Be honest, what is your average solo queue experience like?
I don't want people to just come in and rant about how terrible solo queue is, just be honest.
What is your average experience with solo queue?
Is it as bad as people make it out to be, or is it actually not bad?
In my experience, it isn't bad. I mostly have fun games even with teammates who aren't the best. I occasionally have frustrating games with my team, but it is still fine.
Sometimes I have a genuine 4v1 experience. Others it's a 1v1v1v1v1. Others are more like a battle royale.
On a more light tone, there is some stuff that makes me laugh out loud that would never happen in a competent team.
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0 complaints apart from the que times. Averaging about 7 minute wait per match as a solo player. I don't care about how good or bad my teammates are, I am survivalist which is probably why I've only played as Jake for over 3 years now.
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It can vary so much, but on average mostly bad honestly. It nearly always sends me back to playing killer, because there I only have to rely on myself.
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I had a claud just body block me to death in solos haha.
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I load in, I do gen, I maybe break totem, get a save or two, heal, maybe another bit of gen time, then I'm dead.
Looping is somewhere in there.
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Average escape out of 10 matches in solo is probably 4 or 5. Most of the time it feels like nobody can hold a chase. When I say that I include myself. I usually spend the match either hiding or getting chased because the second I touch a gen the killer is right next to me. I still have fun, but it gets frustrating.
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I’ve put over 800 hours in solo and it’s Okay. Sometimes I have some cool dudes who play well and other times I have people who have played 5 hours.
The worst part imo is how killers play. From my experience no matter what skill the survivors are the killers will sweat their ass off. What’s the point? This isn’t a competitive game and the ranking system doesn’t matter anyway.
Anytime I see a no obsession lobby I feel like disconnecting because I already know what’s going to happen. Killer will tunnel at 5 gens and we’ll all die.
Matchmaking gets significantly worse at later times and becomes futile to even win as you will get complete potatoes every game.
The randomness of it all can lead to very fun moments which keep me playing.
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I'd say about 75% of my games are completely fine. Average skill from both my teammates and killer, no DCs, no hook suicides, no extremely mindless gameplay, no hard camping/tunneling.
Pity that the remaining 25% are a lot mome memorable then the good games. Still, after almost 5 years, one gets used to it. Although that still doesn't make it any less annoying unfortunately.
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Solo Player at red ranks.
A lot of people at red ranks aren't very skillful, which leads me to believe they got carried there in a SWF.
Having a SWF in your team when you're solo can be a 50/50, some are really selfish and others are competent.
I run kindred and still get left to die on first hook quite a few times, even when the killer is nowhere near me.
I think solo would be more enjoyable if they made it more difficult to pip in SWF.
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In my experience solo queue is genuinely one of the most unfun, stressful, and unfair things I've experienced in multi-player games.
More often then not I will either get bad teammates, boring killers, or just get BS (Getting hit when I shouldn't have.)
I do actually have some fun games but those are rare.
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10 games last night
First 8 had a Dwight AFK for the first 5 mins, then came to life (bit late then).
3 Gen in a corner....other survivor seem to try and achieve this!
Unhook with killer near...sure, everytime
Runs out from hiding place while im being chased, drops pallet blocking me...yep.
2 or the games. Always one on a gen, players able to run the killer for more than 15 seconds, doors at 99%...was good
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Usually 1-2 good teammates and at least one weak link that dies early.
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My last experience i had was that 2 Nea's killed themselves on the hook and Dwight was afk. That's why I never play solo queue.
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I don't solo queue because I have friends muahahahahaha.
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My solo experience is really good imo. Of course I'll have the occasional immersed players that don't do anything & will leave you one-hooked, but most of the time I'll get decent teammates. If I had to guess, I'd say that I escape 7/10 of my matches.
Plus there are perks literally made for solo-queue to give yourself & your teammates information despite not being on a call. Kindred, Bond, you name it. It's important to use perks like this if you're having a rough time going solo.
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My SoloQ games are very enjoyable for the most part. I manage to pass good games 6 to 8 times out of 10.
