Concept of the new UI: fantastic; Execution on making the new UI: awful

GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

As the title states, I really like the concept of the new UI. Being able to see the survivor portraits was a good addition and I love that there’s a hook counter. From the survivors’ POV, they can see how many times each survivor on the team has been hooked. They could’ve let the killer see it too, but I get why they didn’t so they could keep killers from tunneling.

However, the execution on making the new UI was terrible. They made it so difficult to tell how many gens are left, what health state each survivor is at, and how many charges they have on their item/killer power without getting dizzy by looking everywhere on the screen. Everything is way too spread out and that’s a huge issue. Also, for streamers, there’s no where to put their face cam without covering up something on the screen. I just played two survivor matches and one killer match as Spirit and I almost felt dizzy because of this new UI. BHVR, please fix this because this isn’t ok.
