I'm not acting like my Life Savings got depleted. I actually like the update, it feels new to me.

Hate on me or @ me if you want. But jesus the update hadn't even been out one day and this forum acts like the sky is falling. Saying awful things about the devs and no constructive feedback. I like the update, the HUD is fine to me and i got adjusted to it, and the movement is fresh needs to be improved on i want more animations and there's no more 360 juking cheese. The only problem i have is the hitboxes are messed up entirely everything else is fine to me. I think a lot of you are upset that your muscle memory is being changed and you have to relearn new things. But all of you are so hellish and over reacted hard. I'm not saying you can't criticize the devs, you can. THEY TAKE A LOT OF IT TRUST ME. But damn all the negativity is so harsh, ridiculous, and almost uncalled for. I'm just happy the devs at least ATTEMPTED to TRY SOMETHING NEW. The game gets so boring, New Killer, New Survivor, New Perks that no one uses because everyone runs the same damn perks. I would kill for some new gameplay depth, new mechanics, something and that's kind of what we got. Yes there's bugs, it's Dead By Daylight what did you expect. But they always try to stay on top of it. But god forbid if the devs try to do something different or new and test things with the entire player base. Because according to you they don't have vision, at least the vision that you want.
DISCLAIMER: I understand that I am in the minority of the player base that really likes the update. But all I wanted was something fresh and new, and I DON'T MEAN cosmetics, I mean gameplay. I don't want the devs feeling terrible and scared from taking risks and trying new things because everyone yells "this is trash" and did not even update their game file. Ratio me if you want. But some of you have to get a grip and stop acting like Popeyes ran out of Chicken Sandwiches for christ sakes.
ALSO: some of the pallets on The Game rework might need to be looked at they look a little too spicy.
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I also appreciate this update.
There are problems to be set, yes (such as the number of pallets on The Game). But I like the new animations of the survivors. I play MMORPG, so I'm used to looking at every corner of the screen to get some information. Therefore, although I agree that the HUD is too scattered, I like it. The new Clown amuses me a lot. I like the new maps.
In short, it didn't turn my life too much upside down.
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@Epsydra thank you for understanding. Everyone has lost their mind. I was losing my mind over the twins update rather than this.
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The only complaint that I have for this update is that The Game Map has soooooooooo many God Pallets, but beside that, it’s fine. I haven’t had any issues with hitboxes yet and the UI is extremely helpful for both Survivor and Killer.
Some say that the UI gives them eye strain which is fair, but one person wrote that they actually vomited when playing Killer because of the UI .... Yeah that’s extremely hard to believe.
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@MrPeterPFL Someone yacked? absolutely absurd. People hate change and hate that they have to learn new things.