What would the killers fall under the Seven Deadly Sins?

B13ghtcrow Member Posts: 27
edited December 2020 in Lore

Lorewise, I’m just wondering what sin each killer would fall under? I honestly think the idea is interesting and I like to see what you guys think.


  • Malum_Midnight
    Malum_Midnight Member Posts: 366

    I kind of agree with @Yarheeguy, but not on all of them. I think:





    Lust, greed, and envy-Not sure, I dont think anyone fits

  • BSNightflow
    BSNightflow Member Posts: 81

    Not sure but Blight used to fall into my Gluttony filter. Yeah considering his backstories maybe Pride be more like it.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Wrath-Oni or Spirit

    Gluttony-Clown or Blight


    Lust-Nightmare or Executioner

    Pride-Deathslinger or Legion(Frank)


    Sloth- Nurse

  • B13ghtcrow
    B13ghtcrow Member Posts: 27

    You guys can include multiple killers for each sin if you want! I don’t mind

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    now kindly explain why you still think Caleb's pride? do I have to write an even longer analysis?

  • 1nsignia
    1nsignia Member Posts: 306

    Greed -clown: a fat man who will ruin other people's lives and careers, just to satisfy himself by taste and collect fingers/appendages.

    Lust -freddy for being a pedo. But if it were to based on the original characters idk.

    Pride -plague: a woman proud of her work to the gods and her devotion to fulfilling the tasks.

    Gluttony -blight: a man who has a infinite need for blight serum. Killing people in order to gain some.

    Sloth -trapper: for hes lack of effort in killing survivors , resulting hooks in the back. Even though the reason he lacks effort is because of his reluctance to abide the entity, and sloth is actually laziness. It the closest I could get. Also his power is shows his lack of effort in chases, relying on traps.

    Envy -nurse: due to her husband's death, she grew jealous and killed others in a "merciful" manne, to what she believes is "setting them free" from the pain she suffers from grieving her husbands death. Showing her jealousy in there happiness.

    Wrath -twins: after how humanity has treated them. They now despise all, showing vengance and anger at all after their death of the mother, followed by victor. Causing Charlotte to kill all who stand in her way.

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    I actually disagree with everyone saying wrath is easy Oni

    wrath could easily be attributed to Charlotte and Victor after their anger and infuriation to humanity with the way they've been treated

    or Evan, who brutally murdered his ill father after he (forced) him to kill all the mine workers!

  • 1nsignia
    1nsignia Member Posts: 306

    Belaive it or not I use to used to main plague, semi-main her a bit now. After all the lore I have read about her. She has sinned. Sadly she doesn't know she is. Mistaken the entity for her God and killing innocent people for her "god".

    I completely agree.

  • ItzZane_
    ItzZane_ Member Posts: 965

    But she isn't christian She worships a sea-goat and she thinks that the entity IS the sea goat

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763
    edited February 2021

    Wrath: Oni, Twins and Spirit.

    Greed: Blight and Legion.

    Pride: Deathslinger

    Envy: Hillbilly

    Lust: Executioner. I was going to say Nightmare, however, in the original script Freddy was an innocent man framed for those terrible crimes. So I think PH is the best choice here.

    Gluttony: Clown

    Sloth: Not sure about this one. Maybe Nurse.

  • bepis
    bepis Member Posts: 44

    Myers is Sloth have you seen how slow this man walks. He's just taking it easy

  • 1nsignia
    1nsignia Member Posts: 306

    Yeah I knew she wasn't Christian. I just thought that the sea goat she worshipped was a God.

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    Mostly not based on lore, but more on killer aesthetic and power

    Trapper: pride

    Wraith: lust (peeping tom)

    Hillbilly: wrath

    Nurse: sloth (its easier to kill patients than treat them)

    Michael: pride

    Hag: sloth (she's slow, doesn't like to chase)

    Doctor: pride

    Huntress: envy

    Bubba: gluttony (he eats people...)

