Cancelling Rank Reset This Month Due To Emblem Bug

So as you are all well aware, there's a bug in the emblem scoring system that is falsely de-pipping ranks like crazy. Even a safety/black pip is cause for a depip now and it's been incredibly frustrating to the community. I myself just went from Rank 3 to Rank 7 within a day of playing, given killers are playing especially sweaty cause of the new Tome challenges and there's no safety pipping due to the bug. I'm also a solo survivor which makes pipping a lot more difficult in comparison to SWF. At this rate, I'll be facing being deranked to Rank 13 by rank reset if I don't stop playing the game. I didn't put in 4000+ hours to have to face that insane grind to place back up in the ranks and skill level where I belong. It's not fair to any of the player base both new and old nor anyone that was excited and/or put money into the lunar event, cosmetics and the new rift if we continue to depip due to the bug and further get knocked back by rank reset. Anyone else feel like rank reset should be cancelled this month?
P.S. I'm a killer main so please don't come at me about my comment about killers being especially sweaty right now, trying to complete challenges. Everyone on both sides right now, are.
Pretty soon everyone will be sent back to rank 20 at the beginning of each month, anyway. Anyone know when that actually starts? Or is that the same "soon" as MMR in general?
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I don't really care, because I always do my best to stay away from the red ranks sweaty mess. So a rank downgrade for me is always welcome (so I stay between green and purple). I wouldn't mind. But on the other hand, I want them to fix it asap so the sweaty ones don't get deranked.
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I think they turned mmr back on a while ago and just didn't tell any body
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Why do you care about ranking up? At rank 7 you will be placed at rank 9 after reset. It will make doing the challenges easier for you.
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I care because as a solo survivor in the red ranks, I prefer the sweatier games with skilled players. I understand that at Rank 7, I'll get deranked to 9 on rank reset but with the current emblem bug, if I play anymore games as is with the way players are so challenge focus due to the new Tome, I'll continuously depip well past rank 9 before the 13th and I refuse to get deranked all the back in yellow ranks. Going through with rank reset this month would be an incredibly bad move with the emblem bug present.
Also, I'm already done the challenges so that bares no importance to my post.
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Everyone has their own preference. I for one would much rather play more competitive, sweatier games in red ranks where given my skill, I belong than play with tunneling, NOED killers in the green ranks, matched with potato survivors.
It still just comes down to the fact that given the emblem bug and the devs knowing it exists, going through with rank reset anyways would be yet another bad decision to make given everything that's occured with the negative response to the new update.
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I agree with this. I've always felt being between purple and green ranks is the sweet spot for dbd. Once I get to rank 7 or so, the time it takes to find a match seems to multiply significantly. But this is more of a casual mindset, which is my preference.
I understand how being deranked to 13 would drive some people nuts. But for me, I prefer quick queues and the challenge of crawling back in solo q.
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Like I said, to each their own. I still think going through with the rank rest when the devs know there's a bug in the emblem system, would be yet another bad move on their part given whats occured over the last couple days.
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I'm surprised people even play for emblems anymore. I just ignore it and look to kill as many as possible. If that doesn't happen, I content myself with getting as many points as I can.
Worrying about ranking causes more frustration than it's worth.
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Ya i'd be for it. I haven't played the new patch yet.. survivor looks genuinely uncomfortable with every killer now being given base coup de grace (probably botched that), and their new pallet teleporting ability (looks fun).
I definitely want to play killer this weekend (for same reasons) and try out devour/undying. Tome challenges are always fun busywork too.
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Don't need to cancel rank reset, too late for that we're already getting it every day.
Lost 11 pips in red since update...yay, fun since Unbroken doesn't register any points half the time.
Let's all meet in green ranks.
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See as killer, I could care less what my rank is but as survivor, I really dislike getting matched with potatoes and therefore I try my best to stay in the ranks where people tend to play within the same amount of skill. It does suck getting bent out of shape over rank, that I can agree with you on and that's why I think they should cancel it this month because given the de-pipping bug, they're just asking for way more complaints than they're already dealing with, with the negative feedback of the new update. Plus the unfair factor of going through with it while knowing a bug exists within said system is just a bad business move in general.
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Hahaha right?! I'm sorry dude. This bug (along with all the other issues this week) sure does suck. I'm done playing survivor until I know if they're going through with rank reset. If they are, I'm done playing period until they fix the emblem bug and UI. I still would like playing killer, given the lunar event but I'm moving on to playing Little Nightmares 2 and returning to MK 11 until the devs start fixing what they broke.
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I play solo queue. When I depip the challenges will be harder.
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Red ranks have the worst survivors and the saltiest killers. I'm okay with the de-pips. Might actually catch a decent game for change. Dropped from rank 1 to soon rank 5 and man I hope I keep going until like rank 9.
Or I might just quit DBD until the new MMR is turned on. Nothing worth getting in the Rift anyway and the event is basically just a bloodhunt.
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Why does it matter?
Ranks have been a mess for a while now, so they don’t accurately represent much of anything at all.
Plus, as others have stated, soon everyone gets reset to rank 20 every month.
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How so? All the camping and tunneling killers I've come acrossed lately have been rank 1. Teammates, even though being red rank, fall faster than rank 10s I was playing with last week.
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Because the lower ranks suicide on the first hook for whatever reason. Dooming the rest of the team.
Turning a 3 man escape into a 4k.
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Haven't had that issue. Even last week when ranks were more colorful.
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It matters for all the reasons I've answered throughout the thread. And regardless if you think ranks are mess, it's still a bad move to go through with rank reset when there's a known bug in the emblem system. Period.
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Today: we were on the last gen. 70% finished. 1 suicided and the other 1 had his first hook. Instead of giving us the time to finish the gen and prepare the gate, he also suicided.
Next match: against the Mendslinger. First survivor who sees him instantly gets downed and suicides with 5 gens up.
Next match: someone DC's during the loading screen = depip.
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Consider yourself lucky then because I too experience that all that time. I didn't play killer for 2 months and when I came back, I was deranked to 17. Match after match it was just potato survivors suicide hooking. As much as people want to say rank doesn't matter, it does.
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Even though a rank reset affects absolutely nothing, and rank shouldn’t be something you’re emotionally attached to?!
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"Soon" (TM)
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Emotionally attached to ranks?! Hahaha wow. Way to expose why you're really on this thread. I'm not looking to be baited in an arguement with juvenile remarks such as that. Also, like I said earlier, as much as anyone would love to think rank doesn't matter, it does. More specifically for players that play on a regular basis.
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I bet it's to make us grind more. The higher rank you are, the more bloodpoints you get. This isn't a bug, it's a feature.
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This is a bug? I thought it was awesome they finally put in a harsher punishment for dying.