Dear Devs. Thanks for (not) listening to us.
Dear Devs. Since 90% (or more) of the playerbase didn't want the new UI or at least wanted to the icons stay in the same spot as before and you guys just threw a "f. off we don't care", we should say THANK YOU.
Why do we even bother with constructive critiscism (seriously, most of comments I've seen about the HUD was on how to improve it or politely asking to "could you not?") when you just shove all that you want up in our (you now where)?
At least you're doing some good balancing decisions with undying and DS.
But again, THANKS for listening to our feedback about the UI.
They simply have their own plans. In a few weeks, everyone will have gotten used to the changes and will no longer talk about them.
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Figured. That's how they roll with everything in DBD, and We're to blame since We all shrug and move on...
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I don’t think so a lot of people will stand up remember the aura changes they would probably listen but we need to stand up I hate this new UI they should change it
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The thing is, the forum exploded with critics about the new UI. The ptb feedback was against it and still they've forced it live. They simply don't care and won't change. They've spent time changing something that literally no one was asking for and won't give up on it.
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This really shows BHVR's attitude towards things that they think is good, even when the community thinks otherwise, they go with what they think is best which is really bad. IMO I think they should have an option to keep the old ui or change it back because this new one is not good at all
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I know I will play the game even less with the new UI, it caused me considerable EYE strain on a 32 inch monitor, and I doubt I am alone in this. The UI change looks like it was done to make it better for switch players and F anyone else with a larger than a 10 inch diagonal screen. also the disparity of the hook information between survivor and killer makes it even worse. surivors will see someone that is on death hook down and since they can't save, they won't get off the gen to go save like they used to. killers don't get that bit of information and their counter well makes no sense, I don't need a ring counter telling me i've hooked 2 people but what would be useful is oh this one is on death hook, i might want place them some where but the hook i am right next to.
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nah, it's genuinely so dogshit that this won't go away, I get what you mean, it happens with Twitter, YouTube, Twitch etc. People complain about new UI and get used to it eventually, but this current UI is so awful it's enough to make me quit the game entirely if it isn't changed, had to disable discord overlay, no custom perk icons, gen icon is tiny, can't notice score events anymore, have to look where I never would to see surv status, can't tell surv status at a glance like you used to be able to, can't notice hook timer/deep wound timer easily, these things add up and are bad enough to make me quit if they are unaddressed, this UI does absolutely nothing better than the old UI bar character portraits
Edit: Not to mention removing the ability to press escape to have the game hold M1 for you, a fantastic QoL feature that got nuked for no good reason, Asylum being clearly unfinished with many texture rendering glitches, and both having horrible invisible clips that weren't on old maps making looping really frustrating when you keep getting stuck on something you shouldn't (this is also present in the filler pallet next to a gen tile in Autohaven, and also isn't fixed, they clearly prioritise 'aesthetics' over gameplay here) - Subjectively aswell I'd say half the 'graphically updated' maps actually look worse than the originals, Asylum and The Game look awful, Autohaven/Macmillan are alright but still a downgrade, Badham/Ormond are actually good. It's at the point where, sad to say, it really feels like they're trying to sabotage their own game/degrade the user experience, which is obviously not true, but I am open to the fact and believe they genuinely don't care about it, all these recent UX changes cater to bringing in new players and make all the veterans want to quit, so in likelihood probably not the devs themselves fault but demands of the higher-ups as this design model will increase income, even if it means making the game worse to actually play
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Shame of devs...
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You sound surprised, this is pretty much the way everything is being handled in this game, community never knows better apparently.
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Except the Aura changes were actually by complete accident, so they fixed it and made it better, relatively speaking.
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Do you actually believe the words that come out of their mouths anymore.
I would agree with you if the aura change that you're talking about didn't get pushed through the ptb it was on.
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They did fix that like, a week or so after it came out.
Also, it looked jank as Hell. You think that was intentional?
Not only was it super dark, which was bad, but the models actually clipped into themselves and just generally looked awful.
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Yes I do genuinely think it was intentional.
They even used the same exact excuse that they are using to keep the HUD around.
That being it will easily allow us to change things in the future.
If you don't trust me try to find the q&a around that time.
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If that awful mess was intentional, I will be pretty damn surprised.
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Everyone told them it was junk in the PTB, and yet here we are.
I just had my first game since the update and I felt like I was playing a beta.
Not only was the map full of bugs and fat shames, but the new UI was so bad I just minimized it and tried to pretend it didn’t exist.
I really hope they update it to be something less terrible because it’s basically non functional as it stands
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The mobile version sync must move forward!
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I've been playing the update for about an hour now and the new UI is absolute dog #########. Looking all around my TV gives me a headache. Oh yeah I'm also a console player
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Why would they listen to you when you'll keep buying DLC? Talk with your wallet. It's simple business guys.
No disrespect to anyone!
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their is no "getting use to", the design is amateur level at best and really ugly and not thougth out
whatever is their plan it hurt the game.
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True!!! Why should they listen if people keep buying DLCs. I didn't buy the new DLC but a lot of people did so I'm not surprised if the next DLC is just as broken
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I haven't bought a DLC since Clown or SPIRIT. I'm missing half the killer cast. Keep in mind I used to buy dlc for pc and ps4.
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That's a lot of money!! I completely understand why you wouldn't want to buy anymore DLCs by the way the game is heading
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I thought they delayed the patch to fix the UI... I guess I expected too much.
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yeah im not planning to give dam a single peny for a long time
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I'm not quite as upset about it as some here but ffs, the MINIMUM they could have done is give us the OPTION to choose between old UI and new UI. Things like having the option to set the position, size and opacity of individual elements would be the most IDEAL solution to the HUD which could make nearly everyone happy, but they claim further customization is not easy apparently (according to the latest stream or whatever). That's fine...but giving us the option to choose between old and new...I don't see any excuse for leaving that out.
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Imagine listening to the people that actually play the game what they want.
It's not like, there are / were daily threads about DS, Mori, Key nerfs or do something about tunneling / camping. It doesn't matter if the devs see it as "legitimate strategy" if 100% of the survivors hate that it is possible and sucks the fun out of the game like mori did.
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There is a time and place for everything.
please let's not bring the survivor vs killer dynamic to this thread, PLEASE!
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Last killer I got was Plague on console for corrupt and I used shards lol. I kinda regret it too. I should've gotten oni. He's more fun to play
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Its pretty obvious they don’t care
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So... A while ago I've created this discussion:
Guess we got our answers right?
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i do not believe you, I think this really soured a lot of the community