Well... i'm gonna miss it :(

Man, when this update drops i'm gonna really miss this old UI. The simplicity, how well it works, it was everything you could've wanted.
I seriously don't understand why they couldn't have just said "Hey guys, we're taking your feedback on board and we're delaying the release of the new UI to address the feedback you've given us" instead of just forcing us to play with it.
I understand, they want to get more feedback from console players, but I just imagine there will be a ton of criticism from console players about the new UI too. I'm hoping that they finally realise how many people dislike it including those console players and then revert it with the next chapter release. Even a lot of Fog Whisperers disliked it too.
Many of us are gonna miss it, so enjoy it as much as possible whilst we have the amazing and well-designed UI we have now.
I'm going to miss being able to tell who is injured or not and who is my obsession.
Apparently however the designers of the UI figured that this was not useful information for us to know.
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They also figured that red looks great on red.
And they said they think about streamers web cam placement. Apparently streamers doesn't need space for any other stuff like chat or donate bar, so every part of screen should be filled with UI.
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I'm trying to reserve judgement. I'm not a fan of the new UI, nor do I even know WHY they decided to do it. Nobody was asking for it. Sometimes I think they do things which are simply "easier" to try to avoid doing the things which are "harder" and more needed. Changing up the interface doesn't, at least to me, appear to have any value whatsoever. However, before I critique it I'm going to give it a month or so to see how it feels. I don't find the playtest periods long enough to really give a good idea.
If after a month I find it neutral, i.e. it neither improves nor detracts from my play, I'm going to say "Meh, why did you waste time on this?" If I find it detracts from my play, "I'm going to say, why are you actively doing things we didn't ask for that only make the game worse." If I find it is actually useful, rather than just a different look, I'll say so and give it two thumbs up. Right now, I have the same concerns most people do, i.e. that it is too busy, is a distraction, gives me less information at a glance, and so on. I hope to be proven wrong.
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the funny part of nearly every section of the screen having a UI element, is that even a part where they could place the camera is where Bloodpoint Score Events pop up
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I took a screenshot in-game just so I could remember the better days.
Gone forever. RIP.
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You need to really really look at it.
The current one only requires a glance to tell what is up.
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Well if its to get feedback from console then I can understand. Us on console doesn't have any access to the PTB so I assume most of the info they get from it is told from the perspective of PC and not console.
I feel if its something as big as a ui change then they should get feedback from all platforms not just one so that they don't make hasty decisions and cut it without giving everyone a chance to try it out. So I say send it out and wait for the results.
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With the current UI, you're very clearly able to tell if they're injured.
With the new UI, their icon very faintly glows red and... that's it. It's just a pain to tell if they're injured or not.
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Hmm how odd.
The weird thing for me was that they didn’t even do any new art for the UI. It looks like they just re-arranged everything which just further makes it look/feel like a lazy change without a an artistic reason.
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what do you mean no new art? we have gone from outlines to a jpeg of the characters faces with different faint shades of red on them to show if injured or exposed etc..
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So they've given us absolutely no option to revert it back to the original UI? It would have been as simple as a simple option on the main menu.
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Such a bummer they're just pushing ahead with that new UI. The old one fit with the game and was nicely organized on the bottom. Really wish they held back the new UI and made adjustments based on the feedback they already received.
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New hud looks more fresh and useful.
Don't care about colors, placement and portraits. The only thing I don't like is that in PTB it was impossible to determine when a dying survivor is being healed or unhooked (flashing red bar), but this will most likely be fixed by release. Everyone will get used to it and everything will be the same anyway.
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I just hate that their reasoning for not changing it is "We're going to wait to see how the other platforms react to this change" like the other platforms haven't already seen and complained about it. (Not to mention that the PTB is meant to test and give feedback so by ignoring the feedback it sounds like the PTB really isn't needed)
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Good for a mobile game i agree. Terrible for pc game and text book example of what not to do.
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I won't get used to it. Like I literally won't be able to tell who's injured or not from the HUD unless I focus on it for a longer time than usual, which is the exact opposite of what I wanna be doing in this game, when a survivor could be in the distance and me looking to the top left to try and see who's injured or not is the difference between me seeing that survivor or not. Either I stop caring which survivor's which and who's injured or not, or I stop playing because my eyes hurt after just 1 match of playing killer with the new UI.
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The only decent change to the new UI is the portraits. Other than that, I have literally not seen a single person complain about the UI ever which makes me wonder why the hell they thought they needed to change it.
I mean sure, maybe they wanted to be innovative & make the game look more "sleek", but nobody asked for this. Nobody.
