Why so upset about ds nerf ?

People complain that ds is ,,useless" because they get tunneled every game but now ds is an actual anti tunneling perk and not a 1 minute godmode ...



  • cburton311
    cburton311 Member Posts: 407

    true the abuse is gone, but i think the perk will not be used anymore. They nerfed it hard and in the wrong way imo. A lighter nerf would have been to deactivate it when the gates powered or the hatch opened. Then see how the meta shakes out.

    I guess we'll see how abusive the killers get.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976
  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    You can still hop in a locker with it.

    I think we need to wait until the PTB to see if it needs a little buff to go with the nerf. Too many open-ended possibilities.

    Does the timer turn off if you get healed while slugged? Does the timer go off when someone else is hooked? ect ect

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I actually wouldn´t mind, if they take the 60 seconds timer completely away. After all, a good looper can prevent the killer from downing him for more than a minute. So why not make it a complete anti tunnel perk. But there would have to be a sideeffect of deactivating it during the EGC. Otherwise it would still be a guaranteed escape.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    I don't care about the deactivation conditions, what I do care about is that the changes are strictly from the perspective of improving the experience for the killer. DS is not the effective anti tunnel perk people make it out to be. You have to be picked up within 60 seconds, so I guess if your tunnel exceeds 60 seconds then it's not tunneling anymore. If you go down within 60 seconds and the killer slugs you, if he picks you up at the 61 second mark then I guess that's not tunneling. so according to the devs, tunneling can only happen one time, and it all has to happen within 60 seconds of being rescued and they have to pick you up because outside of these perimeters it's not tunneling?

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Member Posts: 608

    It isn't an anti tunnel perk. If a killer really wants to they will wait out the DS timer or frankly if you do good enough at chase the killer will be chasing you still after it ran out. It also only activates once and has a chance of being missed.

    Now add onto that the unhook change despite all the whining is going to make camping much easier. Maybe its just me but at red ranks I encounter more people will will camp than I do people that hide behind their DS to unhook. Also more people who will whine about DS That never activated/wasn't used aggressively as a reason for losing.

    So yeah, 90% good. 10% they didn't consider that it is basically a counter to camping a hook either to camp someone to death or to beg for trades.

    The locker ds isn't the worst thing ever. I don't mind that. Countering totems, gens, sabotages and healing a health state I like.

    Honestly it would've made more sense to make it deactivate sooner if the killer has NOT chased the survivor for say 30s. Sometimes you can chase someone and hook them, walk across the whole map back and still get hit with ds.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    So if killer tunnel a good looper more than a minute, it wouldn't be well... nessesary to have anti-tunneling perk.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    I think if you start getting chased the timer should pause and can't unpause until the chase is either over (and you won the chase) or you get healed from a slug.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    He is still tunneling. I know, sometimes it feels good to drop everything and get that one guy. But it would still be tunneling. Doesn´t matter if he runs the killer for 1 minute or 5.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    Slugging is not tunneling. 60s is enough time to get you picked up. So it is anti tunneling perk. It prevents killer from immediately put you on the hook again

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Slugging can be part of tunneling. If you get unhooked and downed right after because the killer ignored everyone else and still went for you, you got tunneled.

  • RayrafLPP
    RayrafLPP Member Posts: 621

    go on DBDs twitter page and look at the comments below the Q&A. There you will change your mind :)

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    Exactly. Sure it would need to be deactivated in Endgame (probably even after the fifth Gen is done, not just EGC), but this would be an actual anti-tunnel Perk. And I dont see anything wrong with tunneling in the Endgame (same for camping), thats basically the last straw that the Killer can grasp at this point to get at least this Kill.

  • Asssblasster625
    Asssblasster625 Member Posts: 629

    What nerf

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    I mean you're not wrong, but in terms of actual anti tunneling nothing really has changed to the perk. It's still going to be just as efficient as before when it comes to countering tunneling so the arguement of "this change is going to make tunneling stronger" is just silly.

    I agree it'd be great if they buffed it after this change goes life and it actually stops the timer while in chase, but the timer would only last 30 seconds or so. The amount of times I was able to run the killer around for more than 60 seconds, but DS didn't punish the fact they tunneled and immediately went after me is kinda heartbreaking.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Or after all gens are completed, yes. Removing the timer would also solve the slugging issue.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    tunneling is picking up survivor in order to hook him. Chasing and slugging is just applying pressure. Why won't you hit injured survivor and down him if you have opportunity? What if you're the only survivor killer found? do you think he should let you go? And then survivors like that are screeching TUNNELER in post game chat. They just don't know what tunneling is or never played killer in first place

  • odra
    odra Member Posts: 369

    i used to run ds on my survivor build but now i never used it anymore since its useless. only 1 or 2 times in 10 matches. usually killer will camp around hooks and down you and start slugging while patrolling near you. so basically useless perk.

    IMHO i think if killer start slugging you. you could got full health instead of doing nothing this will feel fair and keep killer for downing you after you're unhooked

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Why are you assuming I unhooked in front of the killer?

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Tunneling is focusing on one survivor, doesn't mean you cant do anything else. If you're chasing an already injured survivor, stop chasing them because you saw me get unhooked and go for me again, even though you were already chasing someone injured, that's tunneling.. You seem to be the one "screeching" and being ignorant about what tunneling is.

