Do you like the new HUD?

AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,099
edited February 2021 in Polls

I personally heavily dislike the new HUD, the colorful Survivor portraits break the immersion from the game for me, everything is everywhere, it's so difficult to look at...

Do you like the new HUD? 87 votes

Yes I do (PC)
JimboDerZuntorReverseVelocity 3 votes
Yes I do (Console)
Taigabm33NoOneKnowsNova 3 votes
No I don't (PC)
GibberishBlueberryTapeKnotDemon_SwordsIncurable_BOFAAven_FallenLeonardo1itathen4321VetratheneKristenKnotEnthusiastAhoyWolfSunaIIanuPlantCollectorEathianRothlonBigbubbabam270UndershotNickChinchillGamer003 45 votes
No I don't (Console)
LuixmiBabyCameron10Dream_Whisperdoitagain_musstang62MrPenguinpixelfixedMorriganVaJayblesOBXOwlzeyAnders_020xlGhostWriterlxLakeyBoi_98stargazer9Ghouled_MojoabamfordKill_Yr_Idol83TheresAGameInYourBugUnifall 31 votes
SebaOutbreakAwkward_FiendHex_LlamaRK67Heathxr 5 votes


  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781
    No I don't (PC)

    The new info that comes with it is only good, but just by looking at it, I feel it is inefficient.

  • DistortedDream
    DistortedDream Member Posts: 672
    No I don't (PC)

    No. Having to look all over the screen makes me feel dizzy and gives me a major headache.

  • Eathian
    Eathian Member Posts: 82
    No I don't (PC)

    How do we start the petition to revert the HUD?

  • LakeyBoi_98
    LakeyBoi_98 Member Posts: 2
    No I don't (Console)

    I like the concept of what they tried to do with the HUD but the execution is poor. It’s given me a street fighter feel and doesn’t feel like what a horror game HUD should feel like. Feels to animated and draws away from the gameplay, too much to look at all over the screen.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278
    No I don't (PC)

    It's TOO BIG

  • Taiga
    Taiga Member Posts: 368
    Yes I do (Console)

    I didn’t like it at first but after a few matches I got used to it pretty quickly.

  • SebaOutbreak
    SebaOutbreak Member Posts: 399

    The new info we get is neat. The way that info is shown is not.

    And while I do like that you can re-scale the size of the HUD, I feel that it's a bit limited. For example, at max size: portraits, your item, and perks look huge, but things that appear at the right/upper right are really small (Bloodpoints scoring events, Hex debuffs, etc.).

    Hopefully this won't stay completely intact. While I don't completely hate it, a bunch of small changes here and there could make a huge difference. Time will tell I guess.

  • lolallie
    lolallie Member Posts: 2
    No I don't (PC)

    the hud is too scattered all over the screen. it’s really distracting and it doesn’t really look pleasing to the eye. i just want an option to be able to change it back to original hud or move where info shows up on my screen.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 747
    No I don't (Console)

    The Hud is terrible; it all over the place and makes it hard to get good information! I love the old UI in which all the information I need were all on the bottoms, especially the corners!

    The portraits is neat, so is the hook tally mark and hook counter concept! But; why not give the killer both information regardless! And also, why would the colors changes to dimmed white to Red Colors! This game is very dark and it hard for me to see very clearly the text and information; it like the Devs are literally Brightness Blind as they do understand that dark Red or dark colors is not good for their horror game! The original hud had a amazing Bright White colored text which makes it distinctive different then the new hud!

    They need to Revert the changes immediately, or gives us the option to have the old hud back! The old Hud is fine and works just fine, with no complaints and issues! They should have not released this, at all!

  • Anders_020
    Anders_020 Member Posts: 5
    No I don't (Console)

    its to big and ugly to much to look at beceus stop killing your own game use your brain cells

  • J1Wick
    J1Wick Member Posts: 14
    No I don't (PC)

    I really don‘t like the new HUD. Teammates and I died or got into the struggl on the hook over and over again in matches because we can‘t see how long the bleeding timer has left. Even when I crank up my HUD to 100% I can‘t see enought. Like Scott Jund (and also many others) pointed out that the purpose of a HUD is to let the player with a short look know what he has to know. The old hud had everything important in one place and it was good. Now it is all over the place and I feel like I‘m in a mobile game emulator. It works for mobile games because everything you need is right in your veiw because you can see everything and move your controlling object (finger) over the hole screen. On Console and PC that is NOT the case! It gives me headache after a few games and I had to quit playing for an hour. I can’t even imagine the new problems on top of the old problems color blind people have to go through with the ‘health bar‘.

  • J1Wick
    J1Wick Member Posts: 14
    No I don't (PC)

    with a hort look know what he/she/others have to know. (Sorry for not including)

  • Danoobiel
    Danoobiel Member Posts: 132
    No I don't (PC)

    I have seen a million mock up HUDs that look better.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165
    Yes I do (Console)

    I meant to select no I don't like it 🤦‍♀️

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,821

    I'm neutral about it on PC. I wish the gens were in a different spot, but otherwise I'd be willing to live with it.