Solo learning as newbie

I recently just buy this game, and i feel frustrating as a newbie. Some of the details of gameplay i need to find on wiki only i able to know. And while playing some map which is big and confusing make me always lost my way, I want to go custom game and explore the map and learn some basic things and it said i cant solo a custom game...

Wtf, i been playing like 10+ hour and i just get kill kill kill and i cant go a custom game to learn. And also like every 2 to 3 match there will be an afk or deranking killer which make me really regret to buy this game.

1- cant learn while playing, 2- afk deranking, 3- still slightly unclear details of gameplay


  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184
    edited February 2021

    You are going to die a lot. Simple reality for new players. No one is expected to be an expert on day 1.

    My suggestion to you is, if you die and the match is still going, spectate other survivors and watch how they play.

    When the match is over, look at everyones perks and read the descriptions, including the killers. If there's something you don't understand, look it up in the wiki for more detail explanation.

    I would also suggest playing the killer role to see from its perspective. Not only will you see what the killer sees, but how survivors react to you.

  • Karna5
    Karna5 Member Posts: 34

    Hi, DDDD. If you know what AFK deranking is, I believe you're exaggerating your lack of knowledge. If you were that new you wouldn't even care about ranks let alone deranking.

    This said, I agree there are some killers or perks which need a lot of practice. For instance, I am good friends with a Demogorgon killer who was having a ton of issues hitting with the lunge attack. So I bought the game mostly so I could be a survivor for her in a custom match so she could practice the attack. This worked tremendously well for her, and getting the chance to chase a zig zaggy survivor (me) for an hour made her an expert at the attack. And in the process I decided I like the game and play it as well.

    But not all killers have very difficult attacks to master. For instance, I played doctor for lots and lots of matches without putting points into him. He was level 1 with only one perk (the generator overcharge one), and he is easy to play well enough to have fun. He's got an area attack (non-damaging but increases insanity level), a range attack (non-damaging but increases insanity level), and a swipe. That's enough to have fun without needing to find a friend spending an hour in a custom match for you to test special attacks.

    There are a few things about survivor you probably won't learn without talking to other people or reading. For instance, depending on the killer, they may see you easily when you run. Some killers may see you when you heal near them. Crows gather above your head if you stay in a place too long, and there are killers who can see any survivors who disturb crows. But this kind of knowledge doesn't need a custom match. It needs talking and/or reading.

    Don't worry about not being able to enter a custom match alone. Just start with stuff which doesn't need a custom match for practice.

  • malatruse
    malatruse Member Posts: 784

    Anyone who has played a multiplayer ranked game knows what deranking is.

    @DDDD I know it's hard starting out, some things are the same on the maps every time but most things always change. The wiki can help you figure out some of that stuff, but I believe there's a Looking for Group forum on here you can use if you want to explore in a custom match.