Letting me escape when I crouch — Killers your input please?!?!?!

Whenever I feel I am going to lose or be caught by the killer, I start crouching in front of the killer as my way to concede. Sometimes all of my teammates are dead and I have 4 machines to go so I concede. Anyways, sometimes the killer let’s me go when I crouch and allows me to finish machines/escape. Why do y’all do that??


  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    If you played well, or your team were extremely poor, I'll let you go aslong as I'm not doing any challenges and you weren't my last BBQ stack. If you're toxic none of this applies.

    Additionally, I'll make sure you keep your item by repeatedly swinging at it if you drop it.

  • Hyd
    Hyd Member Posts: 379

    Because far more often this game is so damn toxic that if there is a moment like this where you can have some friendly interaction, it's more than welcome lol.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221
    edited February 2021

    I'll usually let you go if:

    • I had a fun game & didn't feel like a sweaty mess by the end of it
    • If I crushed your teammates quicker than you guys could do 1 gen (usually sh*tty matchmaking)
    • If you were the only one on the team that didn't BM me
    • If you were still trying to do your objective instead of camping hatch (2 survivors left)
    • If I'm in the mood for farming/memeing

    There are many reasons as to why I'll feel like letting a survivor go. Hell, I'll even de-pip for it by letting all 4 of you go if you guys just decide not to be little *ssholes. We need more kindness in this game, so why not?

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    Could be a mutual respect thing - something you probably wouldn't understand.

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723

    I like to let the last survivor go unless he was a complete an utter a-hole. Then, he dies if I catch him. I'm not too easily offended as a killer, though, so most of the time I just think behavior that other killers might find upsetting is really funny rather than jerk-ish.

    As a survivor, though, I rarely get given the hatch/escape no matter what happened in the match. If I disrespect (which is rare unless it is warranted) I know I'm not getting anything, but it's kind of surprising to me how few killers seem to want to give it for anyone LOL

  • dummer33344
    dummer33344 Member Posts: 131

    What? Give me a good reason why I SHOULD let you go, your just another survivor I'm expecting you to flashlight and tbag me, so sorry if I deserve that 4k

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,722

    I almost always let the last person go unless I'm working on a trophy or a challenge. If someone crouches like they give up, give me their item or just does something really funny I'll let them go or start farming with the team.

    I don't really take the game seriously so any excuse to just mess around and I'll take it. I find it really adorable when people just straight give up.

  • How_Hamhaesque
    How_Hamhaesque Member Posts: 39

    For me it depends on random whims. Some matches I end up more killy than others.

    One match I was bringing a surv to a hook for my 4k when I realized that hook had already been used. Then, on my way to a different nearby hook I happened to hear the hatch, so I thought 'hell, why not' and dropped the survivor next to it so they can escape.

    Usually though if it'd require extra effort/time to let them escape I don't bother.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    My policy when i down the last person and have had fun during a match, if you give up, you get hatch. If you wiggle, you get hook.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,774

    Booping the snoot goes a long way still. Or the matchmaking shyttd all over the survs and I am not feeling the slaughter impulse.

    I'll let the last cutie or two go do the needed three or four gens, and maybe even dent some pallets with my forehead.

    They can keep their trinkets I can't use em anyhow.

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    I'll often let the last survivor go if one (or more) of their team-mates DCs. Quitting like that and leaving your team-mates in the lurch sucks.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited February 2021

    dominance/submission. I'm not even sure that they're aware of it every single time, but intuitively it's an act of submission. As you said, you do it to concede. In a game constantly setting people off, they probably relax and are fine with defeating you mentally and don't care about the hatch afterward. Sometimes conscious of it, sometimes maybe not. But it's common for many mammals including humans to look down, look away or lower their heads in submission.

  • Depends.

    If they make me laugh I always let them go; but in general I often give hatch if people are not acting like idiots and such.

    The #########? Since when is playing the game disrespectful. They are under NO obligation to let anyone go, for any reason. It's NICE if they do but it is NOT disrespectful to not do that.

  • _HN_
    _HN_ Member Posts: 385

    You have to realize something, you and all the other survivors :

    The killer don't OWE you anything. If you want to concede, fine, but honestly, the game has been designed in a way where you don't really need to concede since the hatch and the collapse timer make sure that the game will end in a way or another in a timely manner.

    I often see survivor trying to pull the Sympathy card to get a free escape, but what they don't seem to realize is that what they are asking me to do is to give them MY points at the end of the game, but you'll never, EVEEEEEEEEEEEEEER see a survivor give you a free hook or kill at the end of the game. What they will give you tho is a nice pack of Tbag and GG EZ in chat.

  • jrinkwater
    jrinkwater Member Posts: 314

    eh. depends on my mood. I might kill you. likely will. and you crouching to me saves me time and I feel nothing towards you.

  • How_Hamhaesque
    How_Hamhaesque Member Posts: 39
    edited February 2021

    Actually my last game tonight some hours ago a survivor let me hook them even though I was clearly fine with them both going their merry way when the other 2 survs DC'd

    e: and some time ago we got sent to Haddonfield, and while I did some chases I mostly let them party on that one open rooftop-y area? And then when they finished all the gens and opened a door I just wandered around aimlessly waiting for them to leave, except... they didn't, EGC ends and they all scream and die. Turns out they decided to also spend the whole EGC on the roof XD

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,821

    To me, that kind of crouching doesn't signal giving up -- it signals begging for your life. It makes me feel awkward and bad, and I usually just want to walk away. If you want to concede, waving me toward you while standing still is the better way.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited February 2021

    Because they’re being nice for whatever reason (there’s multiple). Personally, I just laugh and smack the Survivor upside the head. Everyone goes on that hook.

  • AvengerBear
    AvengerBear Member Posts: 100

    depends on my mood, I don't give you free escape just because you crouch in front of me, but I sometimes let babies go, cuz they are cute, but not always. Again, all depends on my mood.

  • snax9111
    snax9111 Member Posts: 67

    i do that all the time, because at that point i feel i did what i came for, which is bbq stacks and good score, plus u didnt tea bag and do any bm to me, so why not we all win together and make some points

  • Woot1234
    Woot1234 Member Posts: 139

    Ugh I hate it when the last survivor is one who played well, no BM etc. and I want to give hatch but they just struggle. On rare occasion I even drop them and act funny to make it obvious and sometimes they don't get it.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    If I think the survivor who does that is actually good (and didn't bm) and I destroyed the rest of the team, I'll let them go usually. If I'm in an unusually good mood I'll also let them go. Other than those 2 things, I'll take my 4k and go. Thanks for playing.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    if you do something cute and don't do something immensely stupid like sending the lobby to Haddonfield or Coldwind, then i generally give last guy hatch

    unless it's for a challenge or i'm in a bad mood, then it's no mercy