
I would like to know why killers can magically see exactly where you are when your not hurt, or haven't been hooked at all, or not even touching a genny? How do they know where you are. It's insane. I also would like to know if they you guys can look into a way to make PC players evenly matched with console players. PC gamers are faster than console players and the killers are even more rediculous whwn playing on pc. There's been times where killers glitch hit survivors who are playing on PC and also when someone is huntress and can hudini there hatchet throwing and can throw through walls and the cactus plants in the gunslinger's map. Something has got to give. You want to fix players and all your really doing is giving them more of an advantage. It's rough especially illy for people who just started playing the game. They don't do much because the killer obviously takes advantage and I'm sure know when someone is a noob. Try and make survivors and killers evenly matched. It's better when both a killer and a survivor can give each other hell back and fourth not one more than the other. This is why there are more people who choose to play as a killer over a suvivor.


  • ChillRogue8
    ChillRogue8 Member Posts: 4

    I'm just looking out for anyone in general not speaking of myself. I play and see the stuff that shouldn't happen. Oh yea why killers have a stretch arm strong reach all of a sudden.

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    Most of this post is bullshit.

    BBQ and Chili is a killer perk that reveals the aura of any survivors that are far enough away whenever a survivor is hooked. The perk was designed to reduce facecamping (standing directly in front of the hooked survivor).

    The devs are working on balancing cross platform play.

    The Huntress is just glitched.

    You have three teammates to cover your mistakes in addition to the multitude of perks that can give you a second chance, and your objective is significantly faster and easier. The killer gets very, very few recovery perks, and has to win two chases on average to down just one survivor one time.

    The DbD community is about 80% survivor mains.

    The killers have a lunge attack, which moves them forward and increases the range and sweep of the attack. Freddy Krueger in particular has a particularly long one.

  • SuShiMiRoLLin
    SuShiMiRoLLin Member Posts: 4

    As a survivor main that also plays killer. I am sorry you are wrong. This game is survivor sided by far. If you can run the killer for 60 seconds using all the perks you have in your arsenal and the killer takes 20 seconds to pick you up and hook you. That is 3 gens completed (if your team is not bullshitting). If you are talking about balance survivors need a significant nerf because of swf on coms.

    The killer has plenty of things to find you. Whispers will let them know you're in the area and to be honest when I play killer I can hear them walking/breathing. I mainly utilize scratch marks to know the relative vicinity they are in then listen for movement. There are some killers that are just broken (require no skill but easy 4k) such as spirit with stridor, forever freddy build, etc... But to be fair if you are going in solo que against a competent killer you will lose because of the exact reason you stated above "not hurt, or haven't been hooked at all, or not even touching a genny". If you are not doing the objective you are doing exactly what the killer wants you to do. Give them time to snowball. Before the first hook 1-2 gens should have popped easily. 3 is ideal. Remember, what a killer fears the most is survivors splitting up and doing gens, not working together. I would love to interrupt a 3/4 man gen vs a single person gen and if a gen pops too quick I know there are at least X amount of survivors on it.

    As stated by beezlebop, it takes a killer 2 chases to catch a survivor. This can be extended with dh, sprint burst, lithe, etc. If you are being chased your objective is to buy time while not interrupting gens. In a 1 on 1 scenario survivors will lose in time. Even the best loopers out there can not run a killer forever, but if you are a god and run a killer for 3-5 min... All 5 gens should have popped.

    If you want to hide and do nothing while waiting for the killer to find you. Have fun. But every 80 seconds you sit there is a gen that could have been done. Every time you self care is half a gen. Every time you ask a teamate to heal you is half a gen (approx). This is why killers love to tag survivors, slug survivors, etc. Anything to buy time, because sooner or later one of you is dead and the game becomes significantly easier for the killer. Even Otz (an extremely good killer on twitch and yt) has stated that if you get 1 death by 3 gens done you are doing amazing. That's 2 gens left...

    Sometimes you do get out skilled. Learn from your mistakes and get better at them. Don't complain about stuff the killer has no control over. The killer cannot control your hitboxes, your latency, the server that you are playing on. I have had games where I get hit from 10 m away by the killer after a pallet drop. I have had games where survivors were teleporting on me as the killer. Neither of those scenarios I had any control of.

    Enjoy the game. If you don't and it causes a lot of anxiety then stop. If you need help then there are plenty of yt videos to show you how to do stuff. Hell, add me and Ill help you

  • TripleSteal
    TripleSteal Member Posts: 1,298

    Huntress is not glitched, behind-the-wall hits are an expected output of players having ping and server having tickrate. The higher server quality, the less frequent akward hits become. CS GO servers are significantly more expensive and better than DbD's, but they still have the very same issue in non-LAN games.

    Freddy's lunge is the same 0.3s acceleration to 6.9 m/s as everyone else (except T1/T3 Myers); his relatively short height and small weapon just make it visually confusing.