    Freddy: lust (damn child molester)

    Pig: sloth (reverse bear traps are a lazy way to pressure survivors lol)

    Clown: gluttony

    Spirit: wrath

    Legion: wrath

    Plague: envy

    Ghost face: lust (also a peeping tom)

    Demo: gluttony (he just wants ta eat cha)

    Oni: wrath

    Deathslinger: greed (bandit vibes)

    Pyramid head: wrath

    Blight: pride

    Twins: sloth (Charlotte sleeps for most of the match)

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    I would put oni in pride since he did all he did for his family name and to prove who was a real samurai

  • Wrath-Hillbilly could fit in this after killing his parents and all the livestock after escaping, Trapper could also be Wrath after killing his father after being forced to kill mineworkers

    Lust-Going off of DBD script not original script so I will say it's Freddy since he was a pedo.

    Gluttony-Clown as he killed so that way he could gain pleasure in tasting peoples fingers, Bubba is a good one as he is a cannibal

    Envy-Nurse since after she lost her husband she killed people after being jealous.

    Pride-Oni after trying to honor his family name and prove he was a samurai.

    Greed-As he would kill people in order to get his serum

    Sloth- Someone give me an answer for this I don't know who to put in here

  • Gato_Loco
    Gato_Loco Member Posts: 39

    Wrath= Spirit: She is utterly mad to his father for what he did to her and his wife, she only wants to have vengeance and that was the only way the entity could make her play her little game, her wrath was so big that she wasn't able to control Rin

    Charlotte: She was truly mad about how people treat the 3 of them for being born that way

    Deathslinger: He got backstabbed, he trusted in someone and that guy stole all his creations and sold them like their own

    Wrath: He got tricked by his boss to play as a executioner without him even knowing, that made him snap and brutally murder Azarov. Similar case when he was a child, he wanted to kill those soldiers and make them suffer for what they did

    Gluttony= Blight: He became gluttonous about his experiments, always trying to go beyond the limits, then when he was in the entity realm he got glutton about the flower, he wanted it so desperately that he was willing to kill survs and killers for one of those

    Hag: She literally went extremely hungry, she started to kill and devour every people of the swamp

    Lust= Doctor: Not in a sexual way, there is not a horny original killer in the game, the doctor enjoyed torturing people, it does really bring him pleasure, we see that on the way he laughs when shock and torture people

    Clown: Same thing goes for this fat boi, he finds placer of killing being and taking a piece of them as a trophy or a charm (this maybe could go on greed)

    Pride= Oni: He was very proud of being a Samurai, so much he thought everyone who wasn't following his ideal of a Samurai was unworthy, fake, and deserved to be killed for carrying that name in vain, he even ripped off the skin with the tattoo of a Lion to a man who thought didn't deserve to carry such symbol with him.

    Ghostface: He was a show-off, always wanting to be in the news to show the world his marvelous work

    Greed= Viktor: he wanted that soldier toy he wouldn't stop crying for it, what a greedy little prick

    Huntress: Shiny things she sees, shiny things she grabs. Also the little girls

    Envy= Hillbilly: He envied the families he saw on television, and wondered why he couldn't get a happy life like that, a loving caring family

    Sloth= I don't think anyone could fulfill this place

  • B13ghtcrow
    B13ghtcrow Member Posts: 27

    Since Chapter 19 has been unveiled, what do y’all think the Trickster’s deadly sin is?

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    Wrath - Spirit

    Gluttony - Cannibal

    Lust - Executioner

    Envy - Pig

    Pride - Trickster

    Greed - Blight

    Sloth - Nightmare

  • Literallyweezing
    Literallyweezing Member Posts: 93

    Lust: The Nightmare (Remake Freddy was into some twisted sexual acts)

    Gluttony: The Cannibal (Due to his build and constant hunger for human flesh)

    Greed: The Trickster (Easily the wealthiest killer and let his bandmates die so he could rise to a powerful position, also wears expensive clothing and uses custom made weapons)

    Sloth: The Legion (Despite their fast speed they refuse to do any actual work, they vandalize places they worked at because they got fired for not working hard enough and live off of other people's work by stealing)

    Wrath: The Spirit (Due to her constant desire to avenge the murder of her family by her fathers hands)

    Envy: The Hillbilly (Literally names himself after the father he wished to be)

    Pride: The Oni (Obsessed with his family's image and his social standing and sees himself as superior to those of lower class and his murder spree targets people he thinks don't deserve to be on his level)