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It's been fluctuating for me. In the middle of the day, I've been grouped rank 20s who are very clearly just getting into the game. Lucky if we can get three gens done before we're all killed.
But at night is when the 1–9 ranked players show up and we escape more often than not. It's weird.
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Mostly fun, definitely much more fun than swf (although for different reasons than most would think).
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Honestly it is as bad as it's made out to be. Even playing 2 man swf gives you the absolute worse randoms. Atm the ranks are just all over the place.
Saying that I'm about to play 2/3 games of solo q so I'll let you know if it lives up to the reputation.
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Admiring floor graphics for four minutes
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Generally a 3+ escape baring matchmaking doesn't screw up really bad.
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Some games can be pretty bad, but my bar is very low so i tend to enjoy most games when i do get to play
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45% of the games are pure hell since there is always someone who needs a crash course on how to properly play this, watching your favourite streamer pulling certain things doesnt magically make you a god at this game, these games end in 4k almost always, 45% is okeish since the weakest link is not that weak and Killer cant capitalize on it, these games are the most varied and depend mainly in RNG and chosen Killer, 10% the Killer loses with either 0K or maybe 1K at the end with Exit Gates open.
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I have friends who are good and play DBD. I haven't solo queued in 4 months.
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SWF is boring. Everything is calculated in advance, you always know what's going on. No surprises, always the same games that repeat themselves tirelessly ...
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lmao these main killers with their 75% escape ratio in solo queue. So much for that honest part...
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It's mostly just consistent disappointment because of my team letting me down. Winnable games turn into losses because of other survivors making stupid decisions and handing the killer the win.
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It's not as bad as people make it up to be, sure people do dumb mistakes sometimes, but so do I all the time, i imagine I've made lot of my teammates upset, but at red ranks most people generally know what they're doing and do a decent job at looping ,doing gens etc.
Besides, it all adds to the rng flavor not knowing what I'm up againsst and who with :)
Coming from 2k+ hours of someone who played mostly as soloQ survivor
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The problem is that even high ranks have a tendency to play horribly/like grey ranks.
I just had a match where 2 Jake players essentially got themselves killed as well as the other David who was in chases most of the match. While I did 4 gens, got 2 safe unhooks, etc. Dive bomb after dive bomb, messing up gens vs a Huntress, running around the killer while in a chase, running around hooked survivor while in a chase, and more.
For the most part, the matches are okay. But I've also had times where I'd que up and have 3 matches in a row all with rainbow ranked teammates, people who dive bomb and kill their mates, mess up gens, are doing nothing but stealthing around, etc.
Today's far. Can't say things are too bad at least for today since I've experienced much worse.
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That's definitely a reason it can be boring. There's no risk, and you've alot to fall on after failure.
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My games sometime consist of no borrow time and crouching around. Gens usually get done but then I get the feeling of noed on the back of me.
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I play a ton of solo queue survivor.
My experience usually depends on the map and killer. I'm better on certain maps, and I can handle specific killers more effectively.
Teammates also have a big impact on my experience. Most of the time, I get matched with average to below average teammates. In games with teammates like these the killer has a pretty high chance of winning unless of course the killer isn't that good either.
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I’ll tell you when I finally get a game.
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Either I'm first died, last long enough and get camped/ tunneled (not hardcore but enough to say it) or escape
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This feels like a lie from a killer main to be 100% honest
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This isn’t “average” but late last night 3 gens were left on Midwich and I managed to run the killer for what honestly felt like forever. No gens popped and I ran out of resources so I gave up. The killer clearly thought it was odd too because they dribbled me until I was free.. caught a glance of the Nea slowly going in and out of lockers so the killer and I went on a hunt. I locker hopped in at least 8 lockers without any luck so I wiggled my body to say “no” and started working on a gen and the killer went back on the hunt. I got about 75% of the gen done and then it happened. Nea got yanked out of a locker and got hooked. The Oni gave her hook smacks while I pointed and tbagged in their face (I don’t even tbag killers) then him and I proceeded our ritual nodding our heads while Nea struggled. When she died I waved at the Oni, walked to a hook and pointed at it for them to kill me and get the 4K. They refused so we went and found the hatch together. They told me after they had to search about 15 lockers lmao. Such a cool Oni and the whole scenario made my night.
