Dumb things the devs broke in this patch alone

- Massively increased moan noise in lockers, easily heard from outside, even with iron will 3 active
- Blight not making ANY collision noise in his rush AT ANY DISTANCE from survivor side
- Killers having extendo arms like freddy - i don't know if this is a hit validation problem, or if you turned it off, or if it has to do with new survivor locomotion, either way, like hell you're going to tell us! Right, devs?
- Unable to perform some actions after vaulting, dropping, getting up, etc. Either way, it has to do with your new animations i'm sure, because the lag on window vaulting after a drop is NOT supposed to be that long
- Dead hard, as in consistently dead harding players. and if it works, you can STEER IT???
- Just all in all, your terrible design of the Game map. Love the aesthetic, but you honestly have ######### the bed on yet ANOTHER thematic map. I'd be willing to bet whoever was in charge of Midwich likely had something to do with this
- UI requiring you to have 3 pairs of eyes to use - honest to god we TOLD YOU it was #########. WE TOLD YOU we hated it.
Maybe next time, actually listen to your community before bum rushing out stupid patches, with stupid features that no one wants. Hope you don't F13 your game because you are driving long term players (2016 myself) away <3
how do you make a patch delay for 4 weeks. And it still blows lmao
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The Emblems are also broken again. Iridescent Devout seems to be impossible to earn (just like with the Twins update, except it's on all Killers).
Imagine if they hadn't delayed the patch.
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Something tells me this is a step up from what we would have gotten if it was released last week. I'm not trying to defend it though making that clear.
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What's the most sad thing is how we had posts praising the jiggle physics on Jane because that was a priority over making the game work. The mods had time to respond to that. What a ######### show this update turned into.
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Even the basics are messed up. Playing the PS5 version now loads up the low Res old version PS4 version. I Literally choose the PS4 version on my ps5 to compare and it's exactly the same, double sized graphics and no 4k- so literally no point in playing the PS5 game version.
I don't understand how they can break the game so much with every patch and update.
What's funny is I reported it on bug reporting within 30 mins of the 4.5.0 update being out and the only thing they mark as acknowledged is the posts either side of mine saying the Steve or Nancy cosmetics are unavailable to buy. - could you get anymore blatant in showing what's important to them!!?
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Love how the took extra time too, before they released this garbage patch. Imagine how bad it would have been if they didn't lol.
This patch ain't up to scratch. It never should have happened. But I'm not surprised. Their gonna keep pumping out new content and the game will get worse and worse.
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Crows dont work either for when survivors are idle. Wont gather, wont give noise notification.
Plague has gotten worse where if you use her red puke, you cant zig zag with it. It takes a full second of concentrated puke to register a hit.
Dont know if it's just me but I cant hear gens being worked on from a reasonable distance. I find I'm patrolling listening for noise and all of a sudden one pops from behind and I'm left saying "I was just there."
They still havent fixed the priority system. I tried cleansing a dull beside a pallet, (LOOKING AT THE ######### TOTEM). And it sucks my character to pull the pallet, with the camera still looking at the totem. A friend tried healing me a few feet from a window and it kept sucking him to window vault. Player tried healing a survivor on a side of the pallet, sucked her to drop and keep vaulting.
Infectious I find isnt making people scream. So I keep having to 360 view the map after every down.
I feel Deathslingers terror radius is lower than standard. I'm starting to face more without M&A and ADDONS EFFECTING , yet they're still able to spear me before I start to hear terror radius. Dont know if this is just me.
Not to mention how sick I feel with the sudden camera drops when I'm downed and carried.
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Blight also has horrible collission on the new Crotus Preen Asylum maps. I was playing on Chapel and kept sliding off of things that clearly should have collission, like random piles of rubbish. I love playing Blight so much, but for every rework they make him harder to play cause of sliding off of objects.
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I felt that earlier today, the sick feeling when getting downed.
That's exactly how I feel when I play Nurse.
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Nice! Lets see u trying to code a game :)
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Stunning a killer with a pallet & they suddenly appear on your side of a pallet with no stun time & the easiest of hits?
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I got four iridescent emblems as wraith in a backwater swamp game yesterday!
It was an 11 hook match (the last person was hooked for the second time and then killed by auto game ending)
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holy ######### does this kind of reply make me angry.
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What a ######### comment. I'm not a professional chef, but if someone shits on my plate and calls it a gourmet meal I'm fairly sure I can call them out on it.
Or maybe you'd just eat the ######### without question.
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I keep seeing this response on brand new accounts and im now 40% certain that a dbd dev is making alt accounts to be passive aggressive towards the rightfully angry community.
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U serious? That's messed up.
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If you think you've found a bug, please first check if it's already been reported and if so, you can vote up that particular report to show how many people have been affected. If there's no report, then you are free to make a bug report following the template on the pinned thread in the sub forum: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/categories/bugs