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Yeah, who needs that anyway?
I really loved it that on the PTB I did not notice that all 3 of my teammates were injured at some point.
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I'm not a fan of neither the current HUD nor the new one. Both lack something that the other makes up for, and both have pretty questionable placements. A fully customizable HUD would be much more preferred.
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Honestly it feels like they made every single status harder to see.
I'm not even against getting a new UI, if done well it could be nice to have a change after 4+years. But this one is so much worse lol.
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BHVR is a company with way too much pride.
They think too highly of themselves, their skills, and that they don't make mistakes even if practically the entire community is telling them the fabulous piece of work they devoted their minds, hearts and souls to is a piece of trash.
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It's funny because they say wait until the whole player base tries it but do they not know that's what content creators are for? Rip the old UI
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sounds like they meant to add that to the switch. 🤢
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I'm hoping the change it back within the next week or 2 after this patch. Knowing them it'll stay to the following chapter.
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The new UI is complete #########. Hopefully they add some sort of classic mode so we can change it back and forth freely
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I think the criticism will eventually get it changed back to the correct one.
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Hopefully they listen to us because they have the tendency to just do whatever they want
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Nah, you're being way too optimistic. This is the kind of change they spent money on. They aren't going to revert it. No matter how hated it is.
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The new UI gives me a headache. It's not because it's new and I'm just not used to it yet, the actual placement of information and having to look all over the place to see the stuff I want/need to see is nauseating. I don't know why they would arrange everything that way and expect people to actually be able look at all of it while they're in a match. I'm probably not going to play much unless they change it back or until the new chapter drops
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"You were good son, real good, maybe even the best..."
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I'm going to miss it as well, same with the animations.
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Who cares about noticing which survivors are injured, the obsession etc when you have access to the most important information of all - how many hooks you have in general.
It does kinda make sense that they want to give the consolers a chance to experience it but I can save a lot of time and say they'll also hate it
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It's one of those things they'll ask us about in a survey and never reference again. Remember a survey about what we wanted in the Tome last year between Tomes 2 and 3. Whatever changed from that survey? Nothing.
Let's just hope they learn their lesson and listen to the community. We want it changed back as soon as possible.
They do but when the whole community bands together to complain they usually at least acknowledge it.
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In the recent player feedback survey they also asked something about whether new gamemodes would interest players, yet in the Q&A recently they said they have zero plans to add new gamemodes.
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We need to keep complaining about it after it went live. If not, they will think we adapted and it is fine (which could actually happen, but my guess is it won't happen). I'm definitely gonna bring this up every x weeks and also start polls if it got better or still feels bad
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That exhaustion timer is the best of this entire UI cause its almost impossible to read
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I play on console, and I dont like new new UI already.
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I'd want to see an explanation from the design team why they thought this is a good change. As well as about other strange things in the new HUD.
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I would like to see the references of the people who designed it, just to see if they did something similar already. I just want to get to know the people who created this HUD and were like "Damn, this looks good!".
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I mean, just because you play on a controller it doesn't make your eyes work differently than a PC player's. One doesn't even have to have played the PTB to get the feeling. It's not a change to a killer power or controls where you actually need to get in the driving seat to assess how it works. It's an entirely visual change. You can just watch any video of the PTB and get the same feeling as the player.
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The exhaustion timer is genuinely funny to me. It feels almost intentionally bad.
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Feedback for what? Us console players already gave our feedback on the change by watching PC streamers play on the PTB. We hate the new UI and the new movement.
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And you have to consider that those are supposed to be professionals that got paid for this lol
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"In the arms, of the angel" I don't know the rest of the lyrics
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I tend to miss a lot of changes, this will be included.
However, for me at least, it doesn't mean I don't like the change. I really love the fresh feel of the new hud. It needs some adjustments like putting things a bit closer (hook counter, Points) but nice overall. Can't wait to see the new stuff they said that'll come with it later!
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But hey, we ‘will get used to it’.
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Yea its sad its being changed have a dog picture
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I've played it for an hour now and I hate the new UI. The movement I can get used to but the new UI is just giving me a headache having to look all over my TV for information. I mainly play on ps4
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If they want to give us this kind of updated UI then they needed to make it customizable. As in decide what information you want, be able to move icons around on the screen etc. Because I hate the character portraits where they are as survivor, it gets in my LoS.
This update OMG, I'm trying to offer something constructive but I just find myself going 'vomit' at most of it.
This update has left me stunned design wise, in a bad way.
Who signed off on this?
I just.... no