New Insta-DC Map

It's sad to say it, but I finally found my insta-dc map: The Game.

I'm sorry. I just can't play as a killer on that map. Every time I play survivor, I win on that map. Every time I play killer, even with Spirit, it's an easy loss. It's ridiculous how they managed to make it even worse for one role to play that map. It's genuinely ridiculous to have to go through god pallet after god pallet to safe pallet to safe pallet and back to god pallet.

While the map has dead ends, good survivors can avoid them pretty easily. I also main Blight and Legion when I play killer, and they're basically the worst killers to put on that map.


  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    Am I the only one who genuinely likes it? I've already got multiple 4ks with Clown, and somehow a 3k with Nurse with the last guy escaping through hatch even though I've no experience.

    Maybe it is unbalanced and Clown and Nurse just excel on that map, but we need to play it more to properly see.

  • TauNkosi
    TauNkosi Member Posts: 282

    The game is my bad luck map. I never survive on it. Even after the update, while it undeniably looks amazing, I hate it with a burning passion.

  • Bisexual_Kaiju
    Bisexual_Kaiju Member Posts: 24

    Clown's an anti-loop killer, and Good Nurses excel on every map. I imagine it's still great if you play Doctor, too. But for the killers I like to play? It's pretty terrible.

    But when I played Nurse for the first time in my life on that map, for example, her blink was really glitched. The game would spam the button, creating an awful noise and leaving me unable to blink for quite a few seconds.

  • hooey
    hooey Member Posts: 14

    killer used to be very unfun on that map. its now possibly contending with Haddonfield except with Haddonfield you have to understand and exploit the weaknesses. the new game is literally just dropping the pallet and win

  • Bisexual_Kaiju
    Bisexual_Kaiju Member Posts: 24

    If I had to pick, I'd play Haddonfield over the new Gideon's any day. At least on Haddonfield, some houses and tiles are fixed, and you know what to do generally for each trial on it. Haddonfield also at least has very weak loops.

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    They didn't just preserve The Game's "Safe pallets and nothing else" style. They actually added god pallets that completely section off the map until you break them.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221

    I think I've went against a Nurse with this bug on Ormond before, but it was before the recent update.

    When she tried to blink, it spammed the noise indicating that she was & she ended up accidently blinking to the basement.

    She comes out & the game is STILL spamming that sound, which is a huge disadvantage for me since I'm running from her, because I can't tell whether she actually is or not.


  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I’ve been winning with Clown on that map too, no meta perks either