  • Asssblasster625
    Asssblasster625 Member Posts: 629

    You said “If you get unhooked and downed right after because the killer ignored everyone else and still went for you, you got tunneled.” killer ignored everyone else and still went for you, you got tunneled.” So unless you and the unhooker ran away to do something else you either unhooked infront of the killer or healed under hook. Which is going to come with risks.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Or you know, you tried to get away from the hook and the killer still saw your scratch marks because they stay there for a while?

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Totem spawns have gotten way better on recent maps (hawkins, saloon, midwich).

    Also map reworks have gotten better totem spawns as well.

    DS used to be way strong, you didn't need to get hooked to be able to use it).

    Undying was unhealthy for the game and so was DS.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669


    if i were to change something on the new DS, i'd add a paragraph that says that the timer will stop when in the dying state.

    that'd be a fair trade off imo.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326
    edited February 2021

    I have a problem with the change because it perpetuates the Behaviour classic of putting solutions to the game's problems in the form of perks. It's less problematic when the characters who have said perks are free e.g. Bill having BT which kind of counters Camping and tunnelling. However it starts to become a serious problem when the characters housing said perks are DLC. While the non-licensed DLC characters are technically "free" they still require a massive time sink to buy with shards because the game is far from generous when it comes to shards. It's particularly egregious with licensed characters because you have no choice but to cough up some cash or just pray to RNGesus that the perk you want will be in the shrine. DS, as you know, is one of Laurie's perks. So if I'm coughing up money then I'm expecting a quality product. DS as it currently is undeniably too strong, but I think it needed a complete rework and not just gutting it. When it gets changed it will be purely anti-tunnel which means it'll do nothing else. If you don't get tunnelled it does nothing. Current DS is inarguably too oppressive but at least it allows the user to get semi-consistent use out of it if you played aggressively. Once the change comes, unless you're a really unlucky person, DS will do nothing in probably half your games. Perhaps even more than half. I think Behaviour are making a mistake in just nerfing it, they need to rework it entirely and add some sort of base-kit anti-tunnelling effect. Even if the base anti-tunnelling effect was super weak and only helped against tunnelling half the time it would still be better than running a DLC perk from a licensed character which will often be useless. In summary, I think this proposed change by Behaviour is problematic because it will make a strong DLC perk, much much weaker. This as a result, would leave many feeling cheated out of their money as the perk would be a shell of it's former self, especially since this is purely a nerf, not a rework. There is no big nerf with a tiny little buff to soften the blow. It just does the one thing now and said thing it's designed to counter doesn't happen as much as some might let on. (This is giving me some old mettle of man vibes, though I doubt the nerf to DS will be as bad as the nerf to mettle of man lol). Anyways, thanks for reading and I hope you have a nice day.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    We were upset because this metta perk was alive for 6 months and DS was unchanged for 2 or 3 years

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    Devs: We're going to nerf decisive to take away it's offensive power

    Community: stays silent

    Devs: We're still looking into nerfing decisive

    Community: stays silent

    Devs: shows us the Decisive change


    Kinda too late to be complaining ppl. Right?

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    My point is you shouldn't be upset about being tunneled if you wasted more than a minute of killer's time.

    People hate being tunneled because they get downed in 10 seconds right after unhook. It's ######### annoying because both killer and teammate drove you into that helpless situation. But if you run 60 seconds after unhook, you win. Killer lose a minute bacause he deside to tunnel you. And on top of that you want to punish him even more and run another minute. I think is not really fair to killer even if he tunneler.

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    Just like the Ruin and Undying changes. Both changes were made to improve the survivor's gameplay experience. Old Ruin was changed due to the skill checks being "too hard" for new players. Undying is being changed due to the chance of Ruin jumping to 3 more totems. Which is not a fun experience for survivors. Why is the DS change an issue because it improves the killer experience?

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    not the same. Of course the game is occasionally going to employ changes that improve the experience for one role or both. In the case of ruin, their design philosophy went beyond improving the experience for new players which is an important metric. They were also concerned with the inconsistency of the perk. They wanted to create a more uniform experience. Likewise with Undying, it was never their intention that powerful hex perks would relocate multiple times. They pointed out that it fundamentally changed the game experience to where the focus had to be exclusively on hunting down the totems repeatedly and that was never part of their design goals. My point isn't that DS should never be changed to improve the experience for killers, it's just that these changes are exclusively for the benefit of the killer. there are no improvements from the survivor side of the experience. DS is a remedial perk, according to developers. It's to provide some degree of relief towards being tunneled but of course had some broader uses outside of it. That was a problem and I agree with changes that bring the perk In line with accomplishing its stated goals. The proposed changes are strictly for the benefit of the killer, nothing wrong with that but I think there needs to be some evaluation and balance on the survivor side of the experience as well.

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    They are the same. Most killer mains didn't wanted Ruin changed, and they don't want Undying changed. I can say the same. No killer perk should ever be changed to make the survivors experience better, but that doesn't change the fact that multiple killer perks have been changed due to the survivors experience. The Ruin change and Undying, even Enduring no longer helping with DS stun were changes made because of the survivor experience.