The new Update is terrible

I can't 360 or moonwalking with the new Survivor Animations.
It destroys my movement and it's not makes me fun to play!
The new HUD looks terrible, the old one was definitely better.
I want the old animations and the old hud back :(
They said can't revert the old UI.
I don't know for the atrocious animations tho.
They literally destroyed this game.
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You can ALWAYS revert back to an old UI design. If they say they can't they are counting on people not having the slightest clue how programming and graphicdesign work
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Personally I like the new animations and UI, one thing worth nothing is that I don't like the fact that the remaining gens are displayed on top, also because being in white, you can't really read it very good.
It's a bit sad that the new animations deleted 360s, but I'm sure the community is gonna find something to get around that. Also.. i would like a neck animation that feels less stiff. ggs tho, let's hope this new update brings balance.
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It’s not that deep, moonwalking as survivor is pointless and 360 is something I never understood, almost all of the time it never works and whenever you do get hit and try to 360 you just wasted more time running around the killer whereas you could of made more distance by running forward
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Unless they are bound by contract (which I really doubt) they can always revert to older versions.
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Who knows. Maybe. notQueen said that on Morf's stream. "We can't revert the new UI."
You know what, i don't care about that. Animations are atrocious, survivor is unplayable.
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I absolutely despise the new UI. Portraits and hook counters are great but having everything spread out is atrocious
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making the new hud cost money and resources what are they going to do? go to the higher ups and say "so yeah the hud we made didn't go down well so we reverted it. we will be keeping the paychecks through thx"
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I know its probably about that, I work in a megacorporation and a lot of changes "cant" be reverted because its essentially telling your bosses "you messed up, people hate it" but there is a difference between "we cant" because its literally impossible and "we cant" because we would have to acknowledge we messed up and we may get chastised.
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what do you think they did with the aura changes they put in before? they just reverted it after so many people said it's not what they said.
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New update may not be the buggiest but it is surely up there in worst patches they have done. Probably right below twins and right above old legion
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Yeah because I don't like my information being all over my screen. I don't want a mobile experience when I'm not playing a mobile game
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Clowns can't moonwalk! Yaaaay!
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have you played the update? its not an overreaction, its just that bad
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It's not all bad, we have bukkake demogorgon at least
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They certainly can, but they won't. Doesn't take a coding genius to revert these changes.
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That was funny as $#!? Hope you don’t get jailed
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Honestly it's been quite a while since they released a patch as bad as this one. So I mean props to them for making it this long
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I still don't understand how. They wouldn't dump the old files, that makes no sense from any kind of design point of view. They still have saves of old builds, and any programmer with a freshman's course under their belt knows how to not hardcode a UI into a specific location. They should EASILY be able to move their UI elements to any part of the screen. From a design standpoint Im not even certain how you'd go about hardcoding it to a single location, that doesn't make sense to me. The fact we can change HUD size shows it isn't just painted over the screen, it doesn't make any sense
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I really hated the new update, animations and HUD. Also with the new map graphic changes my game is too laggy even though i get 120+ fps on low settings and 80+ on ultra. Never get instant fps drop or so. Its just freaking laggy! I might quit the game unless devs revert the old stuff back...
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the new ui looks like a ######### phone game. ######### kind of garbage am I looking at