Concept of the new UI: fantastic; Execution on making the new UI: awful

As the title states, I really like the concept of the new UI. Being able to see the survivor portraits was a good addition and I love that there’s a hook counter. From the survivors’ POV, they can see how many times each survivor on the team has been hooked. They could’ve let the killer see it too, but I get why they didn’t so they could keep killers from tunneling.
However, the execution on making the new UI was terrible. They made it so difficult to tell how many gens are left, what health state each survivor is at, and how many charges they have on their item/killer power without getting dizzy by looking everywhere on the screen. Everything is way too spread out and that’s a huge issue. Also, for streamers, there’s no where to put their face cam without covering up something on the screen. I just played two survivor matches and one killer match as Spirit and I almost felt dizzy because of this new UI. BHVR, please fix this because this isn’t ok.
Seriously!! My eyes literally hurt by looking all over my TV for information
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I played two games as killer and i'm still trying to recover from the eye strain!
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Yep,i'm in the same boat.
My eyes are starting to hurt because of the new HUD even if i try to ignore it is still distracting and hard on the eyes to have something on every side and corner of the screen
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There probably going to revert it in 2 weeks cause of these problems with eye pain I remember when they added a red flash when getting stunned but it was removed cause of eye pain and headaches
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I really hope it.
I'm so damn angry because i was really looking forward for the clown and map reworks but i simply can't and don't want to play this game anymore with this HUD that extremely strains my eyes and gives me headaches.
I've played since console release,but this has to be the worst patch in existence of DBD
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ouch two weeks of no one doing the tomes. lol
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The biggest problem with the UI imo is how small the struggle/mending bar is. Not only is it at the tippy top of your screen, but it is also 10x smaller than the original. I've accidently let one of my teammates die on hook because I couldn't see the timer due to how small it was.
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Yep now they have a reason to change it back
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Even worse than 1.9.2?
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1.9.2 isn't even remotely close to the atrocity that this update with its garbage mobile game HUD is.
I NEVER had a game that caused that much strain for my eyes and headaches.
I'm extremely mad and dissappointed by BHVR and it really makes me think of uninstalling this game
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I've said it a few times here and there but the UI has some GOOD things in it! Hook counter and portraits (they look ugly as they are but imo they are valuable) are really really good!
but ######### dude the layout is soooo bad! They just threw everything everywhere
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Feels like I'm playing on mobile. It's so ######### bad. Had to turn off the game because of the eye strain and headaches I was getting
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This HUD is actually worse to play with than the pics/videos I watched on my phone. Maybe if you are on a handheld device like mobile or switch it's better but as a console player sitting away from the TV this is terrible.
Having everything neatly at the bottom was way more efficient for getting information and didn't cause eye strain/headaches. I've actually stopped looking at the screen when I'm doing totems, chests, gens heals, etc. because the eye strain caused by everything all over the screen. No way I'll be playing long sessions like I did before, I can feel headache coming on after several rounds.
The new HUD also blocks FOV. If I make it smaller it worsens the eye strain but having it bigger blocks more of the screen.
The new red on red for madness/ exhaustion is so difficult to see. Old one only took a glance, this one need to stare at it to get the information you need.
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How is it difficult? Maybe if you've got poor vision the survivor hud area sucks, but other than that I don't understand the getting tired looking all over the screen. I'm on a 60in screen with the hud as small as possible, and I'm not having this issue.
I'd go for some adjustments but overall most complaints are just too much.
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That's easy for you to say because you got a bigger screen so it doesn't bother you as much. What about all of us who don't have 60in TVs
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Well I’m glad to hear it’s not an issue for you. However, not everyone is gonna feel the same way because they’re screens are much smaller and/or their TV is to far away from where they sit. People shouldn’t have to get so close to their TV to make playing the game feel comfortable.
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Looking at it though, it’s a UI that may be suitable for a mobile game (where the screen is smaller), but not suitable for anything else.
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If I wanted a mobile game experience I would've downloaded DBD mobile. I hope they don't keep these in because I don't want a mobile experience when I'm not playing on mobile