This is sad (the player base that is)

Oh my fing god some of you are dramatic! It’s a movement update it’ll take at the most a week to relearn how to 360 and moonwalk but you want to remove something that makes the game look a lot better because you can’t moonwalk anymore. Some of you just ######### on the game for anything. Get off your high horses and realize it’s a game it’s not the end of the world that new movements were implemented, just play for a week and you’ll see this is better for the game. It’s honestly pathetic how most of you are asking to boycott the game over new movements.
It's always been this way, this community is one of the whiniest I've ever seen (and not just including video game fandoms).
12 -
Lets be honest here...The injured run is horrible
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Have you ever heard of the fortnite community?
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oh I agree it’s bad but that doesn’t mean the community should boycott the game
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excuse me, how does it look the game “a lot better”? The new animations look amateur and cheap as hell. Like, free to play mobile game level of cheap.
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that’s cause they are children and these two fan bases are quite similar which is pretty sad considering it’s a 17+ game
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Lol the survivors having more movement and actually not being robots make it look like a mobile game?
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what?! survivors used to look hunchbacked and you’re saying them looking like actual humans and standing up straight (yeah it’s a little stiff) but it’s a lot better than before
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people that want to boycott (like it will do something just before a event) do it cau'z it's been 4-5 update that comes with heavy bug and gameplay problem. On top of that, the devs says they listen to feedback, but actually don't. So no it's not beceause the animation and ui is bad, it's becasue behavior does bad practice and it's tiring.
13 -
they were like that beceause they were trying to keep a low profile cau'z you know they have a killer coming for them, it had lore reason and gameplay reason (easier to hide), the new animation look even worse tbh. They don't look like human they look like robot or that vladimir poutine meme when they walk.
4 -
The update literally broke the game; information that is supposed to be easy to discern takes a long time to pull together in a game where you need to think fast or lose the gens/die.
AND they messed up the hitboxes even more than the start of dedicated servers did, somehow.
Wouldn't be so bad if they actually listened to majority community feedback, but they don't give a damn.
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Injured survivors look like they pooped their pants.
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To me they looked perfect before and look like robots now. And yes that is enough to make me stop to play the game. If you don’t see how bad the new animations are it’s fine, maybe it’s personal taste. I never saw the hunchback thing.
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They broke the entire game, I didn't think they could out do the horrible binding of kin chapter
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they just changed two highly complained about perks and were flamed cause of it i see why they don’t do it often and the only real bugs in this is the hit boxes which i get is really annoying and they should’ve left it in the ptb longer but other than that this was a fine update
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i walk like that also yeah i made a post saying they should be a little more hunched over but not as much i even mentioned that in what you replied to saying it was a little stiff. that doesn’t mean they should revert back to the old movements which were severely outdated
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and that’s your opinion idk why you would stop playing cause of new animations when i stayed despite the old bad animations
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While i prefer the old UI the new one really isn't that bad.
Just the community doing what the community does best.
Making mountains out of anthills
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The community may annoying and frustrating, by the company really does an amazing job of turning this game into a big pile of #########.
So I'd think of the game as a pile of #########, and all the players and ######### eating flies too stupid to just move on to something else because they don't know any better.
0 -
1: theyre not live yet
2-idc about the balance if the core game is in a bad state like now
you know what, they can revert all the good balance change if that mean we have a more fonctionnable game with little to no bug
balancing perks and powers come second, making sure the core game fuction is the top priority.
EDIT: those who flame the dev for good balance decision are survivor/killer entitle main. This as nothing to do with what happening now
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we know its a game, we want to see it do better, thats why we complain
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i agree there, but they need to rework those animation asap
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Believe people are pissed that their PTB feedback was ignored.
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I'll stop caring about this game - then I won't complain about anything.
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oh 100% a lot of them look a little stiff and the injured is awful but i still think it’s better to stay on these and change them a bit than to revert to the old ones
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because console players never got to give feedback which is actually quite a lot of people to leave out from giving feedback
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what does that have to do with the animations they work fine hit boxes are wack but they always were going back to old animations won’t suddenly fix the game since it was still complained about highly
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Console players saw the screen shots and watch others play it. Not like the criticism changed, has it?
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Normally I would agree with you but if people are literally getting headaches because of the new ui and I'm feeling eye strain from looking around every 5s there is something wrong with it
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yes actually a lot of people like the animation in fact it’s the majority look at twitter or the threads where people like me say we like it. you can’t revert it cause a few people dislike it (animations that is hud definitely needs a change)
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in all fairness:
we tried it with normal feedback first.
the biggest reason as to why many are as exaggerating as they are is, because pretty much all our feedback was being ignored.
we told the devs what was wrong, we made suggestions on how to fix it and yet no one listened. its like talking to a brick wall. and that is very annoying to have to deal with, so i cant really blame any of the people for being angry / disappointed right now.
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So the forums hate it and twitter likes it. Which platform is more focused on the game?
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If you play the game then that means the update was a success and nothing needs to be changed. if the player base drops off to nothing then they are forced to fix it.
Thats what they get for shoving it in the game after massive backlash from the ptb.
