Fixing the backlash
I think a big reason there has been so much backlash is the fact the devs are so secretive and not open about what's happening, the new UI isn't that bad but the new animations are god awful, with the new UI it seems like dbd mobile which if they plan on bringing in the training mode from mobile then the new UI instantly becomes more appealing to the community with some minor adjustments so they aren't all over the place to get basic info.
Point being BHVR having such a secrecy about what they intend on doing in the game is now coming back to bite them because nobody knows the "what" or the "why" to what they're changing they just see changes that everyone disagreed with going live with no other answer than " we can't go back now , you're stuck with it" IF BHVR really cares about this community and the health of the game they need to be more open about what's happening and where they intend on going with the game, Any thoughts?
My thoughts are there have been no surprises in this patch. They released basically all of them a month ago on the PTB. Not much has changed since that test, including new animations.
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The surprises to me are that they didn't listen to the community and had absolutely no good reason why, I just feel like people might be more understanding if they would show where they're intending on taking the game , I mean it's not like they have any competition.
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Personnally,the HUD is the worst thing because it causes eye strains and even headaches after a few games.
Also,they won't.We've seen the whole colorblindness fiasco,we've seen the s***show that is the console optimization and now we got this update?
I simply have no faith in BHVR anymore,just when i thought things got better with the upcoming DS changes and the proposed OoO rework.
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How did they not listen to the community? I keep seeing people say this, but I don't see where the community complained. just 9 or 10 people on the forums, which is not representative of the tens of thousands of players.
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Yea if they would just give us the ability to use the new UI in the old school format and I mean keeping everything new like it is now but just placing things where they used to be. I think it could work out, personally I'm not too upset about the UI I feel like the new animations were a big mistake and had no reason to be changed
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When we have a PTB people can leave feedback, and steam has their own community pages it's quite easy to see people are not happy
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No, the backlash isn't because the devs are "secretive" they've always been like this.
The reason for the backlash is they pushed out an absolute turd and just about everyone called them out on it a month ago yet they still went and did it anyway.
They've got balls but we're here to crush those balls.
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But when less than 5% of the total player base uses either of those methods to provide feedback, it's not a valid representation of "what the community wants."
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Yea but could there be a reason why like mobile crossplay? Or a training mode? I just think there are alot of unknowns because they don't tell us anything so all we see is them pushing a change nobody wanted
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If they choose to ignore the feedback they get on plattforms like these then they should straight up don't ask for it anymore.
BHVR asked for feedback on the HUD,animations etc.
Community mostly agreed that those changes are bad.
BHVR pushed them on live servers regardless.
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There are countless polls and posts regarding the UI.
on steam alone dbd has shed 10,000 players in the last 24 hours.
it seems like people just stick their head in the sand regarding bad dev decisions.
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That's not what OP meant by "secretive" the changes were no secret. By "secretive" he means the devs won't disclose the reasoning behind the changes or their opinions on why it had to be done.
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If there's 10000 people playing and only like 25 people responding in a poll, that's not valuable feedback.
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I'm kinda the other way around, to me the animations aren't that bad (still definitely some improvements to be made), but the UI is really bad.
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Exactly what I mean , I just think the amount of people being upset would be drastically reduced if we had some knowledge to why they were doing it or what was coming because of these changes
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When @not_Queen said they can't change the UI, I thought thats odd as you can revert changes and then I saw this
and he also said unless they delete every old patch they should be able to change the UI.
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I wonder if the new UI is related to some upcoming mechanic from a new killer, as the only reason they gave for changing it is 'it allows us to do things that the old UI did not'.
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if they're telling the truth on it's non-revertible, then it's possible one of the changes they made was how the UI is updated from interactions reported from the server, and I'm speculating that they have whole new calls being pushed, not just handling them differently once the client receives them. That would mean more than just client-side changes like a lot of graphical updates require which is why they don't want to go back.
But that's just an alternative opinion.
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I feel like the new animations are from games i played in the late 90s, they're terrible. Robotic and stiff. How did we go from the old animations to this garbage.
The hud is awful but with changes could be fine, info just scattered all over the screen in all the wrong places.
Seeing what they released yesterday i dont hold out much hope for the new MMR system if it ever comes.
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Let's see
1 90% of the pole they posted dislike the new ui goes unchanged
2 they take an extra week to add slashes on the injured icon and maybe bug fixes
3 They did listen about the game map and I'm glad they made pallets findable but now they're safe god pallets or death traps no one has liked breakable walls well here they are in the game
4 the animations I personally don't care for alot but they need to loosen up they look like mannequins
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Even then how would mobile affect console and pc it's a ui not a base that affects how the game plays
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Mobile is a totally different game though in a sense just because of the way everything is set up in the menus and the fact that they have bots that replace characters when someone DC's and they have a training mode with bots , if they implement that on the other systems it would fix the dc problem and give people the training mode to get used to killers before they go into a public match while still earning half bloodpoints.