lot of stuff that i wanted to know, such as looping strats, mindgames, perk / power synergies and base stats.
took me a while, but now im at a point where i, at least when playing killer (my main role) i dont really suffer defeat all that often anymore (i 4k way more than i 2k or less).
though one side effect of this journey is, that i always feel super pissed when i see a genrush SWF beating me with the best playher having 500 or less hours. i just feel like its undeserved, considering most are below my skill level, yet they still beat me due to the game being the way it is... (that very rarely is the case though)
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That's kinda like what i did , too. I found a video about the killer's trailers. Then I saw the spirit's trailer and BOY was I amazed at how they made such a game. I then looked at her spotlight trailer, then other killer's spotlight trailers. Then I finally got the game on console and played as spirit. Tbh, it's fairly easy to catch survivors on gens with phase walk on console. Then I played trapper on mobile. And, yeah thats how i got "hooked" to the game. (pun intended)
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The first Monto video I watched was his "toxic Legion", because at the time Legion was the most recent killer. They're what got me interested in the game in the first place.