This is not a mobile game, and the bigger your screen the less you even look at the hud now. i have a 27" screen and i have not looked at a hook state and keep forgetting the gen count since the update because it is just so far out of the way.
This would be a nightmare on a 60" tv... poor console players.
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i’m not happy either i hate the hud and the hit boxes are still weird but the animations are being looped in despite them being fine but boycotting a game over hit boxes seems dramatic
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I do believe the animation complains are just a small chunk of the reason why people are pissed.
People are pissed because:
- Why have a PTB when they just flat out ignore all the feedback? "Here is the PTB so you guys can help give feedback or find any problems with the upcoming update." Then after feedback comes in: "Screw the feedback, we need to release this update otherwise we miss our deadlines. Just deal with everything that's wrong with the game until we decide we need to fix these problems." Why can't they just delay the update to fix problems before releasing it?
- UI - yes it's nice to have a refresh. I think people are fine with that. The problem is, they took something functional and destroyed it by spreading out information all over the screen. THIS IN MY OPINION IS THE BIGGEST PROBLEM OF THIS UPDATE.
- Being told that "We made this update and we cannot revert even if it is a really ######### update."
- No ACTUAL COMMUNITY MANAGER. They are non-existent really. There is no one to talk to for voicing concerns. Most people feel like they are just talking to a wall. Even in their Q&A streams, it's very obvious that the questions are cherry picked. Yes, sometimes they do include questions about the hottest issues, but the answers are almost always just one liners to brush the issue aside or are just given an excuse instead of actually being addressed.
Yes, ENTITLED players on both sides (killers and survors) do exist. But when almost the whole community agrees that something is wrong, i do believe that warrants proper attention.
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Yeah, they fixed the thing that wasn't broken and left the broken, broken.
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I am fine with the animations.
The HUD is a whole other beast though.
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it's beceause it broke the core game even more on top of it being pretty bad to begin with. i don't want to make a big post about it, but everyone is fed up of behavior making bad decision over bad decision destroying the core game. It's like the animation were functional and inherent to the core game, they are replace by bad animation. it's not much on his own, but after all those bad update, bad decision, bad balancing it become more and more tiring, when fog whisper say it's time to move on, you know behavior need to change quickly.
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People dont complain about how the movement worked, that didnt change. It's the way animations are done where people are complaining about.
When I am heavily injured, I dont think I would run the same way I run to the toilet with massive diarrhea and my pants dropped to my ankles.
Not only that, but they added this update too quick. They spend nearly a year to give every single survivor their own idle animation, their own injured animation. It was the same, mostly, but all characters at least felt different. Now they are just all David. I do understand that they can alter the skeletons based on survivor, however, why implement an unfinished product in the official game? Why not showcase it in the beta, see the response and tweak it untill its finished? That is why people are bitching about it. It's one of many unfinished alterations that are added to a game where things are supposed to be finished. Bugs and glitches will pretty much always exist, but why rush animations when its only fitting for David?
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Yeah, it could definitely be better lmao
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You can always spot the killer mains in the forums because they're always quick to defend something that gives survivors a huge disadvantage. Are you a fan of the hitboxes too, OP?
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True title, false description.
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Lmfaooo looks like their running to the toilet to poop
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how do you expect them to fix hit boxes in 4 weeks and also again what does that have to do with animations i am not here to talk about hit boxes this thread is about animations not the core game
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Literally nothing else in this patch bothers me other than the HUD which I find to busy and kinda uncomfortable to use.
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dramatic, but understandable (imo).
they have proven to us how any other form of feedback on this topic is ineffective, so i cant blame some for trying it this way - not that i'd support it, but i can understand where they are comming from.
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Played 12 games yesterday. No headache. Maybe our whiny player base is just crying about any change, per usual. I'm guessing that's more likely than mass headaches.
I was at work until 7pm EST and based on what I read, my expectations were that the game was broken. Then I played it and really enjoyed my games as both killer and survivor. I'll get used to the UI and movement. I'm already dropping pallets earlier due to the hit validation. It's really no big deal.
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Ok but when you crawl through the hatch it looks like you're swimming through it
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What's funny is that their reason for the new UI going live is "so console can give their feedback as well, not only pc through the ptb"
Excuse me, but when did you care about us? And 9 out of 10 people were saying it's bad, you expect console (which uses a TV, so information is spread out af) to say "hey, cool"?
2 -
Yeah the new HUD definitely needs some tweaks to it, but it doesn't need to be dropped entirely.
The hitboxes are kind of broken though, I'm sure the devs are aware of it by this point.
The animations are fine even if some of them look weird.
The thing that makes me facepalm the most is that this game is rated M, meant for people at least 17 and up, yet some of the most vocal of us act like 6 year old kids on a playground.
"This HUD sucks and they didn't change it, screw this game"
"I can't do things that I rely on to escape hits anymore, Screw this game"
"The new graphics suck and so do the devs, screw this game"
"you have an opinion that's different then me. Screw you too"
"killers suck!"
Survivors Suck"
just like a battle line on a damn playground.
Someone compared this community to fortnite, the difference is Fortnite is targeted to kids, this game isn't.