Can we discuss the times where high rank survivors didn't deserve it?

podkall Member Posts: 109

For example on haddonfield last game I was in dying state I crawled to a pallet and healed to 95% despite both of my teammates being almost right next to me and doctor wandering around they could have either pick me up or pallet stun killer because after he picked me up the guy just croughed behind wall like 3 meters away from me.

Or the fact that the first phase of the game I literally chased the doctor for a full bloodpoint cap on Boldness and little bit more makes me question how could you possibly rank up so high if you are being so unactive?

A game before that I had rank 19s repairing gens and doing the game and it was fun, but this game was more like are they going to repair this next gen? I'm already chasing him for at least one gen done, okay chasing him for almost 2 gens progression are you guys done yet with the gens?

These guys were higher rank than me..... impressive, how did you get that rank? Oh I wonder.


  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    had a game not too long ago with a feng who would run away from me in a straight line (i played Deathslinger), and then predropped every pallet she found.

    we got rid of both god pallets (cow tree and shack) in the first few minutes of the trial and i was actually feeling bad for her throughout the entire game, as i felt like she had to be super new to the game, not knowing what she was doing, so i was nice and focussed on the others - i even considered letting her leave through hatch in the end (i didnt do that, but that was mainly due to her remaining unhooked and me wanting that BBQ stack in the end. yes, unhooked - i dropped many chases with her throughout the game or left her on the ground to let her recover, but i beat her in chases countless times with ease and she wasted basically every pallet she ran across)

    the end screen revealed she was the only rank 1 survivor that group had - and the rank 10 guy put up more of a fight than her.

    i have no idea how tf she made it up there tbh, i just guess im not the only one out there who felt bad for her...

  • podkall
    podkall Member Posts: 109

    Yeah like is it because people play the game so often but somehow still never learn that gets them here thanks to rank reset reseting you if you end up in red ranks only 4 ranks away from it, that might be the case

  • Danu
    Danu Member Posts: 281

    I'm rank 6 and honestly I admit that I shouldn't be there, I'm only there because of the amount of time I've been playing because of quarentine.

    I'm not complete potato like your examples but it's more than I'm not good enough at running killer to be that high imo and at the same time there are people the same rank as me or higher who arent where they should be either (but also to be fair to them everyone has a bad match now and again)

    Hopefully the new mmr system fixes this because I really shouldn't have to put effort into deranking myself if I want to be where I belong.

  • gemjas
    gemjas Member Posts: 105

    I made it to red ranks and I'm probably the worst survivor you'll ever come across. I don't even play this game often. It's just ridiculously easy to rank up. Add that to the fact that matchmaking is terrible right now. I mean, of course even I can escape against a rank 20 or whatever killer. That's unfortunately part of the reason why I'm in red ranks. Put me against someone who's apparently the same rank as me, though, and I fail.

    This is why people say rank doesn't equal skill. Rank just translates to time played, and you don't even have to play the game a lot to reach a high rank.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    As survivor, you want to play with good survivors on high ranks, they have the necessary perks to survive. As killer, you want to play as much low ranks as possible, to have the highest chance of winning and not get sweaty.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    we all know that ranking doesn’t work like it should, and the devs have stated this as well. On both sides btw. They are working on a new MMR system that hopefully will match players with equal skill with eachother.

    even if ranking would work, matchmaking currently matches almost always rainbow ranks, but again, doesn’t matter. It’s been said a thousand times and making fun about those potato survivors (while also always defending potato killers) will not accomplish anything.

  • Danu
    Danu Member Posts: 281

    I don't understand how that's a reponse to what I said?

    And no I'd actual much rather play with mid ramk survivors to be honest because the vast majority of high rank survivors I play with are very unaltruistic and don't take many fun risks at all for fear of losing their rank I presume and that's fair enough if they want to play like that of course but I don't take the game and ranking as seriously so I don't enjoy it.

  • podkall
    podkall Member Posts: 109

    Another funny story:

    I was once rank 1 killer so I have a pretty good game-everything.

    Which brought me to idea since I'm rank 17 with help of forums I went with Blinkless Nurse with only perk Thrill of the Hunt rest perk slots empty.

    I managed to get 3k with last survivor escaping through hatch 1 gen remaining.

    But what do I see there must be fun in funny story right?...

    Heeh, one of the survivors was rank 1.

  • Laid2Sleep
    Laid2Sleep Member Posts: 7

    High rank survivors just hook bomb for massive BP, and try to be last alive. They barely do gens.