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I've literally got thousands of hours at rank 1 on survivor strictly in solo queue.
Most survivors on average are just pretty bad, but if even one survivor is pretty good you can carry your team on most matches. I also don't run any of the plethora of second chance perks either.
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Eh. I'm usually not a huge fan. It's hard to get a good game. Either the teammates are bad or the killer is bad.
I'd rather queue with friends. We aren't even on comms a lot of the time and still have 1 or 2 hook games. Ran a Doctor for 5 gens last week. Couldn't do that in solo queue. No gens would have been done. Just more fun queueing in a fabled "death squad". Really all it is is 4 good players with normal builds and 3k hrs each.
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Nobody else can loop longer than 10 seconds. That's with them getting hit twice with m1. I don't even know how the hell they're managing it. The good news is that u do get games where ppl actually know how to hold m1 so even if the killer is downing and hooking ppl quickly the gens are still getting done, regardless of ruin.
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it's very frustrating and has only gotten worse with crossplay. i can see why people play in swf all the time. i'm not going to be playing until they fix UI and survivor animations but when i come back i'm probably going to run swf more than anything to preserve sanity even though i do find it a bit boring. it's at the point where i would rather be a little bored over malding.
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I stopped playing solo last year. That's the best way to describe the experiences I had.
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when rank reset it is the worst. usually its so so experience.
usually dumb teammate happens when killer camp or facecamp and the rest just giving suicide hook for killer trying to safe hooked teammate
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My entire survivor experience is solo because I don't have anyone to play with. Half the time I end up being the first one the killer finds within like the first 20 seconds, and I'm bad at looping generally speaking so everything kinda just falls apart from there. Especially since most of the time when this happens I get tunneled out before I ever even get to touch a gen. Other half of the time I usually get fairly normal games where nothing really weird happens, of course I try to avoid being found in the first place (see above about lack of looping skill) to avoid letting weird situations happen.
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See ya next year
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Solo que is honestly a great experience as it provides me a challenge in which I can improve my skills. Not only against the variety of killers but other survivors as well. Even when I see teammates handing the match over with bad tactics, I focus on myself and ensuring that if I do die it will be last with the highest bp on end screen. I find that the more overbearing the killer feels the greater the experience is and satisfying an escape.
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I love solo. I love the really good matches against rank 1 killers with a phenomenal squad, but I also like the challenge of carrying the team across the finish.
I get some of everything, but I tend to have a lot of good matches. Sometimes, escapes don’t happen for maybe 10 in a row, (usually when I’m starting to crash out) a lot of times an escape is 1 out of 4 matches, but sometimes it is every match for 10 matches. I’ve seen some unbelievable players in terms of skill, and also lack thereof.
I hate DC’rs, and there are plenty of those guys out there. I also hate DC’rs wh DC because of the first DC’r. Who is greater, the fool, or the fool who follows?
I love solo Q, that’s why I don’t cheat with swf.
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Solo Q is pretty bad. Teammates usually just skulk around doing nothing and I die in 4/5 games or so, and it's not uncommon to die on first hook or just get tunneled off first hook. This is at red ranks.
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I'm actually going to answer this twice because I played an hour of solo queue tonight for the first time in a while. I genuinely feel like I'm wasting my time in solo queue. "Braindead" is the only way to describe the experience. If it's not a Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer bot then it's a halfway decent killer that two teammates can't possibly handle. Genuinely awful experience.
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I've only ever played solo, but I like it. I have zero expectation that I'm going to get to micromanage the other three people, so I don't get frustrated when I can't. I also never go into a match expecting to escape. It's more like a pleasant surprise if I do.
I definitely have the stereotypical solo experiences sometimes -- like doing everything by yourself and dying on your first hook while no one comes to save you, or getting matched with three people who hook bomb the whole game -- but I'd say, on average, my teammates are pretty decent.
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a lot of farming or people that don't know better when it comes to unsafe unhooks, and people not doing generators much, noticed it spike after crossplay I might try out kindred and openhand the next time I play again and see if that is helpful